Do pornstars live normal lives?

By normal, i'm talking about being in a serious relationship, marriage, and having kids. I know that pornstars always attend parties and go to clubs because it pretty much comes with the job. Anyways, do they ever get involved with the things I mentioned during or after they are done with their "career" as pornstars?

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
That seems like a really funny strange weird question to me.

Ahhhh, of course.

We are not robots.

We are human beings and human beings do normal things.

Why would we not?

I have known many couples in the biz married 5, 8 10 years and more.

Yes, they have kids.

Jenna has been married 3 or 4 times.

She has been with her last husband I think around 5 years or so.

My last 2 relationships were 3 years a peice.

How could anyone not do normal things?
Porn performers and pornstars are human beings just like everyone else. They may have different occupations than most people do, but at the end of the day, they come home and watch TV, make dinner, take a walk, do whatever, and then go to sleep just like everyone else.

Good response, Brittany. :thumbsup:
Miss Brittany said:
That seems like a really funny strange weird question to me.

Ahhhh, of course.

We are not robots.

We are human beings and human beings do normal things.

Why would we not?

I have known many couples in the biz married 5, 8 10 years and more.

Yes, they have kids.

Jenna has been married 3 or 4 times.

She has been with her last husband I think around 5 years or so.

My last 2 relationships were 3 years a peice.

How could anyone not do normal things?

It's all out of curiosity. I would think Pornstars and guys trying to get with them would take different approaches when getting into serious relationships

Nightfly said:
Porn performers and pornstars are human beings just like everyone else. They may have different occupations than most people do, but at the end of the day, they come home and watch TV, make dinner, take a walk, do whatever, and then go to sleep just like everyone else.

Good response, Brittany. :thumbsup:

Of course they do all those things but all that has nothing to do with what i'm asking.


Closed Account
but one thin must be suck about female pornstar is the fact that all men who approach you thin you have sex 24/7

damn my english suck lol


Nightfly said:
Porn performers and pornstars are human beings just like everyone else. They may have different occupations than most people do, but at the end of the day, they come home and watch TV, make dinner, take a walk, do whatever, and then go to sleep just like everyone else.

Good response, Brittany. :thumbsup:

Well done

perfectly explained there :hatsoff:
Jesus treated alleged "whores" like human beings, much to the shock and dismay (let alone disavowed him as the Christ) of many people. That irony and judgement is still well and alive today, despite the fact of the obviousness of the truth right there in the Gospel (whether you believe it or not). If Jesus showed up today, the Media, the Churches and many people would totally disavow him as the Christ -- even more so everytime he showed more respect for society's alleged "worst occupations."

I've just read so many comments from both liberals and conservatives that believe they must be different and/or should be treated differently. All while the very foundations of their beliefs -- even the most right-wing to the left-wing -- says that their lives are absolutely no different. Especially those people who claim to be enlightened, yet say things like, "I would marry a pornstar, but only if after she sucks dicks all day, she still came home and sucked mine for just as long -- at least she better!" Umm, I'd rather be the guy she cuddles, everything else is just a bonus.

Sometimes I wonder if people realize that it's not whether or not who a person is or does, but who you think they are or do. Assumptions are the problem.
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Miss Brittany said:
That seems like a really funny strange weird question to me.

Ahhhh, of course.

We are not robots.

We are human beings and human beings do normal things.

Why would we not?

I have known many couples in the biz married 5, 8 10 years and more.

Yes, they have kids.

Jenna has been married 3 or 4 times.

She has been with her last husband I think around 5 years or so.

My last 2 relationships were 3 years a peice.

How could anyone not do normal things?

It must make for some difficulties though:
- Guys hitting on you because they think your ATM-like fuck machine.
- Prudes who frown upon your profession trying to make you social outcasts.
- People treating you different because you hav sex on film.
- Idiots who feel the need to either announce that you're a pornstar to everyone or bring it up in the conversation every 5mins.
- Getting introduced to people by your job title as opposed to just your name.
- Psycho groupies
- People just ASSUME that you are a whore without getting to know you.

