Biggest Scam in US Government History - The Federal Reserve

My guest stayed until almost 4 a.m. She showed up wearing a pair of those sexy little high heeled ankle booties and a short skirt. Damn I love that. We watched a couple of movies and drank merlot and ordered hot wings from BW3. No I didn't do the hibbity dibbity but she made me forget I was in pain. I also somehow got hotwing sauce on my bandages LOL @ me!
we have a 3rd world power grid.

we have a 3rd world health care rating

we have a 3rd world reading and writing level

we have more people in prison than any other country in the world.

we have a declining economy for the average citizen

We have the most wealth and its growing faster than any other time in history.

even a student in an american public school can do that math: average citizen declining + wealthiest getting more wealthy = recipe for 3rd world country.
What kind of patriotism is this?!
well sadly there are 47 million people who think this current strategy is fine.

And let's ask the obvious question here. Obama has been called a socialist by nearly everyone on the right yet corporate profits, executive salaries and overall stock income is at an all-time high and continuing to rise while the middle class continues to shrink and the poor are getting poorer. Please, someone tell me how you can call him a socialist??? if he is then he's the worst one in history. Bush spent more money on social programs than Obama has. I just don't see where they get this...oh yea, he's black and Fox News says it 400 times a day.
Socialism s as misunderstood as capitalism.
LOL @ board commies!
wow, with such dialogue and rhetoric are you sure you're not wasted outside of political life?
there is nothing more communist than a select very few at the top controlling everyone else below them.
Somebody say Soviet Union?
call her what you want but she has made the banks look fucking stupid on many occasions. you name me one republican candidate who is worth a shit for 2016 that has the integrity and principles that she does who has refused special interests and taken them head on. hell name one other politician who has

i forgot to say, the federal reserve creation was done as if someone was trying to impress a girl so he started a fire so he could be the big hero who put the fire out.
That's a very Feminist take; shit happens because it is percieved as being important to woman.
if thats true then I would gladly admit it. I voted for bush twice as Ive said and I have zero problem saying I was wrong and he sucked donkey cock. I will admit obama has been a massive failure on many of the things he said he would and wouldn't do. no problem saying so.

its the people who refuse to acknowledge when their side is guilty and wrong that is scary (coughing, choking, coughing)

What's very interesting is that there was a study done by the school of economics at Georgetown in 2009 that came to the conclusion that if the banks were more transparent and were more regulated and had more government oversight like they used to up until the 1970s when the economy began to decline more rapidly, that they would be just as profitable as they are now. I guess they are just stuck in criminal behavior and can't imagine doing it honestly.
I always behave honestly in a criminal manner.
Mariah now you are rehashing shit from 2 months ago. In a way I understand because all of your threads got locked and I have already addressed all of this. Tonight I am in a lot of pain from surgery and so I am going to just LOL at all you tonight.
Well at least she's consistent. I'll wait while you look up the meaning of that,
So we should just except being screwed and not try to right the wrongs like our founding fathers did?
We could also accept it.
honestly the wealthiest want it to stay just how it is. they are getting wealthier so what is happening to everyone else means nothing to them.
You sure you're american?
Amazing how someone with so much power absolutely cannot give a direct answer when asked a direct question

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BC hope you feel better. whatever you do dont sneeze ;)
That's because power is illusory.
She has also been fighting to increase minimum wage which the republicans want to eliminate!!!!!!! lol

in 1980 the minimum wage was $3.10 today it's $7.25 but for those of you who are old enough think about how much more everything costs today compared to 1980 and then someone explain how anyone other than a high school student could live on that wage or a workforce that is based on that wage?

this is another amazing video of her just ripping the asshole out of the food industry about the wages they pay how they are saying they couldnt raise their prices 8 cents so they could pay their employees a living wage.

The best thing is that an overly low minimum wage is actually bad for the economy. I mean, fuck people being unable to live, I care for the economy as a whole; the welfare of the system, ver the individuals who get squashed, screaming in agony in the turning cogs of said system.
She is coming over anyway LOL. See you fuckers tomorrie.
He liked my post and called me "brah"! :THUMBSUP:
well as of today there is almost zero banking regulation and there needs to be. Glass–Steagall worked and Elizabeth Warren is being fought to the death by the right to keep it from being put back in place.

How can anyone justify allowing a bank to play with people's money in anyway they wish, in total secrecy and not be responsible if they fuck up and lose it? The easiest way to avoid that happening is to forbid them from doing so. Simple logic there but then that would mean they would have to be accountable and we can't have that now can we republicans?
Do they need to justify anything when they can just blame the poor?
My guest stayed until almost 4 a.m. She showed up wearing a pair of those sexy little high heeled ankle booties and a short skirt. Damn I love that. We watched a couple of movies and drank merlot and ordered hot wings from BW3. No I didn't do the hibbity dibbity but she made me forget I was in pain. I also somehow got hotwing sauce on my bandages LOL @ me!
Congras. A sure thing and you fucked it up. You belong in the legal "profession".
Mariah stop trying to turn me into a slut.
Oh please.


