I wish she's shave, women shouldn't have hair on their body below their eye brows

Chloe is an amazing looking woman. Her personaly style is very attractive to me. I think she's got a sexy bush and I wonder what it would feel like stimulating me on the outside while I am also inside her being stimulated. That said, id like to see her beautiful beaver bald just one time.....just once.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Chloe is totally amazing.
Where can you find that set? I'd say chloesworld.com... Could be wrong though. :1orglaugh
Anyone else think that Chloe looks a bit like Cheryl Cole (facially, not chest wise, obviously)

Now THERE'S a threesome worth thinking about :drool2:


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Never heard of Cherly Tweedy, but I can see some similarity.