
I say our justice laws should incorporate the Code of Hammurabi. Most notably, “lex talionis".
The penalty for assault should be an equal beating given by the victim.

I'm OK with using every ounce of the law to punish the attackers. Both incarcerate them criminally and clean them out financially civilly. If they want to act like rodents force them to live a life eating out of trash cans and bedding down in dumpsters. Prosecutors have to get back to prosecuting criminals.
Rules for thee but not for me...

Maskless San Francisco mayor breaks health order, seen partying with BLM co-founder at nightclub​


How did you find out and accurately verify that Kaeita Nkeenge Rankin, Tyonnie Keshay Rankinand, and Sally Rechelle Lewis voted for Donald Trump so quickly? i just found out their names a few minutes ago.
I was referring to republicans in general.




Daughter says media misinformation contributed to dad's Covid-19 death

Didn't surprise me that the misinformation came from Fox News and Fucker Carlson.
All hypocrites at Fox News have already gotten both vaccine doses, but they keep spreading dangerous misinformation about the vaccines and masks.


The Trump & Fox News Virus
Poor hostess gets assaulted for doing her job.

Black Lives Matter chapter to protest in support of Texas tourists accused of assaulting NYC hostess​
"I believe that this New York City vaccine passport will be used to keep Black people out of spaces, and if we don’t stop it now then the police will use it as an excuse to harass and arrest our people," a group spokesman told Fox News in a statement.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism

Black Lives Matter chapter to protest in support of Texas tourists accused of assaulting NYC hostess​
The three women were seated because they showed proof of vaccination. Then ...

"Some male members of the party were unable to provide vaccination proof and so could not enter the restaurant. Three female guests in the party who had shown proof of vaccination and been welcomed into the restaurant without issue then launched an entirely unprovoked, brutal attack on our hosts, one of whom continues to suffer from a concussion."

Maybe they were discriminating against men?
The three women were seated because they showed proof of vaccination. Then ...

"Some male members of the party were unable to provide vaccination proof and so could not enter the restaurant. Three female guests in the party who had shown proof of vaccination and been welcomed into the restaurant without issue then launched an entirely unprovoked, brutal attack on our hosts, one of whom continues to suffer from a concussion."

Maybe they were discriminating against men?

Using fake claims of racism to avoid being held accountable for bad behavior is one of the oldest tricks in the book. It makes people skeptical of genuine acts of racism. Didn't people learn anything from Jussie Smollett? Black Lives Matters continue to be bottomfeeding scumbags.




Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Using fake claims of racism to avoid being held accountable for bad behavior is one of the oldest tricks in the book. It makes people skeptical of genuine acts of racism. Didn't people learn anything from Jussie Smollett? Black Lives Matters continue to be bottomfeeding scumbags.
I think the trajectory of the story is interesting. We started with MAGA and ended at BLM.

Instead of picking sides, let us just take umbrage at everything. Then find a reason later.
Instead of picking sides, let us just take umbrage at everything. Then find a reason later.

Demanding IDs to get into a bar is enough of a hassle for a doorman or hostess. Making it mandatory to verify that someone has a COVID Vaccination Card will make that same job tougher and possibly more dangerous too. Hopefully these tourists are prosecuted and made an example out of to deter future idiots like them.
BLM flings the Race Card at Bill DeBlasio.

BLM organizer says de Blasio vaccine mandate weaponized against black community​

The co-founder of New York's Black Lives Matter chapter said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's citywide vaccine mandate is targeting the black community and creating conditions akin to segregation.

“Seventy-two percent of black people in this city from ages 18 to 44 are unvaccinated," Chivona Newsome said during a Monday protest in New York City. "So what is going to stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up black people, from snatching them off the train, off the bus?”

Newsome warned that her group could respond with an "uprising" similar to the ones that followed the death of George Floyd in the summer of 2020.

“We’re putting this city on notice that your mandate will not be another racist social distance practice. Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising. And that is not a threat. That is a promise,” she said. “The vaccination passport is not a free passport to racism.”

Kimberly Bernard, the co-founder of the Black Women’s March, made a similar claim that COVID-19 mandates are being used to target black people and other minorities.

“We are serving notice on the mayor, on the governor, on the restaurant industry that we will not allow for you to use this pandemic, vaccination cards, and masks as another reason to be racist, to put us in prison — because there’s enough of us in there,” Bernard said.

De Blasio issued a vaccine mandate in August, requiring New Yorkers to show proof of vaccination to enter indoor restaurants, gyms, and entertainment centers.

“When you hear those words, I want you to imagine the notion that, because someone’s vaccinated, they can do all the amazing things that are available in this city,” de Blasio said of the order.

The Washington Examiner reached out to BLM Greater New York for comment but did not receive a response.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Demanding IDs to get into a bar is enough of a hassle for a doorman or hostess. Making it mandatory to verify that someone has a COVID Vaccination Card will make that same job tougher and possibly more dangerous too. Hopefully these tourists are prosecuted and made an example out of to deter future idiots like them.
Completely agree.

