This is the first time on freeones I've given anyone negative rep. or dislike.
The info in the video and article I posted above may also benefit people with pneumonia from the regular flu and possibly other breathing problems.
Stop watching those conspiracy clickbait videos, they are made by assholes who only care about getting views, likes, conning you into donating money or buying their eBooks or other useless crap merch.
It would be impossible to create a worldwide hoax of this magnitude.
Is it possible that an evil asshole or group of evil assholes deliberately started this pandemic to somehow benefit from it? Yes it's possible, but not likely. All it takes to start a pandemic is one infected person.
Will corrupt assholes in governments and corporations find ways to benefit from the pandemic financially or increase their power? Absolutely yes!
Those hospital workers in your video are dancing to relieve stress and to make PSA's for people to stay at home and do everything they can to prevent the virus from spreading. And all hospital workers are tested regularly.
You keep telling yourself that all that Lux.
And you warning me not to watch clickbait videos is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black. Pretty much all you post is clickbait material. I mostly post actual news articles from the MSM and specify in detail why they are lies. Thats not click bait or "conspiracy Theories" its Critical Thinking.
The video of that corrupt NY criminal Cuomo saying he cant fuck his wife? Thats not click bait?
Not Fear mongering propaganda?
Sure and all those dancing nurses and medical workers ON THE FRONTLINEs WARZONES are making those videos to relieve stress. OK. Can I buy some pot from you?
You are just like johan when it comes to choosing what you wish to believe or not from the paid liars.
"Ok here they are lying, but here they are telling the truth". I really wish what formula you guys use to figure that out.
At least you said
"Will corrupt assholes in governments and corporations find ways to benefit from the pandemic financially or increase their power? Absolutely yes! ".
I 'm glad you said that but there is just one thing you've got wrong. They are all corrupt. The only way they can be where they are is to be corrupt. The entire system is corrupt. The entire mainstream news media has one purpose which is to lie and propagandize.
Thats what they do, thats all they do. Its their only purpose.
I took back the thumbs down. I didn't realize it was the same as negative rep, which I don't give.
I'm glad I was able to retract it.
In conclusion You know there are a lot of regular people just like us out there becoming very suspicious about this whole thing. I believe its close to the majority. So I'm not the only one by a long stretch.
Almost everybody at this point can see something ain't right and we are not getting the truth or full truth.
Problem is The People have no FREE PRESS to voice their concerns so its the same as a huge army going against another army by sending in one soldier at a time. There is very little unity.
I like you and think you are real smart but when you post this I don't know, Crap, like how Cuomo cant fuck his wife you're just spreading propaganda against you, me and everybody. Don't spread that shit man.
Anderson Cooper CNN? C'mon man, what are you thinking?