Defunding Obamacare: GOP Is “Playing with Fire”


Torn & Frayed.
A politician that did some terrible things?

If being a politician is basically being a really good bullshitter - which it essentially is - wouldn't someone bad at bullshitting (for this example, "bullshitting" = lying) be a bad politician?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
If being a politician is basically being a really good bullshitter - which it essentially is - wouldn't someone bad at bullshitting (for this example, "bullshitting" = lying) be a bad politician?

I wasn't using terrible as an adjective for politician, I was using them together as an adjective. Nixon was both terrible and a politician, not that Nixon was terrible at politics. Any way you slice it I fucked up because having to go to great lengths to explain what I meant was a colossal failure of communication. :facepalm: @me lol
I wasn't using terrible as an adjective for politician, I was using them together as an adjective. Nixon was both terrible and a politician, not that Nixon was terrible at politics. Any way you slice it I fucked up because having to go to great lengths to explain what I meant was a colossal failure of communication. :facepalm: @me lol

...or people like to break balls here.
the main reason why Reagan gave this country the biggest tax hike in its history was to place the majority of collected money in the social security trust fund because Allen Greenspan' s study concluded that the fund would be bankrupt in about 15-20 years so there would have been a 4 trillion dollar surplus in the fund at present but the money was sucked out of it just as fast as it was put in to it leaving the people with nothing but IOUs at this point, hence the main need for Obamacare as I have stated before, and also keep in mind that another reason why taxes are collected is to suck the money out of circulation which helps to slowdown inflation (rising prices) there really would be no need for a federal income tax if the US treasury printed the money themselves as opposed to borrowing it from the private federal reserve bank of NY at a ridiculous interest rate which can never be paid back hence the national debt clock that never stops, anyone interested should read Beardsley Rumls' piece titled "Taxes For Revenue are Obsolete"


Closed Account
Nixon was HORRIBLE. he dragged out the war in vietnam. he implemented the health care-for-profit with Kaiser. he started the war on drugs and named marijuana a class a narctoci. he was much more effective after he was out of office with his diplomatic work in China. as shitty as carter was he inherited a shitty mess and just made it more shitty.

So who is your fav US president? Please don't say Abraham Lincoln


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Let me tell you a story about Dave. A divorced guy living in apartment in Newark. It's by the Barclay. Only sees his 3 daughters when they want something. A man struggling but in many ways has his life nice. Why? Because he never bitches about his life. An incomplete person.. just like many of us are... but gets himself from day to day being grateful that he woke up.

He is just a grunt like the rest of us at work but creates his own special privileges just like the rest of us at work. Take the overtime when they give it out, get your time off when you need it. That gives him his life and happy time.

Politics and bullshit happen in every workplace. He ain't a part of it but we make him a subject of it.

Think about the politics and bullshit at work. It is ALWAYS us against them. It doesn't matter how you earn your livelihood, there is always a vs. So we sort of invented a thing. "They" is a 3rd party plural. Follow me here, it gets good. When you hear that word SPOKEN it sounds a lot like Dave. It cought on. Whenever we or us have something to blame something to, just blame Dave.

Dave is now the default name for all that can be wrong. A great guy but I wouldn't share a life with him. As silly as this post may sound it really is. Having our Daves is such an easy way to throw our shit at someone and wait for them to take you seriously. Daves have their own problems. So whenever you want to blame the church, President, EU, the chick that threw up next to your car or whatever, listen to your words and think about Dave.


Official Checked Star Member
Nixon started the war on drugs. reagan was "just say no" and dare but the war on drugs began with nixon not only did reagan assist in the importing and transportation of heroine for the mujahadeen, he also did so for the contras in nicaragua thats why oliver north is never permitted to return to costa rica or nicaragua or he will face drug trafficking charges. he agreed to the ban

if anyone wants to read an amazing book, get gary webb's "Dark Alliance" it's fucking AMAZING

favorite president? honestly dont have one its like asking who is your favorite serial killer roosevelt would probably be the one if I had to pick
To all those who say "why can't the president negotiate and compromise", there is no compromise when it comes to the ACA. It was legislated and passed by the Congress, upheld by SCOTUS, and reaffirmed by the American people in a presidential election. That's it, it's a done deal and it is the law of the land. The people have spoken and they have rejected Republican policies. The GOP needs to get in through their heads that they lost and they need to stop acting like such sore losers.
Nixon started the war on drugs. reagan was "just say no" and dare but the war on drugs began with nixon not only did reagan assist in the importing and transportation of heroine for the mujahadeen, he also did so for the contras in nicaragua thats why oliver north is never permitted to return to costa rica or nicaragua or he will face drug trafficking charges. he agreed to the ban

if anyone wants to read an amazing book, get gary webb's "Dark Alliance" it's fucking AMAZING

favorite president? honestly dont have one its like asking who is your favorite serial killer roosevelt would probably be the one if I had to pick

and who do you think launders the drug money, anyone who is curious should do a little research on The (BIS) Bank of International Settlements
Any sensible person could see how Obama rammed his health-care plan down a desperate America's throat whilst in the middle of a terrible depression. When people are desperate they will take words like "hope" and "change" and "free health-care" because it all sounds so good. Thank God not everybody is so foolish. Fact is the administration never even read the whole health-care plan.
And also noteworthy- it is NOT "free healthcare". I think people who think that healthcare will suddenly be free, or even cheaper and easier to get? Should read that bill, or at least a synopsis of it.


Any sensible person could see how Obama rammed his health-care plan down a desperate America's throat whilst in the middle of a terrible depression. When people are desperate they will take words like "hope" and "change" and "free health-care" because it all sounds so good. Thank God not everybody is so foolish. Fact is the administration never even read the whole health-care plan.

And also noteworthy- it is NOT "free healthcare". I think people who think that healthcare will suddenly be free, or even cheaper and easier to get? Should read that bill, or at least a synopsis of it.

At no point during any of this was the word "free" ever mentioned.

How's about you two wake up.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Who read this thing before it got passed. I don't know anyone that has read it or trust anyone that says they did. There's just too much stuff in there. Certain things kick in at certain dates automatically and such. I wouldn't mind breaking it down and trying it out. Tweaking it as it goes along. Taking it as it is doesn't provide for this.


Official Checked Star Member
the democracts wanted a single payer program which is much more easily understand and cuts the insurance companies out of the deal. this version that got passed was what the republicans wanted and is a nearly identical version of romney's health care plan when he was governor.

and the right continues to make demands like they didn't get their asses kicked in the last election. time for someone to let the republicans know that when you don't win, you don't get to make such demands.

and if anyone gives 2 shits I have been looking at different plans and Ill be saving about 40% for identical coverage.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Nixon was a liar and a crook. Plain and simple...

...and delusional and a Quaker. You think Clinton was a fun President? You kids don't know what fun is.