Re: Assange: 'In the race between secrecy and truth, it seems inevitable that truth w
Assage's quote rests on one shaky premise though. That the contents of the leaked documents are themselves 'true'.
many, many of them are diplomatic and intelligence assessments, opinions, analyses, feedback etc and, as such, are merely the perspectives of the respective authors and not necessarily facts.
(Theoretical example - a US diplomat might cable the State department about the 911 hijackers describing them as disillusioned, easily manipulated converts under the control of fanatical jihadi imams. A Saudi diplomat cabling Riyadh might describe them as devout Muslims who studied at respected madrahsas and answered the call of Jihad. Neither assessment is false or even inaccurate, but which version is 'true'?)
This is not to say the various authors of the documents lied or misled in any way: simply that these documents are not empirical in nature and so their contents cannot be assumed to be 'true'.
It doesn't help that Assange is a pompous, emotionally shaky ass clown.