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You are being purposely poisoned to control and destroy you. To destroy every aspect of your world. Thru chemtrails, and numerous other methods. Even worse, many of the people involved are knowingly doing this to themselves , their own families, and others. That is where we are now as a human race.

You will be force fed lies, and misinformation by the media, but all the Devil is sellling you is genetically modified slavery and death. Fear mistrust, depression, and cowardice. Every step away from God, is one-step closer to Hell. Be smart, brave, speak the truth, and do good deeds. Have faith in God and praise his name. That is the only way to combat what Satan, and his minions, have planned for you.

First, there is the pathogenic micro-organism, that was intentionally weaponized in a U.S. military laboratory as a specific gene pool-targeted bioweapon called COVID-19, which was bioengineered to mutate to elude proper diagnosis as well as morph symptomatically to evade effective treatment Nanotechnology – Coronavirus – BioWeapon – Activation by 5G – Physical Genocide – Misused A.I..
The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is just one of many coronaviruses in a growing family that have been identified since the 1960s. That does not mean that all of them are not closely linked to the yearly uptick in our highly “electromagnetic and microwaved society”. See: CORONAVIRUSES: History and Scientific Classification

Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans
Secondly, there is the overwhelming impact of 5G, 4G, 3G and other electromagnetic frequency signal ranges and microwave transmissions on vulnerable individuals with respect to triggering COVID-19, as well as sustaining and/or intensifying the disease process Project BlueBeam – Directed Energy Weapons, Holograms in the Sky, 5G Satellites, LRAD – Medusa.
Thirdly, there is a global chemical geoengineering regime that sprays Chemtrails, as well as a Super-Vaccination Agenda, which contribute considerably to the state of Hypertoxicity of each individual who contracts COVID-19, the severity of which is determined by their toxic load or total body burden 5G Transmitters – High Gear Dielectric Lens Antenna – Chemical Nano Spraying – 3D Maps – 868 MHz – Battlefield Interrogation Equipment – Chemtrails.

*There are multiple instances where the production and conveyance of electrical energy create a corona in high-voltage systems. The “corona discharge” can be seen as a bluish glow which is explained as follows:
A corona discharge is an electrical discharge brought
on by the ionization of a fluid such as air surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged. Much more significantly, there are also unseen (but detectable) coronas that are produced in lower voltage systems.
Coronavirus: A virus that is put on super-steroids whenever and wherever they flip the switch on 5G … while amping up the flu vaccination programs … and chemtrailing overhead with toxin-laden aerosols that further trigger influenza symptoms. The “corona aspect” of this virus is directly related to one of the greatest silent killers of the modern age—the generation and conveyance of electricity used to power the entire planet.
There are other major pieces to this Coronavirus Syndrome puzzle that remain outside of any individual’s ability to control. For example, there are toxic chemtrail aerosols that are being sprayed incessantly in our skies. The immense volume of chemically-mobile aluminum alone is slowly poisoning all of humanity. So is the barium, strontium, lithium and other chemical contaminants that are released into the troposphere via the chemical geoengineering programs being conducted worldwide. See: CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Chemical Geoengineering
There has been a substantial intensification of chemtrail spraying operations over the past decade. The incidence of both Chemtrail syndrome and Chemtrail flu have seen an appreciable and alarming increase. The radical uptick in neurological diseases such as Autism spectrum disorder, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Myotrophic lateral sclerosis, Multiple sclerosis, Cerebral palsy, Muscular dystrophy, Epilepsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome and Bell’s palsy is proof that there are major environmental factors such as the unprecedented profusion of airborne aluminum which is a proven neurotoxin.

CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions

There’s only one way that the atmosphere could have become so permeated with so much chemically-mobile aluminum so rapidly: the nonstop chemtrail spraying of toxic aerosols worldwide. The real problem here is that the blood-brain barrier surrounding the olfactory nerve is not 8 cells thick; it’s only 4 to 6 cells wide which means that a LOT of aluminum is now going into the brain. Of course, bio-accumulation of aluminum is also taking place elsewhere in the human body where it will cause other serious diseases as well.
Before the Industrial Revolution, there was very little atmospheric aluminum. This toxic heavy metal had been safely locked up in the Earth’s surface (in bauxite) where it could do very little harm to the human bio-organism. With the advent of the coal-fired power plant industry, massive volumes of coal fly ash — a highly regulated waste product — was produced which contains a large percentage of aluminum oxide. So, what the chemical geoengineers decided to do was to put this hazardous waste product — COAL FLY ASH — into the chemtrail formulations because of its hygroscopic nature. See: U.S. Government Spraying Tons Of Toxic Coal Fly Ash Into Atmosphere Via Chemtrails

KEY POINT: Some atmospheric heavy metals such as chemically mobile aluminum are highly hygroscopic causing the chemtrails to widen quickly after spraying, which will then develop into chemclouds before forming a sun-obscuring chemcloud cover. In this furtive manner, humanity is being regularly deprived of the natural vitamin D production that takes place when sunlight shines on the skin. Also, pathogenic micro-organisms such as the coronavirus will more swiftly proliferate in the absence of sunlight. After all, “sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.”

