

Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Luxman it has become a matter of principle with these folks. Nothing will move them until they want to be moved.
Or someone else moves them because they are unable to do so on their own.
It's a good thing people don't treat stop signs and traffic lights like they do simple measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. Could you imagine it? "Stopping at them violates muh freedom", "Obeying traffic laws violates muh constitutional rights", "If other people don't want me to run into them and kill them then they don't have to go out and can just stay home", or "Traffic deaths are a made up conspiracy by liberals to put those things up to make us drive slower or a real conspiracy by the Chinese to hurt us. I can never remember which one of those to believe at this moment".


Yay, I was worried that the gap between the jabs was too long as I was scheduled for a second jab in September, but they opened up more appointments and I scored one for next week :)
Planning for a day or two of easily prepared meals and a stash of shows I can watch in bed.




If I already had COVID-19 and recovered, do I still need to get vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine?

Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. Even if you have already recovered from COVID-19, it is possible—although rare—that you could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 again. Studies have shown that vaccination provides a strong boost in protection in people who have recovered from COVID-19.

Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine



Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
I have honestly reached the point where I am tired of the begging and pleading for those who don't want to get a vaccine shot. Enough. If they cannot decide whether the chance of dying is not worth the (fill in silly reason here) chance then Fuck them. Live or die. I no longer care. I do care about those who they might infect if they are children or have other dangerous issues. But Adults, NO Longer!


You talking to me?
Great to hear you are OK
Thanks, got Moderna for the second shot - lots of Pfizer/Moderna mixing going on where I live but apparently since they are so similar it makes no difference; at least that's what the gov't is telling us.

Interesting to watch the Canadian vaccination numbers compared to the USA. Canada started way behind the US numbers but we've now basically caught and should soon be ahead of the US if we aren't already. Seeing a similar plateau though between the two countries - single shot eligible people (age 12+) are sitting at about 80% and the number barely moves day to day however the double-shot number continues to rise daily. Seems like both countries have about 20% of people who would rather see the pandemic continue. As Faucci said the other day, we've now got a pandemic of the unvaccinated; Darwin will sort out this problem for us.

Update: Just saw on the news that Canada has surpassed the US in double-vaccinated people today.
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I came home in the afternoon from the 2nd jab and felt nothing until I went to bed, so I thought I was ok.
Then the next morning it really hit me, enough to take the day off. I was mostly good the day after, although the headache lingered for a couple days. So I guess in 2 weeks I'll be good to go.
Thanks, got Moderna for the second shot - lots of Pfizer/Moderna mixing going on where I live but apparently since they are so similar it makes no difference; at least that's what the gov't is telling us.
Update: Just saw on the news that Canada has surpassed the US in double-vaccinated people today.
It bugs me that the authorities who say mixing is "safe" are those who have had 2 Pfizer jabs. Moreover, there isn't the data to say whether it's safe or not; that's why you always see them state "there is no reason to believe it is unsafe". They had "no reason" to think asbestos would be unsafe either. Also, in the same breath, they also say that if you can match the doses, then that's still the best option. If they were truly interchangeable, they wouldn't put that caveat in there. On top of that, the Pfizer results are better than Moderna (even if it's by a couple %). I can sympathize with people who walk away from their 2nd jab when they find out it's Moderna and they had Pfizer for the 1st.

Potential consequences of mixing aside, even if we accept that it's 100% safe, we still don't know the answer to the bigger question: Does it affect the efficacy? Sure, it might be better than just one jab, but by how much? Can we really expect it to be as effective as 2 Pfizer, or even 2 Moderna jabs? Again, even a percentage counts.

To me, it just seems like they just want to get those 2 jabs in people to boost the numbers because it's "good enough", instead of getting the best possible protection, or even knowing the degree of protection that's going to result.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
When I had my second shot they were giving both Pfizer and Modina in the same room but they were careful to be sure you got the same as your first dose. That was back in March.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
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Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
Fauci got a hold of it and took it to his basement and added the nanobots that control your mind. When The Donald made it in his suite it was pure and unmodified.