Re: Camille Crimson of The Art of Blowjob
Yes, that's what I thought for a MMF blowjob, but hey, I had to ask!
I think you really convey the feelings you seem to have for your boyfriend in the way you blow him and that's really hot! So all in all, it's probably better there's no other guy.
The DSLR is really incredible it provides such a unique ambiance, you really use it at its best.
From what I saw in the previews, the "pov" shots seem to be slightly sideways so I don't consider it true povs, but maybe the previews do not accurately reflect the pov videos. IMHO, the pov videos should show only the exact pov angle. Ex: My plaything series.
What videos do you recommend for the sloppy fetish? I've not been able to find anything involving milk, cream or fake cum.
Thanks again for your videos, and if you want to discuss any idea you have for upcoming videos, I'd be happy to contribute!