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Deciding between Liberal and Conservative Politics

i find it interesting how the words liberal and conservative have been twisted from their original meanings ~30-40 years ago.
i would've been proud to wear either badge in their original format.
now i wouldn't touch either with a 10-foot gallup poll.
Not exactly sure how this thread was transformed into a debate on Bush and Republicans. But anyway...

I have beliefs that can be considered liberal and beliefs that can be considered conservative, and other beliefs that are in the middle. I don't think Bush is a great president, but I don't think he's as bad as a lot of people claim. The Clintons have proven they can't be trusted. If Obama and all his red flags don't scare you, then you need to pay more attention. McCain wasn't my choice, but he's the least horrible of the viable options. If he chooses a Veep who's strong on economic matters (Romney perhaps) then he won't be so bad.
No offense but I think I have seen enough posts from you to say you are definately on the right.And especially when you say Bush is not so bad it really comes through.I think no doubt he is worst president in last 50 years easily.And while the monica thing with Bill Clinton is not something he is to be admired for he will go down as being one of the better presidents IMO.And Hillary is not to blame or guilty of anything and is vilified very unjustly IMO.When you say McCain was not your choice for pubs candidate I bet that it wasn't that he was to far right wing on anything.I think Mccain was the only pub who had any shot at all this time round to win just because he is not seen as just the usual right wing pub.Romney or any of the rest of the pubs were sure losers.I doubt Romney will be VP pick,look for a black or a woman to be picked.Pubs can't win with just a bunch of white men voting for them lol.McCain is still a long shot even then with how damaged pubs are due to Bush.
Obama was not my 1st or even 2nd choice for dem nominee basically due to the type of thing you said about "red flags".I fear the pubs will use race as the real isuue in this election and scare white america and wave "red flags" that obama is a danger to them.While I don't think that is the case I think it may work

i find it interesting how the words liberal and conservative have been twisted from their original meanings ~30-40 years ago.
i would've been proud to wear either badge in their original format.
now i wouldn't touch either with a 10-foot gallup poll.

I never liked the Liberal tag,progressive is more accurate I think.But we really know what the right means when they talk about "Liberals".Mainly its all about the backlash to the civil rights movements of the 60s and 70s where minorites and women made some gains.And thats what conservative has unfortunately come to mean.Where it once was only partially an anti some people philosophy it did once really mean lets "conserve" some things and not move to fast which was a reasonable stand.But now it really is about white /male backlash against progress for equal rights and corporate/rich people's priviledge and class warfare by the rich against everyone else.It really was always mainly that,but thats all it is now.
One often hears the term "liberal nanny state" but I think it generally misses the mark. If any ideology today deserves the nanny state descriptor, it's contemporary American conservatism. I can't recommend this book about it highly enough. Very enlightening:

I fear the pubs will use race as the real isuue in this election and scare white america and wave "red flags" that obama is a danger to them.While I don't think that is the case I think it may work

Well he is a racist don't you know. He and his wife hate america, and whitey. Their plan, if elected, is to sabotage our country and make it an African protectorate administrated by the United Nations. Seriously. Forget about money, we'll all be trading beads soon. Are you aware his middle name is Hussein? That pretty much says it all. Oh and he doesn't wear a flag pin. That's the capper. Surely you're not naive enough to think he's running for president because he loves his country and wants to responsibly lead it? :1orglaugh

I saw McCain's speech yesterday on Fox. Have to say I am impressed with him. He stated alot of really good points. I like how he's more concerned for the country than the GOP also. He seems more of the moderate type and can compromise with both parties. Obama seems too extreme with his liberalism. I'm looking forward to seeing one of Obama's speeches though. I only saw bits and pieces of him and he seems like a really intelligent man.
I'm rooting for McCain though. Great speech yesterday.
When I first started paying attention to politics I noticed that one party in particular attracted the vast majority of poorly educated, racist, homophobic religious fundamentalists in this country. I also noticed that this party was full of people who wanted to control the lives of others by attempting to pass laws that limit what people can and can't do with their own bodies. I noticed that this political party wants to tell people what drugs they can and can't take, what kind of sex they can and can't have and who they can and can't marry. I saw that this party thinks that they know whats best for everybody else because they think they have a monopoly over morality.

Since I disagree with this party on most social issues and I don't identify with low I.Q. homophobic racist religious fundamentalists I decided I was a liberal.
I saw McCain's speech yesterday on Fox. Have to say I am impressed with him. He stated alot of really good points. I like how he's more concerned for the country than the GOP also. He seems more of the moderate type and can compromise with both parties. Obama seems too extreme with his liberalism. I'm looking forward to seeing one of Obama's speeches though. I only saw bits and pieces of him and he seems like a really intelligent man.
I'm rooting for McCain though. Great speech yesterday.

