That'd be just one more way for my girlfriend to keep track of me all day. Just having a cell phone is bad enough. haha. I'll pass.
Well, it is april fools. I could start a fake one. Something like "3:27pm. Banged this really fat chick in the men's bathroom at Home Depot. Hope K doesn't find out." And then just somehow let one of her friends know about it. She'd find it. lol
I did it, I signed up at Twitter :crash: But only because I had to for my class.
Twitter sucks! They wont last long and all this money poured into them and they have made zero revenue. The only good use I see Twitter is for celebrities.
Check it out and sign up to follow me. Dont forget to enable your device so I can text you and let you all know when I will be on
I have a free chat planned for this week just for my Freeone's fans !!!