Cashless Society/World ...Thoughts?


Hiliary 2020
So the people at the top of the pyramid of power, the ones who "print" the money out of thin air for almost every country in the world have been slowly putting together their plan for a cashless world where all youre money is in some computer database somewhere. These are the real owners of the world. They own the banks, they own the politicians, and they own us.
Here is one small article but this info is out there to research further if so inclined..

So citizens of Earth, any thoughts on this probable reality? Pro's/Con's? Effect on the world or youselves positive and/or negative?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
So the people at the top of the pyramid of power, the ones who "print" the money out of thin air for almost every country in the world have been slowly putting together their plan for a cashless world where all youre money is in some computer database somewhere.

That mission has been accomplished for quite some number of years already. Money only has the meaning that we all agree to assign to it, and we all want shit so we agree that imaginary numbers in a central computer owned by some filthy rich piece of shit has value. Imagine, destroy the data and you destroy wealth, crazy thoughts, man, crazy thoughts.
I haven't had more than $20 in cash on me in over a decade, and only that because I feel weird not handing the food delivery person something. I haven't used a checkbook in longer. It's all either card or just my phone number (I dread seeing my next phone bill). The idea of holding a piece of paper which possibly millions of people held before me to pay for something seems totally archaic. The only coins I handle are tokens when washing my car, and even those have card swipes now.

I'm sure people were fretting over a horseless buggy society in the early 1900s.
I haven't used to cash to pay for something other than a prostitute in years.
I haven't used to cash to pay for something other than a prostitute in years.
It probably won't be too long before you'll be able to pay for that with a smartphone :)
Now a cashless strip club... how would that work?

Checkbook? I think the only time I used that was to setup a payroll or direct deposit.
Cash? Maybe a couple of coins so when I go to the supermarket/airport I have something to unlock the carts.

Once you go cashless, you don't see any reason to go back. It's safer, less bulky, you get loyalty points with credit, etc.
As long as you keep records, or at least have some ballpark figure of what's in your account, I'd think you'd be safe from any catastrophic data loss. I don't think there is a bank in a first-world country that doesn't have multiple redundancies.
So the people at the top of the pyramid of power, the ones who "print" the money out of thin air for almost every country in the world have been slowly putting together their plan for a cashless world where all youre money is in some computer database somewhere. These are the real owners of the world. They own the banks, they own the politicians, and they own us.
Here is one small article but this info is out there to research further if so inclined..

So citizens of Earth, any thoughts on this probable reality? Pro's/Con's? Effect on the world or youselves positive and/or negative?

It was predicted as far back as the mid 60s when MasterCharge and Visa came out. It didn't happen as fast as predicted but I think the missing link to the equation arrived with the smart phone and so many millions wanting them and using them in so many ways.

- - - Updated - - -

So the people at the top of the pyramid of power, the ones who "print" the money out of thin air for almost every country in the world have been slowly putting together their plan for a cashless world where all youre money is in some computer database somewhere. These are the real owners of the world. They own the banks, they own the politicians, and they own us.
Here is one small article but this info is out there to research further if so inclined..

So citizens of Earth, any thoughts on this probable reality? Pro's/Con's? Effect on the world or youselves positive and/or negative?

It was predicted as far back as the mid 60s when MasterCharge and Visa came out. It didn't happen as fast as predicted but I think the missing link to the equation arrived with the smart phone and so many millions wanting them and using them in so many ways.


Closed Account
That's just the way it is. Once upon a time people used to trade goods. From the Bronze age forward and the availability of metals it became coins, with the introduction of paper it became money bills and now in the digital age it becomes, well, digital. Please spare me the crap that this is another conspiracy.

