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Coronavirus Infection Rate Slowly Ticking Up in New York | NBC New York COVID-19 Update

Amid July Fourth Holiday, At Least 40 States See Rise In Coronavirus Cases | TODAY

Chris Hayes: Trump’s COVID-19 Failures Make U.S. An Object Of Pity Around The World | MSNBC
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If Trump becomes dictator, the wall will be used to keep Americans from escaping.
America will top 3 million confirmed infected in a day or two.
About half of the infected are asymptomatic and don't get tested, so there could actually be at least 6 million infected.
China's numbers have barely changed.
There is no doubt that they are censoring the truth, like they have been doing since they first discovered/created the Covid-19 virus last October.
Now those commie aholes in China are taking advantage of the global instability that they caused, to attack the Indian border, and to impose stricter laws in Hong Kong. Don't be surprised if they also invade Taiwan.
It's time America and what's left of its allies send a few aircraft carriers to the China sea to do some military exercises for the next few years.
But America has a limp dick president so that probably won't happen. Goodbye Taiwan, see you in a 100 years when the CCP finally collapses.
It would be better if all the American factories were closed in China, and reopen in America even as fully automated factories.
Who were the idiots who decided that military equipment and other vital tech should be built in corrupt commie China???
All electronic products should be built in America, for national security reasons and to boost the American economy.
But since the president has most of his Trump brand crap make in China, it's not likely that he cares.
In the last 3 months, the Federal government could have built fully automated factories to make masks, PPE's, ventilators, and tests.
Those factories could be making millions of products per month. Instead, Trump gave most of the financial aid to corrupt corporations, and other aholes who support him. And he's using more of the financial aid to buy votes, instead of giving it to workers who lost their jobs, and small businesses who are struggling or closed.

Whistleblowers silenced by China could have stopped global coronavirus spread | 60 Minutes Australia
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Postal Paranoiac
Went to the professional hair-do-er today. Two ahead of me 10 minutes before they opened. Mask mandate posted on front door. Total of seven gals working the herd. Six came in before I was done. Kudos and more to the shop for making their customers be protective and thoughtful of others. :angel1:

People in Asian countries have been using masks in public for centuries out of common courtesy or mandated by law, so they wouldn't infect other people.
Only an idiot or narcissist would believe or say that wearing a mask is similar to being oppressed.


That this has been politically weaponized is one of the craziest fucked-up things I've ever seen in my lifetime.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

Every Nation Needs a God-Emperor!
I read a novel a little while ago about the United States and China and in it a limited war erupts over Taiwan and other things. The gist was that in every piece of electronics that China had sold the US military there was an off switch that was coded to turn the part off on command. The US ended up having to use older less advanced tools until the defective parts could be remade in the US.. Almost lost the war. Something to think about. Which Astronaut said that he kept thinking that every part on his space ship was made by the low bidder? I agree with Trump that almost everything should be returned here to be made, especially the really important things. But never happen as long as low bidder and extreme profit rule the world. And as with many things I also wish he practiced what he preached.
Bubb: the Government considers cost AND quality, when making contract awards. Quality *can* be the more important factor, depending on what item is being purchased. I have faith the CRITICAL parts for NASA - they are awarded based on vendor's historical quality.


Postal Paranoiac
Which Astronaut said that he kept thinking that every part on his space ship was made by the low bidder?
That was John Glenn, in a TV interview he gave about his astronaut days, right before he went up in the shuttle.


Some common cold & other viruses can hide in your body after your immune system destroys the infection.
There are hundreds of cold viruses, some can hide in your body for months, years, or even your entire life.
Most times you get a cold it's because you were infected by someone who has a cold.
But some cold viruses that are hiding in your body may resurface when your immune system is weak, and you will get a cold from the virus that was already in you, that you were infected with years ago.
Some new theories say that this may also be the case with Covid-19. If you were infected with Covid-19 and were asymptomatic, or got sick and recovered. The virus may be hiding in your body and may resurface when your immune system is weakened from something else.
But your symptoms may be different the second time Covid-19 infects your body, because it may have mutated and because Covid-19 has so many possible symptoms. So if you were asymptomatic or weren't seriously sick the first time you got Covid-19, the second time may be more serious or deadly, and this may happen multiple times for the rest of our lives, just like catching the common cold.
This may also be the case if you get infected again from some idiot or asshole who is infected with Covid-19 and isn't wearing a mask.
Just like the common cold, Covid-19 may infect the human race permanently.
So wear a fucking mask FFS!!!


Light one for Me
See in the UK the 'authorities' have slipped the tracing settings on to people's phones.

You can check your own phone via Settings/Google and you may see the covid19 tracker listed?


Gov. Andrew Cuomo begs Trump: Just wear the mask




Postal Paranoiac
psssstt.....man, I got some LYSOL SPRAY right here, man...special rate...$45 a bottle...hey, you can't get it at the store anymore, man...


Trump doesn't like facts.

Erin Burnett: For the 100th time, Trump is wrong and a pathological liar