Coach Bob Bradley should be fired for U.S. loss?

He did make some questionable moves such as starting Findley, who is not a starter yet, instead of Buddle and starting Ricardo Clark. But I don't think he should be fired, for god sakes he got the team to the round of sixteen which is pretty good.
underdog USA = a real team, great spirit, second round

selfproclaimed favorites France and Italy = a bunch of pampered pussies, disgusting attitude on and off the pitch, first round

Bradley does a good job. The matches they played were doing football's popularity in the States a service. Losing to Ghana is not the end of the world. They have good players who beat Serbia and gave Germany a headache.
I like Bob Bradley. I think his character is right and he knows what he is doing. In fact, I'd be upset if they got rid of him. I think he's off to a better start than Bruce Arena, although I liked him too.

The one thing we can say is that at least we are domestic. Unlike Ghana and several other teams in the World Cup who hire coaches outside their country lines.
I think he was a good decisive coach and when things werent workin , he changed it right away he didnt hang about , they were just unlucky


roronoa is a closet homosexual black man who has a fatuation with seeing white women sexually sodomized in their asshole. He also looks like a Jacksonville Jags receiver, so he says. :cool:
1. I am not a homosexual
2. I am not fully "black"
3. Voluntary anal sex is sodomy?
4. I enjoy seeing women of every race having sex, anal or not.
5. Steve Smith plays for the Carolina Panthers, dumbass..

Go watch some more soccer cause you obviously know nothing of football.

...also suck a dick fag.
1. I am not a homosexual
2. I am not fully "black"
3. Voluntary anal sex is sodomy?
4. I enjoy seeing women of every race having sex, anal or not.
5. Steve Smith plays for the Carolina Panthers, dumbass..

Go watch some more soccer cause you obviously know nothing of football.

...also suck a dick fag.


Whether you tried or not, that made me laugh my ass off. :rofl2:
I knew it was one of those faggity turquoise NFL teams down there.
I think they should fire Bradley if they can find a better replacement, like Jurgen Klinsmann, but don't fire him and hire another MLS coach.
I think they should fire Bradley if they can find a better replacement, like Jurgen Klinsmann, but don't fire him and hire another MLS coach.

Dude, we're not hiring a non-American to coach the national team. That it is out of the question. We are not as cheap as some of these other teams. He did a good job, won our round (despite multiple calls against us) and he is our guy. This team was a winner and could win against ANY team. :2 cents:

I think GregC said it best above.