Once everything goes digital computer security will be the biggest issue here. No more bankrobbers who storm a bank with blazing guns, but nerds who can hide behind a computer from wherever in the world hacking their way in whatever system they want too, 24/7. The Pentagon, NATO, governments, wall street, VISA, PayPal, Sony etc have all been hacked already in the last few years and not always with "bad" intentions (read: hacktivism). Why should we presume a bank's security is more secure? Imagine one day all your accounts are blocked because you "purchased" a car, 10 golden watches, guns, diamonds, etc... Not a good day.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'm not part of the paranoid set, but I'm not as comfortable with the cashless society as many. I'm just not comfortable with the control and tracking that they afford to governments and corporations. Combine the cashless society with people who use things like Facebook, and I think you might as well just let the government and corporations insert a tracking chip into your body - they're being used in cars already. If you use an Android phone or watch, and something like Samsung Pay, you're pretty much already there. If you've ever wondered why you're getting certain types of ads in your inbox or mailbox at home, it's because your credit and spending profile is sold to marketers. And Facebook makes the bulk of its profits off of people who are willing subjects in its giant ant farm. But with that said, I only carry enough cash to cover an emergency situation and I use credit cards for probably 99% of the purchases that I make. I might write half a dozen checks a year, at most. I prefer credit cards because they can help track spending (yeah, for me and also anyone else who "watches" me), provide warranties on products and insurance on rental cars, offer cash back rewards or rebates, you get free use of the bank's money for 30 days or so (as long as you always pay the balance in full) and most of all, if you're a victim of I.D. theft or fraud, your liability is at most $50 in the U.S. - with most of my cards, it's $0. I never use debit cards and I never use an ATM for anything though. Most debit cards have little to no protection. And even if you're able to get your money back because of I.D. theft or fraud, it'll take weeks or months, at best. In the mean time, your money is unavailable to you. Other than people who are too undisciplined to manage a credit card, I've never understood why people use debit cards.

As far as things like cryptocurrencies, I understand the concept. But as their value/purchasing power is still typically pegged to the dollar, to me they just seem like something that hipsters like to use, in order to pretend that they're on the cutting edge of something. IMO, they're even sillier than people who hoard gold coins and bars in a home safe, thinking that if there's a zombie apocalypse or whatever, their gold will see them through. But now, if you're an international criminal, I can see how cryptocurrencies would be a great thing for you.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
That mission has been accomplished for quite some number of years already. Money only has the meaning that we all agree to assign to it, and we all want shit so we agree that imaginary numbers in a central computer owned by some filthy rich piece of shit has value. Imagine, destroy the data and you destroy wealth, crazy thoughts, man, crazy thoughts.

Actually, I believe it has a value placed on it, by the federal reserve, and if I'm not mistaken, we pay those thieving pieces of garbage, billions every year, just to CALL that useless paper "money".

I for one would have to adjust to the barter system, but I would take it over a system that issued us payment on a card, as opposed to being able to cash a check. I would love for America, to end the federal reserves lock on cash.


Hiliary 2020
Good post Rey.
Here are a few random things I'm going to spew:
In 1913 the US congress passed a Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve while most of its members opposed to it had already left for vacation.
Prior to that inflation, the value of the dollar had remained pretty much the same since the 1700's, even earlier actually.
I'm no expert but the Federal Reserve which is a private bank basically prints money out of thin air with nothing to back it up.
This causes the national deficit which causes inflation.
It makes no sense because the Congress has the right according to the US Constitution to control and print their own currency.
Now almost every country around the world uses this system of debt based currency except for Iran,Syria, North Korea and Cuba.
Prior to that Iraq,Venezuela, Libya, and Afghanistan didn't use it and I believe Yemen. After they were invaded they now do.
So when congress orders 100 billion from the federal reserve bank they have to pay interest on that paper. It's like a teenager maxing out her daddy's credit card.
Sooner or later the bank is gonna call that loan.
Also 2 US Presidents began to print their own money outside of the private banks, they were both shot in the head in public.
Some call it a ponzi scheme. The way it's set up is that there isn't enough money in existence to actually pay off the debt.
So now everything costs more, people have to work more for less...and it just gets worse.
If the nations of the world would just begin printing their own currency with responsible practices, 90% of the worlds problems would disappear immediately. This system is truly at the heart of almost all the worlds problems fron poverty, to hunger, to wars.

Also a few years ago the US GOV passed a law that when you deposit money in a bank you are actually loaning the bank that money. And loans can be defaulted of course. This was all done for a reason.
In Cypress and I believe Greece the GOV actually grabbed the peoples money, and it worked. And the people couldn't do a thing about it.

So this has nothing to do with conveniece. In a cashless society or world your money is there for the taking from your government.
When they say they need it, they'll take it. And they will when the time is right.
Paper money will be deemed worthless so even if you have millions in your mattress it will be worthless.
It is a very very very bad thing.

Jefferson said this about private banks:
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

Woodrow Wilson, the PREZ who signed the Federal Reserve Act said:
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.