I suppose it's not unlike being a cop where you get treated differently because of your chosen profession.
I wasn't going to post on this as Miss Brittany and Fly had already summed it up. But now I see some IMO daft questions coming up. Right this is how I see it.

A pornstar/adult entertainer is a human being same as everyone else with feelings. Yes they'll always get the 'big man' thinking that they are like the person or role (to put it another way) they are acting as on film. But most people can seperate between the two. But I'd assume that Miss Brittany and her fellow performers all have their own way of dealing with them. Just like their Hollywood counter parts have. You get (for want of a better word) assholes in all walks of life never mind of your profession.

So in answer to the original question, their everyday people just like you and me. Anyway what's a 'Normal life' as no two lives are the same!

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
Well ok thats a lot of questions from different people to answer so early in the morning. LOL

However I will try to tackle them all.

Here we go:

A. For some reason men are very intimidated by me.

Must be my strap on he he.

So I rarely ever get hit on.

If I am having issues with someone its not because I am a porn star it is because I'm a strong bitch and the guy is an ass.

I come off to people as smart, strong, sexual and funny and that I demand respect and I always get it.

Every man pretty much knows I will tear him up and spit him apart sexually so I dont get people treating me like a sex machine as I do that well myself.

No one would ever introduce me by any other then Miss Brittany.

Out of 15 years Ive never had someone just say hey its the Porn Star.

Most people and like I said I travel alot and I always speak to the women and men sitting around me on planes which is middle America walk away with a different attitude about porn stars.

I own 3 companies, have a multitude of employees.

Love what I do and how I do it.

That is powerful and people get it.

The only thing out of everything that I agree with is it is hard dealing with Stalkers.

Thats a serious issue I had and have to deal with.

Also u cant date jealous people. Simple.

Which to me is not a big deal.

Like I said my last BF I dated for 3 years and the one b4 for 3 years.

I'm not attracted to people that are jealous as it makes no sense to me as I am not that way. It to me is like being attracted to man that is rude and abusive.

So in the end, OK closing here:

I am a smart strong woman that demands respect and gets it. No one acts like a fool around me.

So I dont really deal with any of the things u may think I would.

I fall in love like everyone else and my job does not interfere with that at all.

I hope I took the myth a bit out of the porn star life.

Or at least mine :sleep:
mr_goldfinger said:
but one thin must be suck about female pornstar is the fact that all men who approach you thin you have sex 24/7

Doesnt that happen anyway with some guys pornstar or not lol

Cool little post there Brittany lol now I feel like I gotta say Miss Brittany
good to know more about ya
Miss Brittany said:
That seems like a really funny strange weird question to me.

Ahhhh, of course.

We are not robots.

We are human beings and human beings do normal things.

Why would we not?

I have known many couples in the biz married 5, 8 10 years and more.

Yes, they have kids.

Jenna has been married 3 or 4 times.

She has been with her last husband I think around 5 years or so.

My last 2 relationships were 3 years a peice.

How could anyone not do normal things?
I think he means that the casual porn as a job could affect you marrying someone because they wouldn't like you fucking with someone else all the time. Marriage is usually crucial in a 'normal' life.

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
As I said and please dont make me say again.

I know a lot of people in the biz married for anywhere from 5 to 15 years.

Actually as a single woman in LA I know more porno people married then your so called "normal" people.

With longer and better relationships.

Not everyone on this planet cares if u fuck 4 $.

I thought I was clear about this the first time I said it :dunno:
Miss Brittany said:
As I said and please dont make me say again.
Actually we're just proding you specifically, because we love to hear you talk. ;)

Miss Brittany said:
I know a lot of people in the biz married for anywhere from 5 to 15 years. Actually as a single woman in LA I know more porno people married then your so called "normal" people. With longer and better relationships.
Not everyone on this planet cares if u fuck 4 $.
I have to agree with Brittany Andrews. I have far, far less exposure to those of adult celebrity status than her, but I've seen many people with open relationships have very lasting ones. So I could easily see how adult starlets, even if only one member of the couple is, could introduce an aspect that some people outside the industry never do -- with complete honesty and consideration.

