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My Penis Is Dancing!
Well, I'm not going to spend money getting a uniform and a scarlet red cape made if none of youse guys is going to join me. Come on! It'll be fun! It'll be just like being here (making noise and pretending that we're accomplishing something) - except we'll be outside in the fresh air a couple of times a month. What if we could convince the next Miss FreeOnes winner to be a sort of L@dy Godiva and ride naked on a horse? Would you be down for some Civil War action then??? Come on... at least consider it. :dunno:

Me and them thar Good Ol' Boys brigade were with ya until ya started spouting off about them thar "outide" stuff. Only time we go outside is when we waddle to our cars so we can go through the drive-thru!
The only civil war will be within the ranks of the defeated republican party as they try to figure out what the fuck just ate them for lunch. Again.

You know something? The Republicans still run the House and have enough members of the Senate not to go along with anything they don't like. Obama lost a significant amount of votes compared to 2008. I remember after Bill Clinton was elected in 92 that libs like yourself started bloviating about how the Republican party was dead and the American people sided with the Democrats now . Then GWB took office and then was reelected in 2004 and I have never seen a more dispondent and whining bunch as were Democrats. Obama had better move toward the center this time around and start making significant improvements in this economy or the Democratic party will suffer like you have never seen in 2014 and 2016.
I've had my musket at the ready for months. Lets get this shit started, it'll be cold soon and I ain't fighting no damn civil war in the cold.
These extremists make me laugh and piss me off at the same time. Do these people really believe the BULLSHIT they spew? Are things really different now than when George W was in office?

The only difference is that the rich, the corporations and the extremists are the ones bitching about Obama's re-election. Maybe if the rich and the corporations would pay their share of the taxes instead of attempting to screw us all with lack of paying taxes. (i.e. General Electric). And forcing the burden on the rest of us there wouldn't be a problem. But all those like Donald Trump want is someone like Mitt Romney that would cater to the rich by putting the country into more debt and giving tax cuts to the people that don't really need it.

Lets not forget, it was a Republican - Ronald Reagan that allowed more and more lobbyists into Washington. And then did the beginning of breaking the unions and allowing jobs to be sent overseas thus putting more people out of work. So lets take a look at the real damage that was done...and they wanted someone in office that would just cause more damage.

So, lets take a look at what the Republicans have done in the past decade or so. GWB came into office with a government SURPLUS and in less than 3 years time...he not only pissed it away. He also put us in DEBT and started a war over a lie just so his friends could get their hands on the largest oil reserve in the world. But just because they control that...have we seen a drop in oil prices??? No.
Then there was a mortgage financial crisis that just dragged us down into the economic state we are in now under his watch.

And lets look at Mitt Romney...they avoided about $102 million in taxes funneling investments through a foreign pharmaceutical company. He makes a $250 million fortune loading up companies with debt and then extracting million-dollar fees from those same companies, in exchange for the generous service of telling them who needs to be fired in order to finance the debt payments he saddled them with in the first place.Lets not forget he also made $15.3 Million From Auto Bailout. Wanted to dismantle the EPA...you like clean air and water? Wanted to bring us back in the dark ages by reversing Roe vs Wade.

This is someone they wanted as the president??
Maybe if the rich and the corporations would pay their share of the taxes instead of attempting to screw us all with lack of paying taxes. (i.e. General Electric). And forcing the burden on the rest of us there wouldn't be a problem.

That schpeel is worn out. Come up with something original.

By the way, how much in taxes did you pay this year, and last year?

Will E Worm

So is seeing every nonliberal whining and saying how since Romney lost, the country is doomed.


The same thing liberals said when Bush was elected? :facepalm:

This time we were correct. Obama was elected and Obamacare will go through. People are losing their jobs. The country is doomed.
The country is doomed.
Gather the militia, take arms ! Fight that opressing government before it crushes you under his leather boot

Whining on some porn comunity board about Obama's re-election won't fix anything. Now is the time to make a choice : accept the fairly elected President or take the country back !


Was King of the Board for a Day
The same thing liberals said when Bush was elected? :facepalm:

This time we were correct. Obama was elected and Obamacare will go through. People are losing their jobs. The country is doomed.

If that's the case, would you admit that others were correct when Bush created the deficit that the country's in about how the country was doomed then, or was that Obama's doing even before he became President?
I bet you are clueless that Obama was one of the lawyers that sued Citi Corp to make them grant home loans to unqualified minority borrowers. Where they capitulated and then other lenders followed suit for fear of years of litigation. Which lead the housing bubble burst, which lead to the "worst economic crisis since the great depression".