I don't know how moderate you can consider McCain because he has a rather conservative voting record, and has voted the way Dubya wanted the vast majority of the time.

Obama is a mildly liberal Dem in a party that has shifted rightward (more conservative) over the last 3 decades. The commonplace smear about him being "the most liberal member of the Senate" is simply not true. Hannity repeats it ad nauseum, but the facts don't bear it out...
^^^You're correct Facial. I think it's just standard Pub procedure to try to label the Dem "the most Liberal So-and-So ever"....First Al Gore was more Liberal than Bubba...than John Kerry was the most Liberal Senator ever in the Senate...now it's Obama's turn to carry the Liberal Label...

The best thing about McCain is that he doesn't care about "Evangelicals"...I think it would be wise for the Pubs to distance themselves from the warmongering "Compassionate Christian" label that Dubya ran on...
I don't know how moderate you can consider McCain because he has a rather conservative voting record, and has voted the way Dubya wanted the vast majority of the time.

Obama is a mildly liberal Dem in a party that has shifted rightward (more conservative) over the last 3 decades. The commonplace smear about him being "the most liberal member of the Senate" is simply not true. Hannity repeats it ad nauseum, but the facts don't bear it out...

Who is the most liberal member of the Senate then? I'm guessing if you know it isn't Obama you know who it actually is.


^ Bernie Sanders ? lol !

i find it interesting how the words liberal and conservative have been twisted from their original meanings ~30-40 years ago.
The dedicated partisans continue to deny it !
i would've been proud to wear either badge in their original format.
now i wouldn't touch either with a 10-foot gallup poll.

Exactly my feelings !


^ On second thought, he's (Bernie) a pro 2 A guy (I think) for that, he's welcome at my camp site :D

Obama is a well groomed utter simpleton. He's got so many handlers . . a marionette of a man, you'll see.
bush for the most part is a lib sympathizer. The remaining days will be complete acquiescence to the dems. Don't knock it FK ! bush is the best thing to happen to the dem party in recent memory ! and don't deny it lol !


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
When I first started paying attention to politics I noticed that one party in particular attracted the vast majority of poorly educated, racist, homophobic religious fundamentalists in this country. I also noticed that this party was full of people who wanted to control the lives of others by attempting to pass laws that limit what people can and can't do with their own bodies. I noticed that this political party wants to tell people what drugs they can and can't take, what kind of sex they can and can't have and who they can and can't marry. I saw that this party thinks that they know whats best for everybody else because they think they have a monopoly over morality.

Since I disagree with this party on most social issues and I don't identify with low I.Q. homophobic racist religious fundamentalists I decided I was a liberal.

Pretty much my thinking as well.
Well he is a racist don't you know. He and his wife hate america, and whitey. Their plan, if elected, is to sabotage our country and make it an African protectorate administrated by the United Nations. Seriously. Forget about money, we'll all be trading beads soon. Are you aware his middle name is Hussein? That pretty much says it all. Oh and he doesn't wear a flag pin. That's the capper. Surely you're not naive enough to think he's running for president because he loves his country and wants to responsibly lead it? :1orglaugh


Guess those are facts huh?

Racist? He was representive of the 13th district in illinois which is 84% white. He was elected to the Senate in a State with 80% white population

Hate America? You dont win the Democratic ticket and a senate seat on the hating america platform.

Hussien? You should be happy he is a cousin of Cheney! Many important americans have semetic, muslim 1st names and last; U.S. General Omar Bradley, NATO supreme allied commander of Europe George Joulwan and Gen. John Abizaid, former CENTCOM commander.

Google is your friend!
Guess those are facts huh?

Racist? He was representive of the 13th district in illinois which is 84% white. He was elected to the Senate in a State with 80% white population

Hate America? You dont win the Democratic ticket and a senate seat on the hating america platform.

Hussien? You should be happy he is a cousin of Cheney! Many important americans have semetic, muslim 1st names and last; U.S. General Omar Bradley, NATO supreme allied commander of Europe George Joulwan and Gen. John Abizaid, former CENTCOM commander.

Google is your friend!

He was responding to me there about my saying how the pubs will use race as an issue since all the real issues are not in their favor and being totally sarcastic,he does not beleive those things at all.
He was responding to me there about my saying how the pubs will use race as an issue since all the real issues are not in their favor and being totally sarcastic,he does not beleive those things at all.

There should be an emoticon for sarcasm. There seem to be a great deal of misunderstanding lately. :rolleyes: is not enough.
Sorry bodie54! :glugglug:

No problem, E-Ann. Sorry my tirade wasn't more obviously satirical. I should probably dispense with satirical posts altogether but they can be kind of cathartic so I probably won't lol

Thanks for explaining things in my absence, Friday :thumbsup: