Defunding Obamacare: GOP Is “Playing with Fire”

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Blue, you really do need to come out of that bifurcated box. Somehow you've come to believe that because I'm not aligned with either party (opposed to both parties in general) that I should be fair and balanced in my approach. Obviously that is not the case. In their current states, I dislike the Democrat party... but I dislike the Republican party even more. There's a long list of Democrats and/or liberals that I don't care for. But the list of Republicans and/or (social) conservatives that I don't care for is even longer. But that doesn't mean that I can't or won't agree (or disagree) with someone just based on party affiliation.

Although I've never been a member of any political organization other than United We Stand, I voted for Reagan, my friend. But this isn't the same party that Reagan headed 25 years ago. The clowns who are running the show now have totally destroyed Reagan's "big tent" concept. Let's be honest here... these teabaggers would call Reagan a "RINO" and throw him out the door on his keister.
And then we recently had a poster state that the dinosaur Reagan couldn't be elected at all in todays climate. I hate to break this to you, but would have had far more agreements with the tea party than disagreements.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
And I would disagree with that poster. Reagan's ability to build bridges, as opposed to the walls being built by the party now, would (IMO) still enable him to win nationally. Reagan wasn't the deity that many revisionists make him out to be now. But he did have the ability to reach across the aisle and even work with people on the far left, like Tip O'Neill. Unlike these modern bomb throwers, Reagan played politics by day, but he could have a drink with an opponent by night and often come to reasonable terms. That talent has now largely been lost by both parties - now they childishly make everything personal.

You didn't hear about any Romney Democrats, did you? No, and he wasn't even loved by the far right. So you most certainly wouldn't hear about any Cruz Democrats if he secured the nomination. Yes, I'm sure the far right and Moral Majority types from the 80's would have quite a bit in common with the TEA Party folks. Ya know... since they're the same people. :D
everyone still arguing over the false left vs right paradigm I see SMH, Obamacare will pass but people living in the US will not get better healthcare, the corrupt AMA and FDA will see to this, the profits of Big Pharma will continue to grow as the overall health of the US continues to deteriorate, the allopathic medical model unfortunately dominates while the homeopathic model continues to be slandered, people need to understand that there is no money in curing, the money is in disease management and the bottom line is PROFITS, people need to really start to understand that this medical system does not give two shits about the population, what it does care about is creating life long patients that can be sucked financially dry, in the end, political parties, senators, congressman and yes people the president will answer to whoever is filling their coffers with the most money and unless your an owner or major stock holder in the likes of Monsanto, Bayer, Fizer, and Goldman Sachs just to name a few, then your voice does not matter


And then we recently had a poster state that the dinosaur Reagan couldn't be elected at all in todays climate. I hate to break this to you, but would have had far more agreements with the tea party than disagreements.

That right there, easily has to be the biggest turd you have ever deposited on this board. If Reagan were around today, there would be no Tea Party. They either wouldn't have had the balls to even get started with an actual leader around, or he would have wiped his ass with them and flushed them down the sewer.

You just insulted the hell out of a great President, and fuck you for being too dumb to realize it.
And then we recently had a poster state that the dinosaur Reagan couldn't be elected at all in todays climate. I hate to break this to you, but would have had far more agreements with the tea party than disagreements.

Yeah I have to call bullshit on that Blue. What areas do you believe both the Tea Party and Reagan would agree on?
In your bifurcated world, since I am definitely not a Republican, then yes, of course I am a Democrat. That's the only other option there is, right? And to a radical feminist, since I also make fun of that lot, I am a Republican, a male chauvinist and a misogynist. Since I am opposed to Zionism, to those who support that mindset, I must be a Nazi and a Hitler lover. I guess when everything is either chocolate or vanilla in a person's world, it does make things easier to figure out.

Neither party will ever earn any significant support from me. The best either can ever hope for is that I may make fun of one more than the other. And right now, the GOP seems to have a collection of clown shoes that the Dems can't quite fill - though they do seem to try from time to time. But in my view, anyone who supports the interests of a political party over the interests of the republic is never going to be part of any solution, only part of the underlying problem. You can blame my belief in that theory on some old dude named George Washington.

You know what?!!!!!

I think you're right.


Official Checked Star Member
not only have people who posted here said Reagan couldn't get elected, me being one of them, it has been said by MANY republicans like David Frum and Dick Morris and David Gergan (spelling?) But after thinking about it I take it back. Reagan wanted more religion in politics, he hated gays and the gay movement, he couldn't give a fuck about poor people and wanted to hand corporations a free ticket to do anything they wanted, he loved war, he allowed the importation of cocaine which was used to begin the crack cocaine epidemic in the black community, which worked greatly to his pro-white agenda, he waged war on drugs and named weed the #1 most harmful drug in America.

He also spent money like a sailor in Bangkok which the current republicans love to do. but only on big government stuff like the war machine and neglected infrastructure and the breakdown of aging things here in America.

So yeah, Reagan would be electable in today's republican climate. he would just have to stop working so well with democrats and he'd be pissed on for all those times he raised taxes.
Well you might not make it in todays porn climate either. Now Morris is an expert? LMAO Gergen? That used to do pressers for Clinton? I really do need to stop reading this board during my work day. The stupidity displayed here does nothing but put me in a bad mood.


Official Checked Star Member
Didn't Frum & Gergen work for Reagan? isnt Dick Morris the same guy who has been a cheerleader for the right on Fox news until he predicted the landslide win for Romney that got him fired? he did a pretty great job of advising clinton and he cant stand Hilary.

You think porn is hard to be a success in?? lol Just have zero regard for yourself or others and be willing to put every aspect of yourself up for sale and you can be a success. But I wouldn't make it because I wouldn't work for the rates they pay, I wouldn't do gang bangs or do shit that degraded me, I wouldn't make it because I wouldn't work with girls who escort or guys who do gay scenes on the side and I wouldn't work with amateur guys they find off the street.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Mission: Defund Obamacare... at any cost.

