To shift the Pacific power balance? All it takes is a couple of simple nukes to detonate at about 40,000', one over San Fran and the other, say, above NYC and the nation's commerce will come to a screeching halt. Anything electronic in nature that happens to be in
line of sight with the detonation will be fried . . . anybody want to pick it up from here?
The first couple of days are forecasted to go smoothly as people cooperate with one another . . . until that is, the hunger and thirst set in.... Any takers for fill in here?
If not : In brief, it's basically every man and woman for themselves until further notice. Count on being on your own for a hundred or more days, so say a panel of so called experts over at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. There's no logical reason not to believe them, IMO.
You know? I can't think of a more grueling way to die, I really can't.
But don't worry, the academicians have assured us that it could never happen here; only paranoid gun toting white supremacists would ever think to store rations in their home as a hedge against an event that will never occur.