Divorce Lawyers Love Facebook

Forgot to de-friend your wife on Facebook while posting vacation shots of your mistress? Her divorce lawyer will be thrilled.

Oversharing on social networks has led to an overabundance of evidence in divorce cases. The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers says 81 percent of its members have used or faced evidence plucked from Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other social networking sites, including YouTube and LinkedIn, over the last five years.

"Oh, I've had some fun ones," said Linda Lea Viken, president-elect of the 1,600-member group. "It's very, very common in my new cases."

Facebook is the unrivaled leader for turning virtual reality into real-life divorce drama, Viken said. Sixty-six percent of the lawyers surveyed cited Facebook foibles as the source of online evidence, she said. MySpace followed with 15 percent, followed by Twitter at 5 percent.

About one in five adults uses Facebook for flirting, according to a 2008 report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. But it's not just kissy pix with the manstress or mistress that show up as evidence. Think of Dad forcing son to de-friend mom, bolstering her alienation of affection claim against him.

"This sort of evidence has gone from nothing to a large percentage of my cases coming in, and it's pretty darn easy," Viken said. "It's like, `Are you kidding me?'"

Neither Viken, in Rapid City, S.D., nor other divorce attorneys would besmirch the attorney-client privilege by revealing the identities of clients, but they spoke in broad terms about some of the goofs they've

Husband goes on Match.com and declares his single, childless status while seeking primary custody of said nonexistent children.
Husband denies anger management issues but posts on Facebook in his "write something about yourself" section: "If you have the balls to get in my face, I'll kick your ass into submission."
Father seeks custody of the kids, claiming (among other things) that his ex-wife never attends the events of their young ones. Subpoenaed evidence from the gaming site World of Warcraft tracks her there with her boyfriend at the precise time she was supposed to be out with the children. Mom loves Facebook's Farmville, too, at all the wrong times.
Mom denies in court that she smokes marijuana but posts partying, pot-smoking photos of herself on Facebook.



There's reasons I don't post on Facebook, and although I'm not married (yet), this is more proof why you dufuses should think twice about getting cozy on that thing. The employment one is the worst, where possible employers dig your stuff up. Nah...I'll pass. :nono:
They can untag themselves if they don't want to have photos of them on or even change the privacy settings to never be tagged. The spouse could still potentially find the pics but it will definitely be more difficult to do so
They can untag themselves if they don't want to have photos of them on or even change the privacy settings to never be tagged. The spouse could still potentially find the pics but it will definitely be more difficult to do so

True, there are ways to control your settings. I don't know how many of these computer illiterate middle-aged boneheads really knows about computer shit though or has the wherewithall to do it. Even so, there are ways around that like you said.

My girlfriend of 4 years gave me her password to her Facebook (and she never changed it) and I already have her email, so I like to log on once in a while just to see how fucking unworthy she is of having me in her life. Yeah, the bitch has no idea. :glugglug: I know, I'm an ass. :thumbsup:


Hiliary 2020
My girlfriend of 4 years gave me her password to her Facebook (and she never changed it) and I already have her email, so I like to log on once in a while just to see how fucking unworthy she is of having me in her life. Yeah, the bitch has no idea. :glugglug: I know, I'm an ass. :thumbsup:

finally, a legitimate reason to have bookface!

I knew one existed.
Bending over and letting a bunch of drunk pussies take shots while she gets all loaded up. Eh, I've seen enough. But if I run into her and her new beau at a club or a bar I'm head buttin' dude, straight up. And that will be the end of it. I don't care that he's got some goons on the side, as long as I get him, it will be worth it. And anyway, I'll probably have my goons with me - a bunch of Irish brawlers. ;)


Hiliary 2020
Bending over and letting a bunch of drunk pussies take shots while she gets all loaded up. Eh, I've seen enough. But if I run into her and her new beau at a club or a bar I'm head buttin' dude, straight up. And that will be the end of it. I don't care that he's got some goons on the side, as long as I get him, it will be worth it. And anyway, I'll probably have my goons with me - a bunch of Irish brawlers. ;)

" oh new guy of bloodshot scotts ex girlfriend.......
the pipes the pipes are calling"

just make sure you do the head buttin before you get all liquered up.
micks fight better when sober.

" she's the daughter of rosie o'grady.......
a regular old fashioned goil"
another reason to dislike facebook, they tell everyone your business!

If you choose to tell the truth. I consider my facebook profile almost like a playground. I just mess around on it (none of my interests are true, neither are my activities) I don't think I've ever once had a meaningful post. All my status updates as to what I'm up to are strictly for humor and hardly ever true unless really worth telling people about it.
" oh new guy of bloodshot scotts ex girlfriend.......
the pipes the pipes are calling"

just make sure you do the head buttin before you get all liquered up.
micks fight better when sober.

" she's the daughter of rosie o'grady.......
a regular old fashioned goil"

Oh I'm not Irish, just a lot of the kids I ran with in my teens. These kids I swear lived to get into fights in high school. I learned how to fight because of them. Plus there's some crazy Germans and Poles in there as well and some Scandinavians and an Italian or two.

If you choose to tell the truth. I consider my facebook profile almost like a playground. I just mess around on it (none of my interests are true, neither are my activities) I don't think I've ever once had a meaningful post. All my status updates as to what I'm up to are strictly for humor and hardly ever true unless really worth telling people about it.

That's the problem. Even if you are messing around an employer can see things and make of it what they want to.
i choose to tell the truth that i don't have a facebook account cuz...well...it's just never appealed to me i suppose

They use that shit for high school reunions and so old friends can track you down. I see its usefullness and have an account I never post on, but the Feds already know enough about me from my ISP and whatever other software they use. :D

Maybe some day I will find myself in a comfortable enough place where I will post there, but it will be "friends only" and shut off to the public.