Church Shootings

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Recently, there has been a rash of shootings and attacks in church.
The shooting of a pastor drew attention as his bible was shattered by gun bullets and he ,sadly, passed.
I was waiting for the story as to how the bible saved his life.
If he were carrying a video of Jenna Haze that deflected the bullet and saved his life,would that have made the news?
There doesn't seem to be a reason for things. They just happen.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
As much as I don't wanna get into any arguments / debates of whether or not god exists, IMO because of the economy and the hard times everybody is experiencing.

I think these people that go on these shooting rampages or acts of violence do so cuz they were maybe @ sometime religious and they finally realized god is NO help or that religion is phony as santa claus!!

Cuz, after all, god didn't prevent them from, losing their job, losing their home, losing their family, god didn't prevent this or do that, didn't do this or that, after all that non-stop praying to god, all of the sudden they realize god didn't deliver and unfortunately these people seek some sort of twisted revenge against the very foundation of their shortcomings from a religious perspective!

I mean thats the only reason I can fathom, that or they have contempt and malice in their hearts for the people who deliver / speak gods words!! :2 cents::dunno::hatsoff:
We're safe nowhere anymore. Nothing is sacred. I don't believe in the Devil, but it sure seems like he has a hand in things sometimes. Sadly, I think we will only see more of these events come to pass. There seems to be no end to the bag of sick tricks.

Just keep on keepin' on, and keep your fuckin' head down is the only advice I can give to my fellow Americans.


Closed Account
It is also a documented fact witnessed by many that a man in a South Africa church of a large denomination walked up to the deacon after the collection had been taken, then shot him at point blank range.

The bullets fell at the deacon's feet. He was unharmed. He did not have a bulletproof vest on. If he had had one on, he would at least have fallen down. As it is the gun was emptied on him. I would have to call the church in S.A. to get documentation - a tough call as they are 10 hours ahead. In any case it is probable no one would believe me anyway.

Who can explain this? Why him and not the other fellow? I have seen in the newspaper of how Christians have returned home after church to be rapes and massacred in South African homes.

You will be horrified at the stories that come out of that country. It is also a testament to those that believe at how they are able to forgive these butchers.

There were nuns that were famously - or should I say infamously - slaughtered at the hands of the Panga wielding Mau Mau in Kenya many years back.

Even at this moment millions of Christian are suffering persecution all over the world: in China, Pakistan, Mogadishu, to name but a few places.

There are those who post on this board who would probably whoop with delight and have an orgy while Christians were being burnt to death, from what I have read over the past few months. Just like Emperor Nero did.

Yet God allows this to happen.

Of course, I would hate to be those people on a Judgement Day.

Oh, and the gunman became a Christian.
There are those who post on this board who would probably whoop with delight and have an orgy while Christians were being burnt to death, from what I have read over the past few months. Just like Emperor Nero did.

The Romans had it right, man. Send 'em to the lions!

As for the point-blank shooting thing, the gun misfired. It can happen. And it obviously did there. There is an explanation for everything. Religion saved none.
The Romans had it right, man. Send 'em to the lions!

As for the point-blank shooting thing, the gun misfired. It can happen. And it obviously did there. There is an explanation for everything. Religion saved none.

Oh! The misfiring was god's will. Yea,right.


There doesn't seem to be a reason for things. They just happen.

Yea, things just happen, but there are a lot of broken people out there today, many have been displaced i.e. fired, layed off or let go, if you like, due to the woes of the current economic meltdown. Stuff just starts to compound everyday, you lose your employ, you can't find a replacement job that pays half as much, You Miss 3 house payments and your home is foreclosed, a divorce might ensue, you're separated from your children and the woman that you thought would hang tough no matter what happened in your lives.

You end up living solitary in a motel. You Miss your girl (daughter), You Miss your boy, You Miss your cat, You Miss your dog, You Miss your neighbors, You Miss your yard, You Miss your hammock, You Miss your home sweet home . . .you want to kill your ex for abandoning the marriage . . . . tomorrow is another day . . or is it ?

I can't believe that there aren't a thousand of these types of disturbed - emotional - nervous break down - fuck everybody incidents taking place every day, given the condition of things lately.

