New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Is that a compliment, or an insult?
Wouldn't a "good" politician just mean being a better bullshitter?
A politician that did some terrible things?
Is that a compliment, or an insult?
Wouldn't a "good" politician just mean being a better bullshitter?
A politician that did some terrible things?
If being a politician is basically being a really good bullshitter - which it essentially is - wouldn't someone bad at bullshitting (for this example, "bullshitting" = lying) be a bad politician?
I wasn't using terrible as an adjective for politician, I was using them together as an adjective. Nixon was both terrible and a politician, not that Nixon was terrible at politics. Any way you slice it I fucked up because having to go to great lengths to explain what I meant was a colossal failure of communication. @me lol
Nixon was HORRIBLE. he dragged out the war in vietnam. he implemented the health care-for-profit with Kaiser. he started the war on drugs and named marijuana a class a narctoci. he was much more effective after he was out of office with his diplomatic work in China. as shitty as carter was he inherited a shitty mess and just made it more shitty.
So who is your fav US president? Please don't say Abraham Lincoln
FDR or his relative 'Teddy"
Nixon started the war on drugs. reagan was "just say no" and dare but the war on drugs began with nixon not only did reagan assist in the importing and transportation of heroine for the mujahadeen, he also did so for the contras in nicaragua thats why oliver north is never permitted to return to costa rica or nicaragua or he will face drug trafficking charges. he agreed to the ban
if anyone wants to read an amazing book, get gary webb's "Dark Alliance" it's fucking AMAZING
favorite president? honestly dont have one its like asking who is your favorite serial killer roosevelt would probably be the one if I had to pick
Any sensible person could see how Obama rammed his health-care plan down a desperate America's throat whilst in the middle of a terrible depression. When people are desperate they will take words like "hope" and "change" and "free health-care" because it all sounds so good. Thank God not everybody is so foolish. Fact is the administration never even read the whole health-care plan.
And also noteworthy- it is NOT "free healthcare". I think people who think that healthcare will suddenly be free, or even cheaper and easier to get? Should read that bill, or at least a synopsis of it.
Nixon was a decent president, just a terrible politician.
Nixon was a liar and a crook. Plain and simple...