**Long-time Lurker Rant**
I've been lurking on this thread for several years now because I figured if anyone was going to find nude shots of CM, it would be shared here. I finally felt compelled to create a profile to post because, frankly, all this captain-save-a-hoe bullshit is ridiculous. You guys like to call yourselves "fans" when really you're (we're) are nothing but customers. Don't delude yourselves into thinking you're anything more than dollar signs to CM. What are you fans of, her art, her talent? What art? What talent? She's a hot piece of ass. Nothing more, nothing less.
I first "discovered" CM on an import-themed flier about 10 years ago in 2001. She was 18 at the time, which means now that she's pushing 30, the opportunities to keep cashing in on her looks are thinning. Why do you think she finally started going topless and stripping? She has to keep herself relevant. She'll be going full nude on camera soon because she's become accustomed to a particular lifestyle. Sorry, but fans don't grow old with their favorite models like they do their favorite bands or artists. Sure, there might be some nostalgia looking at a 29 year-old CM and remembering what she used to look like in her peak 19-26 years, but the earning power to tease customers when she's older and a bit heavier isn't the same. That's why she's upset that her private videos have hit the internet for free. She needs to grasp on to every potential dollar possible because she's come to the realization that her "career" is going in a direction she's been resisting. She's going to have to keep progressing or quit the game altogether. She's already doing topless cam shows, full nude stage dancing in Hawaii, and she's going to have to go full-nude on camera if that's what the market dictates. She used to be in control of that aspect of the market because her customers valued her assets more so than they valued their dollars. If people are going to keep paying to look at 30 year-old nipples, they're just getting played.