Yes I agree there is demand for everything. However I do believe that within American porn, there is a lot of focus on young looking teens.
It's not something that has ever bothered me before but I have been thinking about it quite a lot recently.
Don't get me wrong i'm not anti-porn, I really respect a girl that can do porn and remain strong within the industry, that is to say she knows what she wants to do and is not influenced by people to do scenes or star in roll thatshe isn't really comfortable with.
However I know that this happens in porn, and girls do get influenced into certain rolls because I have watched it.
I'm a hypocrite really considering the amount of porn I have watched. It's just something I have been thinking about.
I watched a scene with Nikki Flame on covermyface, and it was not great, as in she didn't want to be there half way through the scene, it was harsh basically.
What I'm saying is that say a new young looking teen gets into the industry, and after a few years she no longer looks as young as she did, the demand for her scenes goes down and she then begins to look at alternate scenes like covermyface.
Actually I think the original question is far to broad to answer with a yes they do or no they don't.
Some girls are in the porn industry for negative reasons, some aren't.
Some girls will find that porn does have a negative effect on there lives, and others will thrive in the lime light of the whole thing.
Surely you have to be strong to be in this industry,
And I give my respect in big way for that. Respect.
Lastly I could not help but be glad to hear that Sasha Grey has retired from the industry.
She said that her “time as an adult film performer has expired” at “a perfect time for me to move on.
I really think that's what all female pornstars should do, do a bit of porn for a few years, and then move on.
I Just want all you gorgeous girls to be safe that's all.