Was King of the Board for a Day
I bet you are clueless that Obama was one of the lawyers that sued Citi Corp to make them grant home loans to unqualified minority borrowers. Where they capitulated and then other lenders followed suit for fear of years of litigation. Which lead the housing bubble burst, which lead to the "worst economic crisis since the great depression".

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

That case (which happened to be in 1994, so to say that it impacted something 14 years into the future is ludicrous) didn't have anything to do with lenders giving loans to people who could not show proof that they could pay the money back. The case was initiated by a black woman who claimed she was denied a mortgage based on her race (a practice known as redlining). Citibank later agreed to make it easier for low to moderate-income people to apply for mortgages.

Second, Obama did not file the lawsuit nor was he the lead attorney. Eight people, including him, worked on the case, and he was a junior lawyer. Obama himself even admits he played a mostly behind-the-scenes role.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

That case (which happened to be in 1994, so to say that it impacted something 14 years into the future is ludicrous) didn't have anything to do with lenders giving loans to people who could not show proof that they could pay the money back. The case was initiated by a black woman who claimed she was denied a mortgage based on her race (a practice known as redlining). Citibank later agreed to make it easier for low to moderate-income people to apply for mortgages.

Second, Obama did not file the lawsuit nor was he the lead attorney. Eight people, including him, worked on the case, and he was a junior lawyer. Obama himself even admits he played a mostly behind-the-scenes role.
He was fucking instrumental in what become a dangerous process of loans for unqualified people. It all has to start somewhere and it stated with him and his cronies. The housing bubble burst caused the economic crisis. It all has to start somewhere and it was Democrat policies that lead to it. Of course Obama denied culpability.Get your partisan head out of your ass
Jesus H. Christ the more I think about the stupid comment you made "so to say that it impacted something 14 years into the future is ludicrous) " is just lunacy. Policies years before have many implications later on down the road. Facts are facts and the majority of the problem started here.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Jesus H. Christ the more I think about the stupid comment you made "so to say that it impacted something 14 years into the future is ludicrous) " is just lunacy. Policies years before have many implications later on down the road. Facts are facts and the majority of the problem started here.

If the fact that Obama was making banks give loans to unqualified people, it would have created problems BEFORE 2008, not taken 14 years to finally hit (and conveniently, at a time when he's just become President so you can further place the blame on him). Second, the case didn't make banks give loans to unqualified people. The lawsuit had NOTHING to do with that, so to continue saying so is just pure idiocy. Congratulations.
If the fact that Obama was making banks give loans to unqualified people, it would have created problems BEFORE 2008, not taken 14 years to finally hit (and conveniently, at a time when he's just become President so you can further place the blame on him). Second, the case didn't make banks give loans to unqualified people. The lawsuit had NOTHING to do with that, so to continue saying so is just pure idiocy. Congratulations.
The hell it didn't. The Clinton DOJ wanted to pursue racially charged cases and it scared the bejeezus out of Citigroup and then eventually others. Over time, the bad paper was propped up by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and eventually bought by Wall Street. You, quite frankly are a buffoon.
Oh and one other thing in the name of fairness, GWB knew this was coming and totally ignored it. Had he made moves to counteract it earlier, the severity may have been lessened. So fuck him too.
That schpeel is worn out. Come up with something original.

By the way, how much in taxes did you pay this year, and last year?

I have no problem paying my taxes my friend...and it may be worn out. But lets face the facts that it is still a fact...and it was the Repulitards that put this country in debt to begin with. I really don't get what all the Romney supporters thought was going to happen if he was elected over Obama....you really want to know the real truth is that NOTHING would happen. With the exception that Romney would cater to the rich and the corporations.
Can't argue the truth there

I continue to be amazed at people who voted for Romney whining about welfare.

Aren't you people aware that the Blue States financially support the Red States? Overwhelmingly, states that vote GOP are the welfare states! They take in more money from the federal government than they pay in. Blue States tend to pay more to the federal government than they receive back. You Red States are scumbag leeches, sucking of the teet of the Democratic Blue States.

It is hilarious that the very thing the GOP voting Red States claim to hate most --- welfare, people who live off the work of others ---- is EXACTLY what most GOP voters are. Why don't you Red States REFUSE the welfare you are getting, if you hate it so much???

And you all hate Obama, because he is giving away phones and money to the leeching welfare queens. Well GUESS WHAT: you Red Staters and GOP voters ARE the Welfare Queens!

See the chart linked below, and if you don't believe this, then Google it for yourselves. The GOP IS the welfare nation. STOP LEECHING OFF THE BLUE DEMOCRAT STATES!
