Democrats propose war tax

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well, since the crazy left took over the democrat party, maybe we cautious conservatives should take over the republican party instead of starting a third party that will go nowhere (remember Perot?) and will only help keep the crazy left in power.

I remember Perot very well. I voted for him... twice. When people like Jack Kemp are once again welcome in the GOP, they can ask for my participation. But as long as they have to crawl on their knees and publicly apologize to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, anytime they say something that he doesn't apporve of, I'll remain an Independent.

This new GOP is not the party of Reagan or Kemp. Now it's primarily the party of snake handling fundamentalists, nation building neocons and tinfoil hat people like Boss Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. Nancy Pelosi vs. Sarah Palin: which one is the biggest waste of sperm and an egg? :dunno: Flip a coin. The only difference I can see is that at least most Democrats or liberals have enough sense to know that Nancy Pelosi will never be President... unless there's one hell of a series of plane crashes on the same weekend. But you've got people who can't even read, lining up to buy a book (ghost) written by a woman who didn't even have a passport until a year or two ago, who took 6 years +/- and shopping colleges to get a lightweight degree from some diploma mill. In their little minds, Silly Sarah is the future. Well, IMO, the future ain't so bright that I gotta wear shades then.

God help us all, if that is what the GOP has sunk to. Please! :bowdown:
i can see nothing good for the USA for the years to come especially with Daddy O.


Bush wanted to make big daddy happy with going to war in Iraq. Why not just go to Afghanistan? Oh that's right big daddy Bush.

Obama now you can't really blame everything on him, but he's so bad at making up his mind. I swear he probably has problems picking the soup or the salad at dinner. Bring the troops home no wait keep them over there. No wait bring the troops home. No wait SOUP!!! That was the soup that got away... *Cries*
Bush wanted to make big daddy happy with going to war in Iraq. Why not just go to Afghanistan? Oh that's right big daddy Bush.

Obama now you can't really blame everything on him, but he's so bad at making up his mind. I swear he probably has problems picking the soup or the salad at dinner. Bring the troops home no wait keep them over there. No wait bring the troops home. No wait SOUP!!! That was the soup that got away... *Cries*

FYI....Obama isn't contemplating bringing troops home. The ones that are leaving Iraq are already on course to leave. That ball was set in motion by Bush in Dec. and hasn't been impeded by Obama....because after all, that's what he was going to do anyway.

With respect to Afghanistan there is no consideration for bringing those there home but how many more to augment those there with.:2 cents: