Cables obtained by WikiLeaks shine light into secret diplomatic channels


Prince of the Rotten Milk
Re: wikileaks US diplomatic files

If you do want to check it out, the webadress might be down, the IP usually works:

It IS interesting.

it is working :nanner:

The Wikileaks team are the kind of reporters we had years ago - before media got pretty much bought up and have sold out on their true role: To watch over government etc, and to tell people about the lies and the secret deals they make.

As Boothbabe stated: They are the people who are supposed to serve us. And tell us the truth.

As they corrupted the system, we need people who take action against them.

couldn't agree more :hatsoff:

this whole WiliLeaks thing is amazing! :clap:

Assange is, without a shadow of doubt, the man of the year. Zuckerberg who? :eeew:

can't wait to see the film... "Leak Storm" should be called. :yinyang:
Well he's been released and rightly so considering he hasn't been charged with anything. Apparently the two allegations against him was one woman saying he had unprotected sex with her after promising to use a condom and the other woman said he had sex with her whilst she was asleep. You can't even make this shit up, oh wait someone did :facepalm: The ploy to keep him in jail whilst the US could produce some espionage charges against him has failed and British justice has been upheld.



Closed Account
I think the public should know what the government is up to. It's quite clear even the government is corrupt. I'm for WikiLeaks. It shouldn't be illegal.

Daniel Elisberg got balls back in 1971 for documenting government lies and it's involvement in Vietnam to the Times. See? The American ppl gotta right to know.