Result: the U.S. may default on its debt for the first time in history and a 3-4 week shutdown could reduce 4th quarter GDP by 50%.

Reaction: doesn't matter - we have to defund Obamacare.

Justification: Obamacare harms the economy... so we're going to harm the economy in order to halt it.

Me: :facepalm:
(deleted some text) I really do need to stop reading this board during my work day. The stupidity displayed here does nothing but put me in a bad mood.

I agree with that too! (I guess I'm agreeable today. Out of character).
Dick Morris also predicted victories for Meg Whitman over Jerry Brown and Carly Fiorina over Barbara Boxer. Morris only lies when his mouth is moving. He will do or say anything for 10 minutes on TV to plug a book or his website. Always seems he wants to hit Hillary Clinton with his purse too.


Official Checked Star Member
I read one of his books. it was actually the first book I downloaded when I bought my first kindle. he's a very bright guy who obviously did a good job with Clinton but as a pundit he is awful. some of the shit I heard him say during this last election should have gotten him fired long before he actually was. He was defending positions Romney took that were indefensible. His prediction of the landslide was overwhelming proof he was not plugged in to the political game any longer and was saying what the ofx audience wanted to hear. oddly enough Karl Rove got a new contract and is even worse than Morris is.
Mission: Defund Obamacare... at any cost.

Result: the U.S. may default on its debt for the first time in history and a 3-4 week shutdown could reduce 4th quarter GDP by 50%.

Reaction: doesn't matter - we have to defund Obamacare.

Justification: Obamacare harms the economy... so we're going to harm the economy in order to halt it.

Me: :facepalm:

Obamacare will pass but the overall health of the US will not get better, this staged fight is just that, political theatre, the US will not default on its debt, it can't because the US dollar is the world reserve currency with use in over 80 percent of the world today, if the US defaults, so does the rest of the world, the federal reserve bank of NY will continue to buy mortgage backed securities, municipal and treasury bonds at a rate of 67 billion a month in order to create digital US currency and loan it to whoever needs it hence the value or purchasing power of the US dollar will continue to decline (consistent rising prices) but at a controlled slow steady rate (enough for people to notice but not enough to get them in the streets with pitchforks) , this money game is a science and the rulers have it down to a T ;)
Not only could Reagan not get elected, Reagan couldn't even get the republican nomination.

As for Obamacare, it was one of the biggest issues in the 2012 Presidential election. If the majority of Americans wanted Obamacare eliminated, President Romney would be in White House.
Not only could Reagan not get elected, Reagan couldn't even get the republican nomination.

As for Obamacare, it was one of the biggest issues in the 2012 Presidential election. If the majority of Americans wanted Obamacare eliminated, President Romney would be in White House.

Romneycare in Massachusetts is one of the models that was used as a template for the creation of Obamacare so if he were the next puppet in chief then Obamacare would still have passed but probably under a another name


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Compromise is a word that the left use to mean, "do it my way or you are an obstructionist." Compromise, are you fucking kidding me? Just watch the reelection campaign ads. Find any candidate running on a compromise platform. It's so stupid they ran Mc Cain on it. Those ThinkProgress numbers only show there is a 50-50 split. Obamacare came to a vote before anyone had a chance to read it much less debate it. The left had the votes to push it through and now it is law. I have to suck it up because that is the process that is in place. I want that shit tosses out but I don't want another circus act trying to do it. The right has had their time to pick it apart and kill it but had their own brilliant strategy. Make people afraid of this Boogyman.


Compromise is a word that the left use to mean, "do it my way or you are an obstructionist." Compromise, are you fucking kidding me? Just watch the reelection campaign ads. Find any candidate running on a compromise platform. It's so stupid they ran Mc Cain on it. Those ThinkProgress numbers only show there is a 50-50 split. Obamacare came to a vote before anyone had a chance to read it much less debate it. The left had the votes to push it through and now it is law. I have to suck it up because that is the process that is in place. I want that shit tosses out but I don't want another circus act trying to do it. The right has had their time to pick it apart and kill it but had their own brilliant strategy. Make people afraid of this Boogyman.

Sorry Bob, but if I'm not going to let BC indiscriminately spew bs, I'm going to have to hit you on this. Left and Right exist to disagree. You have your loons and we have ours. But the system was going as well as it was going to....until the Tea Party came along. The sheer magnitude of addle-minded bullshit didn't start until your Party lost control of itself. Now we have Cruz reading "Sam I Am" in the Senate (and if whoever runs against him in the next election doesn't just simply play that tape over and over again, they don't deserve to win anyway), Boehner spending more time fighting the people he's supposed to lead than fighting us, Mike Lee interfering with everything because that's what he thinks his job is, and all the rest. The Left did not kill the art of compromise. Just look at how your Party is treating your Governor for having the gall to be in charge of a state that got hit by a hurricane.


Official Checked Star Member
come on Bob who is the party that threatens to shut down the process if they dont get their way?

they are demanding everything Romney / Ryan wanted or they won't fund the government. well guess what?Romney / Ryan LOST THE FUCKING ELECTION! so therefore you don't fucking get those things! someone tell these fucking clowns that they didn't win.

17% of our entire budget is health care and it doesn't work. it's a massive expensive failure. working poor are showing in emergency rooms and that gets passed on to taxpayers. something had to be done. the dems wanted a single payer but they compromised and gave the right the insurance companies and health care companies in the mix but now the right is bitching? they got more out of obamacare than the left did yet they want to shut down the government? why because they didn't get credit for it?

the republicans are a disgrace to the government right now. they should all be fired.