Cancer comment thread

I lost my mom to cancer, my dad is a cancer survivor and so is my sister. And we had several pets that have had it as well, also several people on the street I grew up on. This leaves me convinced that the environmental conditions played some part in this, plus genetics does play a part in why cell mutate. Unfortunately, Nearly all cancers are caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the mutated cells. The problem is that not all cancers are the same and there are many factors that can contribute to the development of cancer. So even if they find a "cure", it does not mean it will be effective on everyone and for all types of cancer. The worst is when one believes that they survived cancer and years later it metastasizes into other cancers as what happened to my mom. Unlike a virus, cancer is not the same from person to person. Although virus do manage to mutate but they are essentially comprised of the same structure. This is not the same with any cancer, and unfortunately it will take serious changes to reduce the amount of cases that occur.

However, I have read that diet and lifestyle do play large part in the prevention of cancer. That exercise and the appropriate diet can sometimes put cancer into remission.

IMHO, I have seen what chemotherapy does to someone, and this is supposed to be a cure? If that ever happens to me, I will find alternative solutions and they can take the chemo and shove it. Just my :2 cents:


The One and Only Big Daddy
I also think the envoriment plays a factor think about all the air pollution and water pollution it does not help at all and I'm sorry to hear of the loss of you mother.
cancer is made up, just like global warming.
cancer is made up, just like global warming.

your know alot of people have responded to this actually alot more then i thought was going to and some are sharing the deaths of there famillys show some compassion for your fellow man .
I, like Patch Adams, believe that laughter is the best medicine.

I could go on about all the fucked up things that happened to the people that I know, and dying of disease in your senior years just might be seen as nice way to go comparatively, but I am not going to.
my grandma just died of breasts cancer rip, I think that kinda bothers me is the walk/ride for breasts cancer most the donations go to advertising for it than looking for cure, I think it should just be a walk for cancer not just for specifically for breast cancer since theirs so many different types. But the way I see it we probably have cure for lots of things out there but does finding a cure make money? no, giving people meds to help fight it off knowing they can get it again does.
my grandma just died of breasts cancer rip, I think that kinda bothers me is the walk/ride for breasts cancer most the donations go to advertising for it than looking for cure, I think it should just be a walk for cancer not just for specifically for breast cancer since theirs so many different types. But the way I see it we probably have cure for lots of things out there but does finding a cure make money? no, giving people meds to help fight it off knowing they can get it again does.

im real sorry about your grandma .
I love cancer, it makes me think of flowing meadows and kittens.

Rain drops on roses
and whiskers on kittens
and something
and something with mittens

Blah blah blah something
with warm coloured wings
These are a few of my favourtie things

When the dog bites
when the bees sting
when I'm feeling bad

I simply remember my favourite things
And then I dont feel

^^^ Off the top of my head, pretty impressive if you ask me :hatsoff:
Pharmaceutical companies and the race is on: the first to find a 'cure' and they will be rolling in the money. Ditto AIDS.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
1ST I want to thank skyraider who suggested i make a thread about this .

one real simple question why have people not found the cure for cancer yet ,
but yet have found a millon and one different ways of getting it

any comments or suggestions or questions

im sure atleast 1 out of every 3 to 5 people who read this thread have been affected or knows some one who has been affected by cancer

see nameregs thread for his oral sex throat cancer story

First, I have not read the whole thread, so this may have been stated already.
The reason that no one has found a cure for cancer is, there's no money in cures...only in treatments and medications. Hospitals and pharmaceutical companies make billions off of sick people, and they aren't going to give up any of it, not one red cent. I have lost family to cancer, it wasn't pretty.
Probably been said before but the Cancerous cells are in everyones body, so its a natural process. Everything we do in this world can either provoke them cells or not bother them, depending on the person.

I reckon theres a few reason why they havent found a cure yet, it could be that the structure of the cancer cell is quite complicated so its hard to make an anti-virus to it, it could also be that they just dont know what starts the process so there not sure what to do to stop the process. I could be wrong on these but Cancer is just one of mother natures killers.