Official Checked Star Member
am I sure Im an American?
Patriotism includes speaking up when you see the American people and way of life being cheated. That's one of the biggest forms of patriotism!
WaahwaahwaahweweHyena has seemingly mastered the multi quote in less than 200 posts. His style is reminiscent of a certain British poster's drive by multi quote style. Welcome back Vodkaz Victim!
I wonder if Mariah even realizes that her opposition to The Fed is completely in line with one of the cornerstones in the platform of the John Birch Society. Who also opposed it and were considered such far right radicals that they were shunned by even William F. Buckley and Ronald Reagan.


Official Checked Star Member
Well counselor, which party has itselt alighned pretty tightly with banking and business? well, I should said which side is MORE tightly aligned.... the right is big business's bitch and you know it.

again, you are your ilk are all about sides. I'm not about which side I'm on. I'm about what's right and what isn't. I like a lot of things Reagan did, but he certainly isn't the messiah that many republicans, many of which wouldn't even vote for the guy in today's conservative climate, claim that he is.

Creating a private entity and disguising it as a branch of government so that businesses can rape and pillage and have their way with pensions and interest rates is NOT a leftist concept if that's what you're implying. that is right down Republican alley.


Official Checked Star Member
Ron Paul also opposes it.

I wonder if YOU realize you are on the side of people who want to eliminate the minimum wage and the EPA? Actually I'm pretty sure you do realize and that's part of the reason you're on their side lol
Every time the minumum wage is increased the result is de-employment. The government has no right to dictate to private business what they should pay their employees. And who pays for the increase? The consumer. The same holds true for increase in taxes on small businesses or corporations. Business never absorbs government mandated increases in anything we as the consumer do. And it is your line of thinking that always ends up driving the costs up.
Every time the minumum wage is increased the result is de-employment. The government has no right to dictate to private business what they should pay their employees. And who pays for the increase? The consumer. The same holds true for increase in taxes on small businesses or corporations. Business never absorbs government mandated increases in anything we as the consumer do. And it is your line of thinking that always ends up driving the costs up.

Minimum wage earners are somewhere between 2-3% of hourly earners. I know this is harsh, but I'm not sure why we even discuss artificially manipulating the market for this? I might be singing a different story if I was in the minority of the 2-3% and was trying to support a family with this salary (majority of those 2-3% are under 25 and single). Same discussion that is being used for voter fraud - what are we trying to fix here? I'm really not interested in the anecdotal stories. Lets focus on the 80%, not the 1% - its a big country, right?
Dated post from 2009, but I like the quote -

"The Fed needs to stick to its knitting and focus on stable money. That’s what’s been missing for ten years under Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke. That’s why we experienced two nasty recessions. And that’s why the stock market has gone nowhere." Larry Kudlow
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Official Checked Star Member
well Romney and just about every other 2012 candidate was for no minimum wage.

studies have been done repeatedly that the minimum wage should be $22 hour in accordance with the increase in the cost of living. those same studies show that it would cost the business a whopping 1% price increase to pay this rate.

And sorry dude but if business were left to police itself, well, we would see the Bush economic platform all over again with AIG and Enron and the list goes on and on.

In California they require waiters and waitresses to be paid minimum wage instead of the ridiculous $2.13 hourly that's been in place since 1982 and there hasn't been a single problem with it.


Official Checked Star Member
again, to beat a dead horse.... when regulation on business was stronger we had a better economy. when did jobs begin to be shipped overseas??? who wiped out regulations on businesses???? what was the result???

what were the costs of the deregulation? how many hundreds of billions in bail outs?
I appreciate that you feel sorry. I don't know why, but I appreciate it.

If you're approach is to focus the small parts of the economy with small impacts, you're free to have at it. You certainly would not be alone. I see this approach being taken in the Federal Government by both sides of the aisle.

I don't see the connection that we will be spurring another Enron or AIG. I'd be interested if you have a theory that connects those dots. (No sarcasm here...I am interested in your thoughts)

I'm not arguing what minimum wage should be. My comments are made on the agenda. I'm not seeing the gain or the impact to this being high on the agenda. If it is strictly ethical, then that is a valid argument, in my opinion. I would still argue against it from a time and resource perspective that we have bigger fish to fry.

My comparison was to the time that is/was spent on voter fraud. Is it an issue? If so, can we state the impact to determine where it fits on the agenda?

well Romney and just about every other 2012 candidate was for no minimum wage.

studies have been done repeatedly that the minimum wage should be $22 hour in accordance with the increase in the cost of living. those same studies show that it would cost the business a whopping 1% price increase to pay this rate.

And sorry dude but if business were left to police itself, well, we would see the Bush economic platform all over again with AIG and Enron and the list goes on and on.

In California they require waiters and waitresses to be paid minimum wage instead of the ridiculous $2.13 hourly that's been in place since 1982 and there hasn't been a single problem with it.

Lots of question. I would start with Some of the answers will come up quickly.

again, to beat a dead horse.... when regulation on business was stronger we had a better economy. when did jobs begin to be shipped overseas??? who wiped out regulations on businesses???? what was the result???

what were the costs of the deregulation? how many hundreds of billions in bail outs?