The essential point here is that everyone now lives under heavily chemtrailed skies and, therefore, is exposed daily to high doses of unwanted aluminum. The steady incorporation of aluminum into our tissues and organs has created a public health disaster of epic proportions. However, it’s the pivotal part that aluminum and other chemtrail contaminants play in the development of Coronavirus Syndrome that is of greatest concern today. Because of the neurological impairment that occurs at the cellular level with the onset of Coronavirus Syndrome, it can be stated that the ongoing chemtrail operations purposefully set the stage for this stealthily manufactured pandemic*.

*Really, we want to know why the CDC posted job notices across the USA for a Quarantine Program Public Health Advisor on 11/15/2019—2 months before the Wuhan outbreak?!

It has also been suspected that Chemtrail-disseminated ingredients are an integral part of the geoengineering scheme to fabricate tropospheric conditions that are much more favorable to running an efficient 5G paradigm. Those heavy metals and other chemical compounds were specifically chosen because they are good conductors for the necessary frequencies and energies that constitute a fully functional 5G power grid. Each of the major COVID-19 clusters to date have occurred in heavily chemtrailed cities, including the most recent clusters in the greater New York City area.
It should also be noted that there are certain components in chemtrail aerosols that were selected because of their capacity to either trigger or encourage the development of the various influenzas. Every flu season sees a considerable escalation of chemtrailing, particularly in urban areas, in order to stampede the residents into the pen of vaccine compliance. A bad flu will compel an unaware sufferer to receive a vaccination thereby increasing their toxic load.


While COVID-19 is the primary pathogenic micro-organism of Coronavirus Syndrome, it’s imperative to understand that it’s only one component of COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome. It’s also quite important to comprehend that COVID-19 is just one of the many coronaviruses some of which are the cause of the common cold and other influenzas (See addendum below). But the real secret behind this weaponized virus can be found in its name. CORONAVIRUS BIOWEAPON MYSTERY SOLVED: It’s all in the name!
As the “CORONAvirus” name implies, once the crucial link is made between the coronavirus and 5G, it becomes clear that the whole human race is about to suffer a biblical scourge because of the countless 5G roll-out taking place around the globe.
Not only that, many folks have been suffering terribly from various types of EMF illness and EMR disease and Microwave poisoning and Non-ionizing Radiation sickness and Electrohypersensitivity syndrome for many decades…totally oblivious to the real causes. Therefore, it could even be stated that, were there no electrical paradigm on planet Earth today, there would be no Coronavirus Syndrome in 2020.
Nevertheless, to properly understand the “who, what, where, why and how” narrative regarding the now notorious coronavirus, every reader is encouraged to consider the links in this extensive compilation of detailed exposés about COVID-19: BIOENGINEERED and 5Ged CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: What Everyone Needs to Know

KEY POINTS: It must be made clear that, to date, there has been no conclusive scientific evidence that proves the existence of COVID-19. Similarly, there has been no assurance whatsoever given by medical authorities or government officials, that a reliable diagnostic test is being administered to patients that have somehow tested positive for COVID-19. As always, governments everywhere have withheld the most basic information and essential data regarding this supposedly burgeoning pandemic. That does not mean there’s not a very real bioweapon at the root of this ongoing bioterrorism and global psyop; however, they clearly do not want the people to know what it really is. But the “real bioweapon” may just be the 5G weapon system. See: 5G WEAPONRY: Microwave Radiation Technology Being Deployed as Depopulation Warfare, Full Spectrum Dominance & Total Human Control (Video)



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
This is just getting too much to follow through the overload of statements that are, to be frank, quite wild.

I would be willing to argue about one or two of these theories, but your painting of what I can only describe as a parallel world is in its sum unbelievable.

I would say, this would make sense in a Marvel comic book series, on Earth 1010 or so... but yyou must realize this is what most people will call craziness.
Anyone resorting to lame retarded jokes and comedy is too be ignored. Unless an individual can establish relevant points intellectually, he is merely a clown trying to gain attention by posting in my threads, or some menial groveling minion following orders. Either way, a nobody is still just a nobody.

Obviously, the sockpuppets know they are so overmatched, and are so pathetic in their attempts to hide the truth that they actually deleted my full posts with no cause. Good to know that is what they will do so that I have posts backed up in the future, because unless I'm clearly breaking some rules, I will never stop posting the truth. So pay attention because when you support the truth, always know that you could be banned or censored at any time!

So make sure you copy relevant info before it is censored!