A cashless world is a world where at any given moment, if a government or a bank want's your money, it's theirs. Like taking candy from a baby.
On the subject of cyber currency it's been over a year since over half a billion dollars in BitCoin was stolen. Hasn't been a peep on who might have done it, which makes me wonder if it was a so called "white hat" job by NSA or CIA, etc.
Also 2 US Presidents began to print their own money outside of the private banks, they were both shot in the head in public.

John Wilkes Booth was supposedly a hired hit man for the Rothschilds, and wasn't actually killed in a burning barn, but was secretly escorted away to England, where he lived out the rest of his life comfortably on a Rothschild's pension/ .

Yeah I think I read about this at - a bastion for all things tin foilish.

Jefferson said this about private banks:
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

No, he did not.

Good grief man the word "deflation" as it relates to money never ever appeared in the Oxford dictionary until 1920.

Woodrow Wilson, the PREZ who signed the Federal Reserve Act said:
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.

The two opening sentences of this "quote" are bogus. Wilson never spoke or wrote them. And while Wilson was keenly aware of the influence of plutocrats, the book the rest of this amalgamated quote comes from was written before he signed the Federal Reserve Act.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
As has been already stated, it's been largely a cashless society for quite some time now....ever since the world of computer monetary transactions became a reality. My advice is to buy as much gold and silver as you can, while you can.


Hiliary 2020
And it's either a cashless world or it isn't.
If i want to take my millions from the bank and put it in my piggy bank I still have that option.
Or buy precious metal and hide it in my garage in boxes labeled "old clothes" I stil can.

Pool , I don't have a tin foil hat.
Are you CIA?

You can dubunk the quotes with your websites but Jefferson was extremely against using private banks and debt based currency.
Andrew Jackson was another PREZ who fought it tooth and nail. They tried to shoot him also.
He ran on the slogan "Jackson and No Bank" and he won.

Debt based currency is what keeps the poor poor and the very rich very rich. Without it the world would be so nice.
Most nations who have controlled thier own currency have become prosporous all around, that includes the people too.
Of course most also had to be attacked and put down right away. Can't let the world know there is a better system.


Official Checked Star Member
So the people at the top of the pyramid of power, the ones who "print" the money out of thin air for almost every country in the world have been slowly putting together their plan for a cashless world where all youre money is in some computer database somewhere. These are the real owners of the world. They own the banks, they own the politicians, and they own us.
Here is one small article but this info is out there to research further if so inclined..

So citizens of Earth, any thoughts on this probable reality? Pro's/Con's? Effect on the world or youselves positive and/or negative?

I think what would scare me the most would be hackers/thieves. I think it makes it easier to steal and lost money. Traveling to other countries might be harder too.


Hiliary 2020
I think what would scare me the most would be hackers/thieves. I think it makes it easier to steal and lost money. Traveling to other countries might be harder too.

Thank you Lauren, and you're right.
But also thieving hackers can do that right now as it is.
The only reason a Government and/or a central bank like the Federal Reserve would make it mandatory is because they plan on doing a little hacking and thieving themselves.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue

Because "cashless" just means there is no hard There still has to be some standard of value that backs up whatever your online "credits" or whatever you want to call it. Precious metals have been sought for centuries. Why? Because they are rare and extremely valuable. The dollar bill in your wallet isn't worth the paper it is printed on without some sort of standard that gives it value and neither would your online cyber-money. Remember the movie Goldfinger? Dude knew what he was doing. James Bond just fucked it all up for him.
Don't see it happening in my lifetime. I spent 8 years in retail banking and there are scores of people that will never be trusted with any credit facility beyond a card with which to draw cash out of a hole in the wall due to various reasons - credit score, criminal record.


Closed Account
Don't see it happening in my lifetime. I spent 8 years in retail banking and there are scores of people that will never be trusted with any credit facility beyond a card with which to draw cash out of a hole in the wall due to various reasons - credit score, criminal record.

It'll happen faster than you think. When I was a little boy there was no such thing as computers in every household or internet, cellphones, microwaves... It may sound I'm from the stone age but it's actually not that long ago. Could you imagine a world without petrol and diesel cars? The thing is Norway is actually debating about banning diesel and petrol cars by 2025. Who could have imagined that?
Everything is becoming digital. ID-cards, books, kitchen stuff with chips in it, you name it.
I'll see it happen in the next 20 years. Probably sooner.