I'll leave this thread to you. Sorry for the intrusion.


Official Checked Star Member
here are a couple of perfect examples:

Since deregulation of the trucking industry in 1980, more than 100 once- thriving trucking companies have gone out of business. More than 150,000 workers at those companies lost their jobs.

Since deregulation of the airlines in 1978, a dozen airline companies have merged or gone out of business. More than 50,000 of their employees lost their jobs.

and in the great state of Texas:

"A report released Monday concludes that electric deregulation has cost Texas residential consumers more than $11 billion in higher rates and that the operator of the state's major power grid, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, has been poorly managed and industry-dominated.

The 101-page report, "The Story of ERCOT," is the result of a research project of the Steering Committee of Cities Served by Oncor and the Texas Coalition for Affordable Power, which works with 158 cities and other governmental entities to buy electricity in bulk.

Deregulation, it said, has resulted in higher rates for Texas power consumers rather than the lower rates forecast by lawmakers who passed the state law in 1999.

Before deregulation, Texas had cheaper rates than most states. Between 1999 and the first six months of 2010, however, Texas residential consumers "suffered greater increases [in electric rates] than residents in all but six other states," the report said."

Read more here:

this is one of the biggest disasters in deregulation history. power companies are now profit-driven consumer-fucking businesses. look at the aftermath of hurricane sandy. there weren't enough crews. the company was totally unprepared for this. it took more than double the standard amount of time to restore power. due to deregulation of the power companies they put next to nothing into grid upgrades. the bottom line is profit and you wanna talk about prices being passed onto consumers! I recently moved from a neighborhood that had FGUA water which is florida governmental utility authority which is somehow a private for profit company to a a Pasco county run water and sewage company I was paying over $100 every month, even during months when I was gone the ENTIRE month and now I pay $24 a month and I've hardly traveled at all for more than a few days at a time. The water is no different so there is absolutely no justification for such a dramatic increase in rate other than.....profit!

"Does every business have to be for profit? Why are health care and insurance for profit? Just because we have a dick doesnt mean we have to fuck everything that moves!" - Bill Maher

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Minimum wage earners are somewhere between 2-3% of hourly earners. I know this is harsh, but I'm not sure why we even discuss artificially manipulating the market for this? I might be singing a different story if I was in the minority of the 2-3% and was trying to support a family with this salary (majority of those 2-3% are under 25 and single). Same discussion that is being used for voter fraud - what are we trying to fix here? I'm really not interested in the anecdotal stories. Lets focus on the 80%, not the 1% - its a big country, right?

I fully agree with you. Late last year I saw a report that there were three million job openings in the U.S. Many of these were jobs that required higher math or technical skills. The issue was finding enough qualified applicants to fill those openings. Few, if any, of those jobs were low(er) skill, entry level jobs that paid minimum wage. Though some conservatives (M!chelle M@lkin, Larry Kudlow and Michelle Caruso-Cabrera come to mind) suggest that increases in the minimum wage have led to decreases in overall employment, as you correctly pointed out, if these people would follow the data (instead of their emotions, anecdotal evidence and weak correlations) they would know that it would be statistically impossible for such a small contributor to have such a major affect on macro employment. You'd have to have a 50% or better reduction in the employment levels of those making minimum wage just to move the needle... and that's never happened, certainly not because of the minimum wage mandate. Swing & a miss on their part.

We have enough job openings to bring the unemployment rate down to a more historically normal level. What we lack are enough applicants with the necessary math and technical skills to get and effectively do those jobs.


Official Checked Star Member
Ok so the minimum wage is $7.25 an hour and not that many people work for that wage is your point, correct? Ok so can a person live on $10 an hour in America? Can you feed a family and pay car insurance and gas on $10 an hour? fuck no. can you save for a college fund on $10 an hour?? fuck no.

how about $12 hour? nope. for a family of 4 to get above poverty level you need to make $16 an hour and that's just to reach poverty level existence.

when you don't pay people enough to live guess what they do? they get welfare or food stamps and they sink the hospitals with emergency room visits for everything.


Official Checked Star Member
its terribly sad that there are a lot of jobs that white americans just wont do.

as well, 70% of college degrees are for things like liberal arts that will not qualify or teach them any job skills at all so they are in huge debt with student loans and have nothing to qualify them for these jobs.

if we put more emphasis on technical schools and letting people know that technical jobs pay decent wages it would help. but as it's been said we are down the list on qualifications and education but #1 in confidence. I know people who wont take a job making something because they are holding out for that one specific job, which is stupid. somethng is better than nothing until a better job comes along. this is the mind set of young americans

I asked my son who is now 16 about getting a job to pay for car and food and gas etc and he said "but I go to school and play basketball" I said so what? and he tells me none of the kids he knows or go to his school work. not one. I have asked because I didn't believe him and it turns out he's not lying. He goes to a private school where a lot of the parents are seriously wealthy, but still. What lesson is being taught here?