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Bullshit Behind Attack on Planned Parenthood

First of all let's say something that you right wing guys so conveniently forget to mention: Not a single dime of federal money goes towards abortion. Not a dime. Not a penny. Instead, they use money from other sources — private donors and foundations as well as fees — to fund its abortion services. So this rant and rave over planned parenthood using tax payer money to fund abortion is 100% fucking bullshit. Its a convenient lie the right uses to try and legitimize getting rid of it altogether.

The majority of funds spent by planned parenthood go towards pre-natal care, birth control, cancer-screening, STD Treatments with a whopping 3% going to abortion services.

These recent heavily edited videos which were more than likely obtained illegaly by a group of people that have a long history of slanderous and outright blatant lies about PP. As I have said before, When I was a pregnant teenager I was a patient at the Planned Parenthood in Grenada Hills. They never once mentioned abortion to me. They gave me screenings, all the vitamins I needed as well as nutritional information and all of my sonograms before my son was born. After he was born they offered classes on being a new mother and infant nutrition and many other things. They also made sure I understood that right after childbirth is the easiest time to get pregnant again which I would have never known.

So this attack on planned parenthood as if all they do is abortions is bullshit propaganda being spewed by people with an agenda. They tell lies and twist the truth even though PP has to file taxes at the end of the year and provide detailed use of funding which clearly shows what every penny is used for.

Here's a full story on the issue

If the right wants to win another presidential election they'll shut the fuck up about women's rights because that has proven to be a losing argument and that gap grows every day.


Official Checked Star Member
Damn, Mariah. The world does not revolve around you. Just because you had a positive experience with PP, doesn't mean that everybody did. Who cares if the videos were obtained illegally? What they show is disgusting and despicable, edited or not. You sound very rep, right now. Seriously. It's like everything you touch or touches you is chocolate and everything others touch or are touched by is choklit (shit). Candidate yourself, get into power and show us the goodies. We all agree, left and right, that we need a leader and you seem to know it all, so, please, guide this flock of sheep towards the light.

On a different note, you don't want the right the win, but then you suggest the right not to talk about something that allegedly always made them lose: why? It doesn't make any sense. You should in fact want them to talk about those things so that they can lose and your beloved let's-have-a-woman-or-a-black-or-a-differently-able-or-a-gay-no-matter-how-good-they-are-it's-just-cool-and-dem ones win. Are you afraid that what you claim to be true (a boomerang for reps to talk about women's rights) is not exactly like you want it to look like? Or are you a right winger in disguise? I don't understand.

Time to talk about women's duties too, by the way.
Same could be said about you. What makes you so right? You act like you're fair but you're just another right-winger that hates Obama.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Not everything is about Dear Leader, shithead. He just makes it seem that way.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
The attack isn't really about abortion right now, is it? No. It's about the whole selling aborted fetuses to research facilities and potentially profiting from it. That seems to irk people for some reason... crazy, right?

But at least you got to rant and attack Republicans in another thread by distorting the facts and events of a story. So there's that I guess.


Official Checked Star Member
Same could be said about you. What makes you so right? You act like you're fair but you're just another right-winger that hates Obama.

I act like i'm fair but i'm just another right-winger that hates Obama. So you are saying that i look fair, but you assume that it's an act and you know that i'm a right-winger. Can you give me the next lottery winning numbers please? Obviously you are another genius who can read minds. Ops, you're not and you cannot. Try again.
By the way, i don't hate Obama. I just think that if he wasn't black he would have never became the president of USA, because i believe that he is not fit for the job. Same that he is going to happen with the lady of cigars who is going to be next president just because she is a woman and not because she is fit for the job. But these are opinions and therefore very arguable.

Above i simply criticized an attitude which can be seen in any Mariah's post: i'm Mariah and you are nothing. Not very dem, to be honest.
I am actually kinda proud of myself for staying out of this one.
I think this group has a lot of videos left to release. And they offer the unedited versions that the news channels don't have time to show.

Some people are pro choice with sincere reasons, but this whole baby parts thing should make anyone re-examine their support for PP.
if a video is edited to show something that isn't actual, then yeah, it fucking matters. The point I'm making Sabrina, is that the people who put this video out there have been well-known to have an extreme agenda. Just as BC said Richard Clarke reported that GW Bush was demanding to have a connection to Iraq the day after 9/11 "because he had an axe to grind" and dismissed it as lies, so too could this be. This has NOT been proven. This might not even make it into court its so riddled with questionable data. It looked bad at first but once you start to peel the onion it isn't so clear anymore, as with most things.

