Chicks from Sega Games you wanna fuck.

There's a game for the old sega called Rings of Power, which was actually rather addicting. In the intro is had a thing for the maker, Naughty Dog, there was a code where you could see the chick in it topless. Her. Aahhh, fond old childhood memories.
For those who didnt get to play them, Cobra the Space Adv and Snatcher on Sega CD has nudie Anime girls in them. Rare games to find, Im fortunate to own them all. Dont forget about Eternal Champions as well.


Lmao. Chung Li, Camby, and Sonya Blade.


Haha well at least it's an original question.
If you mean Sega console games, Chun-Li I suppose.
That Gloria chick from Devil May Cry 4 is hot as hell. and let's not forget Soul Calibur's Ivy and Taki. wooo