COVID-19 Chemtrails Contribute Significantly To The Chemical Stewpot Of Planet Earth Causing Human Sickness & Death
Herein lies the real danger associated with the constant onslaught of chemtrail toxins and chemicals which fall to the Earth by way of rain and air movement. Depending on the regularity of chemtrailing in any given area, the various chemical cocktails which are dropped on the populations below will need to be detoxified. The human body is designed to process and rid itself of these chemicals, but only if the primary detox organs are functioning well.

The liver and GI tract, lymphatic system and skin are the most important in sustaining an efficient and thorough daily detoxification process. Should any of these function at a substandard level, imbalance will appear somewhere in the body. If allowed to fester over years, serious diseases like Morgellons or Hypertoxicity syndrome can develop. Which is why it is so essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle and wellness routine whenever possible. (Which they try to prevent by keeing you out of Gyms, Work out facilities, and Parks)

Below is a list of some of the known chemicals found in a chemtrails. A Chemtrail Cocktail is one that contains the basic ingredients such as barium chloride, aluminum oxide, synthetic polymers, bio-nano particles, and ethylene dibromide. An independent analysis of chemtrail fallout has conclusively identified many of these toxic chemicals:

Aluminum Oxide Particles
Bacilli and Molds
Barium Salts
Barium Titanates
Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells
Ethylene Dibromide
Enterobacter Cloacal
Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA)
Methyl Aluminum
Mold Spores
Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass
Nitrogen Trifluoride
Known as CHAFF)
Polymer Fibers
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Florescens
Radioactive Cesium
Radio Active Thorium
Serratia Marcscens
Sharp Titanium Shards
Sub-Micron Particles(Containing Live Biological Matter)
Unidentified Bacteria
Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins

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Be informed that chemtrails are sprayed mostly at night now to avoid detection, although they are still frequently done during the day as well depending on the location, and observational sophistication of targeted individuals or groups.



FO Admin / "rude, unnecessary attitude" (he/they)
Staff member
@eric2136 you started this thread 8 years ago and despite the terrifying threat of chemtrails, you're still here, fighting fit, keeping us educated about the terrifying threat of chemtrails. Thank you for your service.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
This is just getting too much to follow through the overload of statements that are, to be frank, quite wild.

I would be willing to argue about one or two of these theories, but your painting of what I can only describe as a parallel world is in its sum unbelievable.

I would say, this would make sense in a Marvel comic book series, on Earth 1010 or so... but yyou must realize this is what most people will call craziness.
I will bet everything I own that Commander Potatoe is a Sovereign Citizen or SovCit curious.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
BILL GATES IS planning to lay a whole sheet into the sky by Chemtrails

I believe you now, Eric!!!
@eric2136 you started this thread 8 years ago and despite the terrifying threat of chemtrails, you're still here, fighting fit, keeping us educated about the terrifying threat of chemtrails. Thank you for your service.
I'm still here, and no man has perfect health. No man lives forever. The question is what do you do with your brief time here on earth. God says you get more or less 105 years to live, if you are lucky. Do you use that time to walk with God, make the world a better place. Or do you become a Demonic legion minion wallowing in cowardice, depravity, and ignorance.





The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 (the “Act”) which allows servicemembers who have been exposed to contaminated water at the Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina to bring legal action against the federal government. Servicemembers who lived on the base and used the water for drinking, cooking and washing have developed a variety of serious, life-threatening diseases over the last few decades. The carve-out in the legislation for initiating legal action against the federal government is a departure from the long-standing ban on lawsuits against the federal government by servicemembers pertaining to military matters, which was established by the United States Supreme Court in Feres v United States, 340 U.S. 135 (1950).


"First Moloch, horrid king, besmear’d with blood
Of human sacrifice, and parents’ tears,
 Though for the noise of Drums and Timbrels loud

Their children’s cries unheard, that pass’d through fire
, To his grim idol." (Paradise Lost 1.392-96)

"We guarantee that crazed man after crazed man will have a flood of killing power readily supplied him. We have to make that offering, out of devotion to our Moloch, our god. The gun is our Moloch. We sacrifice children to him daily." https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2012/12/15/our-moloch/

Few crimes are more harshly forbidden in the Old Testament than sacrifice to the god Moloch (for which see Leviticus 18.21, 20.1-5). The sacrifice referred to was of living children consumed in the fires of offering to Moloch. Ever since then, worship of Moloch has been the sign of a deeply degraded culture. Ancient Romans justified the destruction of Carthage by noting that children were sacrificed to Moloch there. Milton represented Moloch as the first pagan god who joined Satan’s war on humankind.



Dove symbolism and meaning

Universally, dove bird meaning is purity. It is the living thing of the three-dimensional world that has been chosen to represent the human concept of enormous quality: sacredness. Across cultures, the dove represents purity, gentleness, devotion, beauty, and faith.

On an international level, peace dove represents hope and peace, and that has resonated well across the vast majority of religions and cultures.

It fits into the cognitive framework that allows for global optimism to be shared by many people. Dove symbol is also love. This symbolic representation of the dove has been seen in many major works of literature and art. https://worldbirds.com/dove-symbolism/

