credit checks for work?!


knows petras secret: she farted.
seriously, WTF!

has anyone noticed that a lot of jobs are now doing credit checks? you've got to be fucking kidding me. am i the only who thinks this is complete bullshit or what? what does your credit have to do with work?

what are your thoughts on this subject?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Agree 100%, its bullshit. But I've got one better. I heard that some hospitals are now doing credit checks before they treat you! :eek:
God forbid your in a car accident and need life saving surgery and your credit score is to low...


Yeah, I noticed when I was trying to find a job last year. There are many unreliable people who have great credit, and many reliable people who have bad credit. To base a hiring decision on a credit score is discrimination, and should be illegal imo.

I don't think employment applications should have your SSN on them either, because of identity theft. It's already against the law, at least in my state, for a landlord to require your SSN on a lease application.
Insurance companies do it as well. I dont agree with the practice.

What does that have to do wether you will be a good worker or not?

Your interview and resume should be enough...


what the fuck you lookin at?
Yeah, I noticed when I was trying to find a job last year. There are many unreliable people who have great credit, and many reliable people who have bad credit. To base a hiring decision on a credit score is discrimination, and should be illegal imo.

I don't think employment applications should have your SSN on them either, because of identity theft. It's already against the law, at least in my state, for a landlord to require your SSN on a lease application.

I didn't even think about the SSN issue. I can see them needing your soc after your hired for tax purposes, but to require it for an application is just ludicrous.
I didn't know they did credit checks for work until I saw that annoying Free Credit commercial. I kept trying to figure out what the hell does him working at a pirate restaurant have to do with his credit. Sputnik's right, that is discrimination and should be illegal.
Yeah, rejecting someone for a job because of bad credit is stupid. I'm getting a job so that I can pay my bills, so how the fuck is having bad credit a reason not to hire someone. If anything it means I'll work hard to make sure I can maintain the job.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I think I can go with the credit check.

Those hellacious questionnaires, though, can pound sand.

My credit is much better now than a few years ago. I mean MUCH! But I agree, if there is a questionnaire at the end, I don't even bother with it. I never get called when I fill out those fuckin things


Hiliary 2020
Yep, i miss the days when you can just apply or even just walk in and get a job.
"here I am, you need help and I need a job".
But no,Instead today you gotta deal with some human resources woman who 90% of the time is a totall BITCH and treats you like you're garbage. And she takes like 100 applications just to justify her bullshit position in the bullshit company she works for.
Just one of the hundreds of many little reasons I left.
Well I can't help but agree that it is unfair for credit checks to be used as a criteria for getting a job. Like sputty said, a lot of good people have bad credit.


I have very good credit, so I would not give a fucking hoot if a future employer wanted to to do a credit check on me, I don't see a reason for doing one, bu who fcuking cares, I have good credit and I am proud of it

Anyone who is against credit checks from future employers, should learn ho to have good credit, these kind of people probably have debt and waist there money on shit and useless crap

havving good credit is so easy, I cant see why anyone would not have good credit, you would have to be a moron to not know how to have good credit
reminds me of a future sci-fi book I read where if you quit your job and the person that replaces you doesn't perform as well, your former company will sue you for loss of profit.

:wave2: good bye freedom!

forget the credit check, they should just start using a cattle brand on workers that says "property of" so-and-so.


what the fuck you lookin at?
havving good credit is so easy, I cant see why anyone would not have good credit, you would have to be a moron to not know how to have good credit

so your basically flaming anyone on this board who has fucked up credit?

My credit was shit for a long time, it only started getting better the past few years. Now it's pretty damn good. I fucked up when I was younger, I admit it. I have however learned from my mistakes.

I see what your saying though. If you fuck up over and over and over and never learn, then yea your a fuckin retard!


so your basically flaming anyone on this board who has fucked up credit?

My credit was shit for a long time, it only started getting better the past few years. Now it's pretty damn good. I fucked up when I was younger, I admit it. I have however learned from my mistakes.

I see what your saying though. If you fuck up over and over and over and never learn, then yea your a fuckin retard!

I just dont see why anyone would have bad credit though. Isnt paying off bills and shit onttime easy, all you do is go to the bank. How hard is that?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Man...its not that simple. Money issues dude! Like I said, I fucked up! Put more on the card than I could pay off and kept using it. Before I knew it the interest and shit piled up and the card was maxed! With a shit job with shit income, its damn near impossible when you have other bills like, oh I! You know more important than paying your fuckin credit card!
most people I know that have bad credit is because like most Americans that don't have health insurance and they owe up the ass because they had to have some emergency surgery.

there are also a ton of reason why people are not able to pay their mortgages, and that fucks up your credit. Why do you think we just had that depression in the real estate sector? it was for that very reason.

I also know a guy whose ex-wife maxed out all the credit cards that were in their name during the divorce, and that ruined his credit score, even though it wasn't his fault in any way, other than to marry a crazy bitch.
I don't care other businesses but necessary public services especially the health care must be free as long as you are a tax payer. You finance that and pay extra money again?! What a crap!

I think this credit shit came after mortgage crisis, overall credibility level has decresed quite sharply and businiesses dealing with banks via credit cards, bank loans (real estate and car dealers) want guarantee that they get money without any ruining shit like negative change in interest rate.


what the fuck you lookin at?
^^^whats that have to do with a credit check to get a job?