anyone interested in trading their A&B VIP show for one of mine....send me a PM. Always looking for more Christine Mendoza vids. :jump:
I may not have a ton of posts...but your rant screams lurker who has never contributed since your join date...your rant was your first post? Seriously?
I don't like what I'm seeing and reading here. Now everybody wants to trade! Really? Trade? What the hell is wrong with you guys? :wtf: We are here to comment and to share our contents of this girl.
How many times have you gotten in the past free content of Christine Mendoza without being asked for something in return? Or free content of any other girl? Not only in this forum but also in others there is people, good people sharing pictures and videos and information that may have costed them a good amount of money but still THEY SHARE!!!!!!!!!!! And isn't that the idea? In the end we all share something to the world and the world returns something to us!
So if you think with trading you are going to get something good, yes you may get something good, but it will be brief and all that content that surprise us every now and then won't be published any more because other people would like to trade as well. So f#ck you all traders!!:cussing:
Understand that, but sharing "found" stuff verses stuff you've personally capped knowing is hasn't been seen anywhere is different. You'd be surprised howard people trade and agree not to share their links...I get a lot of IMs with people asking to trade "their" caps when really its something that I've seen before. Why pay for a show and share it w/o getting something of equal rarity in return? Pay for a show and report back...
^ I'm not going to waste my money for flashes, if she really is going topless then yea I would get a pvt with her in a heartbeat. I need some kind of proof, otherwise I'm not taking any chances.