Maybe it's because my views are of more Libertarian American, but I think openness and honesty is a key aspect of a relationship. You don't have to have a sexually open relationship to have it either (e.g., my wife and I have been dedicated to only each other for the past dozen years, and both of us have absolutely no desire to have otherwise). But we don't go around with expectations or judgements of others, how they should act, and recognize people have their own values and, as long as they are not harming others, there is nothing wrong with them. Marriage is about accepting and respecting all the values of another as your own, and then never crossing them. That varies between different people. In fact, the worst marriages I see are the ones where people feel the need to make excuses on why they don't follow the wishes of their significant other's values, as if they have that "right" and totally ignore the purpose of marriage. It is not some prefixed rules by their definition, but their lover's.

If I would have married a starlet, I would have accepted all her values. I would be marrying her for her, and any thought of changing her would change who she is. She might be sharing intimate moments with other men, but that level of intimacy changes when it comes to me, in a way no one else has. I don't know how many times guys say, "we'll, she better not be too tired to come home and fuck me after a day." The whole purpose of the marriage is that she comes home and falls into your arms (regardless of what she does and doesn't "do for me"). You're there for her when she has a bad day as much as good, and not just to give a BJ when your day is bad. What she does matters nothing in how you treat her -- envy, jealousy, doubt, fear, etc... are detrimental to marriage. And that's why most men I've seen could not marry a pornstar, they focus too much on what he doesn't get "in fairness" -- not realizing the true gift of what a woman's love is in her trust and complete devotion, even without intimacy or when she seemingly shares it with others.

Now I just got lucky. In the 3 years before I married my wife, I never knew just how good she could be in bed. And then, within the first 3 years of my marriage, I found out she makes Lisa Sparxxx look like a little girl when it comes to pleasing me (that was just a figure of speech, so I hope Lisa doesn't take offense). Several times my wife riles me up before she leaves for work, gives me a boner without finishing me or otherwise teases me but leaves it for the evening. And sometime she comes home, devastated from her day at work and the last thing on her mind is finishing me off. It's times like that I just take her into my arms, and I'm the real lover she wants, a sancutary for her emotions and not a selfish prick who says, "well you better finish me off because my balls are blue!" (not even with more tact either). Whether she's teaching kids or sucking cock for a living during the day changes nothing, she has to know where she's got open arms when she comes home.

In fact, when it comes to a starlet, a bad day may very much mean the last thing she wants to see is a cock, even if it's yours. This is where I've seen a lot of men have an attitude like, "it's your job, not mine" and "you do this for a living, you should be used to it," etc... Which is why so many of the common men (and women) find it difficult to marry a pornstar -- although it's the common man's (or woman's) viewpoint that makes it different, not the starlet's. Again, I don't have much experience with the adult celebrity, but I've seen it too many times with the few friends of mine who lived with or even married stripers, prostitutes or otherwise.

Miss Brittany said:
I thought I was clear about this the first time I said it :dunno:
Again, we just love to hear you talk.
If anything, people are probably saying, "oh, it's nice to hear someone talk, like a significant starlet, rather than Prof Voluptuary, who is of no signficance" (and I'm not, at least in the context of this board and its focus, I fully admit that and am a self-aware man).
Prof Voluptuary said:
If anything, people are probably saying, "oh, it's nice to hear someone talk, like a significant starlet, rather than Prof Voluptuary, who is of no signficance" (and I'm not, at least in the context of this board and its focus, I fully admit that and am a self-aware man).

Thanks for the information, Prof. :D

Now back to the thread.

Pornography is one of the biggest business of the world. Pornstars are in a proffesion, like some us who are involved in other occupations.

Like us, they should have their own life to lead beyond their occupation.

So why they can't live a normal life?

The question didn't make any sense to me. Am I dumb? :dunno:
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