Could you imagine holding up to the aforementioned strain in your life ?
Well, it's going on all over the place, by the thousands .


Yea, things just happen, but there are a lot of broken people out there today, many have been displaced due to the woes of the current economic meltdown. Stuff just starts to compound everyday, you lose your employ, you can't find a replacement job that pays half as much, You Miss 3 house payments and your home is foreclosed, a divorce might ensue, you're separated from your children and the woman that you thought would hang tough no matter what happened in your lives.

You end up living solitary in a motel. You Miss your girl (daughter), You Miss your boy, You Miss your cat, You Miss your dog, You Miss your neighbors, You Miss your yard, You Miss your hammock, you want to kill your ex for abandoning the marriage . . . . tomorrow is another day . . or is it ?

I can't believe that there aren't a thousand of these types of disturbed - emotional - nervous break down - fuck everybody incidents taking place every day, given the condition of things lately.

Could you imagine holding up to the aforementioned strain in your life ?
Well, it's going on all over the place, by the thousands .

I can imagine those things happening, and have gone through the worst times I could imagine more than once in my life...BTW, no one died by my hand, including my Ex, or any strangers that I ran across during those times.
I dealt with my agony on my own, and waited it out.
There is no excusing the selfish and weak people who share their misery in such lunatic ways...I have also had people I knew and cared about murdered to satisfy some weak and childishly selfish person's desire to spread their suffering around.
There is no excuse for killing others 'cause you're having a bad day, or month...reasons are like opinions and assholes...everybody has one.
We're safe nowhere anymore. Nothing is sacred. I don't believe in the Devil, but it sure seems like he has a hand in things sometimes. Sadly, I think we will only see more of these events come to pass. There seems to be no end to the bag of sick tricks.

Just keep on keepin' on, and keep your fuckin' head down is the only advice I can give to my fellow Americans.

I have to say it pains me alot to hear a fellow american say this. what kind of world do we live in when we have to keep our fuckin head down because were so scared of dying from all this randomness. i say fuck it. how much of this story do we really know - is it really a random act of violence or has it like the thousands before it an act of the media portrayal. An event horrid in it's own right but more horrible that it oppresses us as americans. this is the land of the free - a land founded on people who were outcasts - (yes i understand the US is currently corrupt as hell) but it's not the american people who are corrupt. it's the government, the corporations those big banks that legally rob the american people of what wealth they have. and then comes all this turmoil and trouble - the economy - the war - iran - russia - terrorism - church shootin's all this stuff just makes us want to stay inside our homes and watch the T.V. so they can put more images that tell us it's not safe - and all we should do is support the current system of debt.

fuck that shit.

but i do understand if your a family man - or a family woman - you have to be there for your family but by all means don't piss your freedom away - don't put your head down and hope it will be alright - chin up my friends - keep a perspective - question what's around you and not just follow the ones in front of you. if your head is down your looking at the ground - and only dead people are in the ground.


Oh! The misfiring was god's will. Yea,right.

Certain semi auto pistols are notorious for jamming, garr.
We don't need to drag the whole anti faith measure into this story . . . do we ? :o
Maybe the guy is an ammunition reloader and the round that jammed was one that he forgot to crimp :D If this is the case, I bet that that sucker (the round that jammed) entering the chamber had a case mouth diameter greater tha .471''. :rofl2: I'm dead serious ! <- sorry for the pun. :D


Certain semi auto pistols are notorious for jamming, garr.
We don't need to drag the whole anti faith measure into this story . . . do we ? :o
Maybe the guy is an ammunition reloader and the round that jammed was one that he forgot to crimp :D If this is the case, I bet that that sucker (the round that jammed) entering the chamber had a case mouth diameter greater tha .471''. :rofl2: I'm dead serious ! <- sorry for the pun. :D

It was God's Will that the case mouth diameter was greater than .471"...
actually, religion (i.e., churches and organized religions of all sorts, namely, Protestant and Catholic) contribute more to society than any atheist, satanist, spiritualist (or, enter your 'ist' here) than any other organizations. it's quite unbelievable how much the church (e.g., the people) contribute financially to the downtrodden. you can debate organized religion on issues that are socially liberal, but you can't on the immense amount that is so selflessly given by the people of those orgs.

RIP to the pastor. God bless 'im.
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