Do any porn stars Twitter?

Re: Twitter

Twitters been around a good while. I don't know how much longer it will last but its been a good two years already.

I'm liking it so far but then again I'm easily entertained so...
Re: Twitter

Twitter = Micro blogging.

You take a dump, you twitter. You went to Dunkin Donuts, you twitter. Your jobs sucks and your boss is an a-hole, you twitter. You accidentally dropped a quarter on the floor and it rolled under the stove . . . yep, you twitter.

That is too true. lol!

Brb, gotta tweet this convo :)

Will Twittering get me laid? I'm only doing new things which I think will get me laid. That's my mantra for the rest of this year...

I doubt it but you could be the first(ish). Hey, works for some on myspace.
I'm liking that mantra thing except I'll only do things that will get me food.
Re: Twitter

What class made you sign up for an inane, pointless, waste of time internet fad? Please tell me it's an elective at college.....even that is fucking stupid.......

People wonder why faith in the educational system in this country wanes......

Twitter. For fucks' sake. :mad:


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Official Checked Star Member
Re: Twitter

Anyone addicted to twitter yet? Its not porn but there are lots of porn stars on it :nanner:

Follow my tweets :D

Be aware My profile name was stolen along with plenty of other pornstars who are listed on there someone is just sitting on our names! I know for a fact myself, Nina Mercedez, and Gianna Lynn are not on there.
Re: Twitter

I think that Twitter is very cool. It is kind of addictive though, but that's alright with me
because it's also a lot of fun to hang out and talk to people on there.
Re: Twitter

I don't have a cell phone, or have much of a life right now, so I don't twitter I don't see the big deal about it; anyway these social services sites are losing money anyways.
Re: Twitter

Twitter is for those who love celebrities and gossip.I DON'T.
Even the name Twitter makes my balls cringe
Re: Twitter

Twitter sucks! They wont last long and all this money poured into them and they have made zero revenue. The only good use I see Twitter is for celebrities.
You'd be surprised. For the past 3 days I've been working a convention for cyber advertising called AdTech (it's basically a convention for spammers). You'd be surprised to see how much presence Twitter has on the exhibit floor. They have everything from booths, to cyber cafes, to a beer garden. As stupid as Twitter is, it's a fad that's making someone A LOT of money. Just remember the rule: Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

:)search is your friend
... and it will also keep assholes like, say, for instance, gunslingingbird from showing you their search button sarcasm.

I want to rub my unwashed penis all over this thread.

Oh, good, there's someone to play 'swords' with. :D
Re: Twitter

How does it feel to be a whore?