Cancer comment thread

I hope they never find a cure.

I don't mean that in a nasty way, I lost both of my grandfathers to cancer.
All I mean is that there are way too many people on Earth, and they are breeding too fast.

Imagine if we found the cure for everything and nobody ever died, I guarantee after a few years nobody would want to be alive.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
i asked my dad this question today he turned 55 today btw . his answer was son the world would loose to much money if they found a 1 stop cure for aids and cancer .

do you think money has played a roll into why a cure has not been found yet

There would be a helluva lot more money in a cure than there is in the current treatment regimen so, no, I do not believe that money plays a role. The power brokers, billionaires, politicians, insurance executives and drug-company moguls are all as much at risk of dying from cancer as you and I are so it boils down to what is more important....your money or your life.

As someone who has lost several very close relatives and a number of very good friends to this insidious disease, it is my greatest wish to see a cure for cancer sometime in my lifetime. I fucking hate cancer.


The One and Only Big Daddy
Cancer has touched my life through relatives and friends. Yes they all lost their battles with Cancer.

I am not yet ready to cast blame on anybody for not finding a cure yet. why you ask?

For all the breakthroughs the medical world has conquered I don't think its a lack of trying that's not found a cure for cancer, I am certain the quest to find a cure has traveled down many different roads, paths, avenues, from the ground, the plants, trees, vines, toxins from other living animals, under the ocean, waters...etc..etc..

I think you all can relate to my examples of devotion allot of great minds have researched, such as Scientists, chemists, Doctors and all the likes of brilliance amongst us trying to find the antidote to eradicating this wicked curse of being afflicted with Cancer, cuz the odds are definitely not good once someones been diagnosed with Cancer.

So all in all, if you think of all the cures and the technology man has developed in 20th century and continuing into the present century that the exploration for a cure has not been alienated or not sought after efficiently, its proving to be the unstoppable destructive sickness that it is. Man can only use whats available on earth to find a cure, and so far nothing on this earth seems to be the answer. :dunno: :eek:

p.s. My thoughts and prayers go out to anybody that has or knows anybody that has cancer, and I offer my condolence's to any of you that have had a family member, relative, or friend taken away so unkindly due to the ugly disease known as Cancer. :mad:

Gr8 idea for a thread Skyraider. I tried to give you some rep. my friend, and I will when I am able to do so. :hatsoff:

I know where you are coming from I too had family members with cancer and they put up a hell of a fight but what hurt me so bad was i could not do anything about it all I could do is pray.Right now my father-in-law has cancerand as much as it is hurting my wife I have to be her rock and I love him as much as she does.and every chance I get I try to give money for research.I work witha young lady who has beat breast cancer,and that right there is proof to me we can do it but like Chef said it cost money sad but true.I'm just glad to see there are others out who are not giving up and still putting up a good fight.:thumbsup:


Closed Account
Only very specific cancers will ever be "cured". People think of cancer as a single "disease" when it is actually ANY mutation of a cell. How can you cure that? Take 2 women with breast cancer. Even under a microscope, the cells will differ.


The One and Only Big Daddy
Only very specific cancers will ever be "cured". People think of cancer as a single "disease" when it is actually ANY mutation of a cell. How can you cure that? Take 2 women with breast cancer. Even under a microscope, the cells will differ.

Wow that is very intresting good to know the thing about it is you cure one and now you have to find a cure for the other one.:confused:


Approved Content Owner
You can join this site and help scientists in research.

Actually this organization has closed to new crunched data, they are now using thousands of years worth of distributed computing data for analasys, in order to find some ideas on a cure, however, Bionic has been a very good DC client, and has three cancer related science projects they are working on . You can get info on how to join at .

And instructions on how to join the team is

the client is highly customizable so as to nut put a strain on your system. The three projects I subscribe to are Help Fight Childhood Cancer , Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 , and Help Conquer Cancer .

Hope to see some of us join!
Oh I care. I have seen the horrors that cancer does to a person. It can be a slow and painful death. I amhopeful that one day there will be a cure.

me too jane me too

and why wouldnt an ocsm care they are human too
Billions of dollars raised to "fight cancer" over 45 years. Recently, an oncologist told me there are no new drugs on the market.
The current strategy is to cut it out (surgery), poison it out, (chemo) or burn it out, (radiation.)
The answer is in turning off the cancer cells through monoclonal antibodies and gene therapy.
You have hundreds of labs duplicating the same stupid studies that produce nothing.
I honestly believe cancer treatment just raises too much money for doctors to want to cure it.
i'm with the people disgusted by the amount of money spent upon methods for killing each other and saddened by the amount spent finding methods to heal each other. i know a lot of money has gone toward trying to find methods to cure cancer but nowhere near the amount spent for military hardware.
actually i heard men who smoke pot have an 80% more Chance of getting testical cancer