Wonder if anyone realizes that many Native American stars would be extremely insulted to see their bios read, "caucasian".
I have addressed this to staff, because only having 4 ethnicities to choose from in the bios, bothers me indeed.
I am 1/4 Native American Indian. I self identity as a white woman, I do not self identify as a caucasian. I'm sure some people could argue that fact, but since my ancestry is not all European dissent, I prefer not to claim a title that denies many of my ancestors.
Native Americans are not a dying race, HOWEVER plenty of tribes are dying out/ or have already.
I am part Cherokee, but my Native blood also comes from other tribes, that no longer exist- other than people with mixed blood such as myself.
Anyway, I would love to see FreeOnes add a Native American, Mixed, & Other to the bio ethnicities to choose from.
Just my opinion.