Adn yes I had a good experience. The right has wanted to shut down PP BECAUSE THEY DO ABORTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was 16 and pregnant and had a "christian crusader" throw eggs at me outside of a PP. They thought I was going in for an abortion, but I wasn't.
First up, you don't even live in this country right?

And because I don't want the right to be in office doesn't stop them from constantly bitching about it. Abortion is legal, as it has been for 40+ years as it should be. Yet you and the rest want to crusade to end it. Why exactly should a bunch of rich men in washington decide what I can do with my body?

And the planned parenthood issue is bogus. Its a big smelly fart that will stink and then go away because there's nothing else there. No splash no flush. Just hot smelly air.


Official Checked Star Member
I didn't know that abortion was just a US matter. Now that i know i'll refrain to talk about things that only US citizens are allowed to discuss. Of course i will not.

Why exactly should a bunch of rich men in washington decide what I can do with my body?

You can do whatever you want with your body, as long as you suffer the consequences when the improper use of your body arms other bodies. When you abort you kill a life. You can blow yourself up in the desert and nobody gives a shit; but when you blow yourself up in a crowded place and your freedom to do what you want with your body kills other people, you are a murderer and the only reason why you don't go to jail is because you are already dead. Abortion doesn't stop at "i do what i want with my body".
We need some lucky rng where potential abortionists get aborted. Now, that would fit into the "i do what i want with my body" bs.

I'm not necessarily against abortion. In fact i'm not even sure which side to take, given the complexity of the matter. But i despise abortionists because they never seem to have a problem with killing a human life when the killing makes their life easier, while they are the first ones to be appalled by other forms of killing, by the killing of animals, by a politically incorrect word etc. Abortionists are killers. It's not my opinion, it's a fact. We have legalized killing and made it look like getting a piercing or a tattoo: fair enough. Let's not try to be morally superior when it comes to other matters, though. Abortions kill more people than wars, terrorism and criminality combined every year. We can't have a conscience every second day. If killing is bad, abortion should at least raise some concerns.
Well then you despise me. Not everyone is in the perfect situation in life. And it is legal, upheld by the highest court in the land for more than 40 years. Its paid for with private funding NOT your money or anyone else's unknowingly. And what you and others declare to be a human life is nothing more than a pea-sized chunk of tissue at 12 weeks. That sounds harsh but it's reality. Yes there is life in that tissue but it's hardly a fully developed person. Its not just me saying so, its the law backing me up on that. And what about rape victims? What about incest victims or do you agree with the retarded republicans who claim women's bodies have something that will prevent them from getting pregnant from rape?

And do you think it's easy to have an abortion? Do you think there is no emotional and psychological price paid? People don't walk away from that without scars, believe me.

So you can talk shit to me about being opinionated by EVERYTHING that I have an opinion about is something close to me that I or someone I love has experienced.

I don't talk shit about getting gang banged and the rest of the low end of the porn business to you do I? Nope. No matter how I see it or think of it that's your business. It doesn't affect me so I leave it alone. But if you want to throw what offends you onto me and my life, then you are out of line. So mind your business.


Official Checked Star Member
Oh my God, you're so the best, Mariah. The low end of the business?

Trashy Mariah Milano gets rutted up her piss flaps
Whore Mariah Milano is slammed up her dripping gash
Tramp Mariah Milano slurps on this throbbing prick

I wish the general public were seeing me as classy, in this industry. I bet those dicks were golden and with a hint of mint flavor; must have felt like eating AfterEights when Jules Jordan pulled his dick off your shit hole and shove it down your throat.
Wake up! You're not on the high end of porn. You're a slut like all of us. That's porn. You took thousands of dicks up your holes for money and i just hope for you that you enjoyed it at least a bit, at times.

Just because you are not proud to be a slut, it doesn't mean you're not one.

About the rest, what can i add...you're democratic my ass. If you were into power you would be the worst of the dictators making it a law to shut the mouth of anybody who disagrees with you. The only way you can keep up with a discussion is calling people names, treating them like inferior and ultimately telling them to fuck off if they don't jump on your boat. It happens in every thread you are in, it happens in every of your answers to posters. It's called inferiority complex. You Might want to check it out. Or not.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Hmmm... seems I can't give rep to every single Sabrina post. Must be a board issue.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
About the rest, what can i add...you're democratic my ass. If you were into power you would be the worst of the dictators making it a law to shut the mouth of anybody who disagrees with you. The only way you can keep up with a discussion is calling people names, treating them like inferior and ultimately telling them to fuck off if they don't jump on your boat. It happens in every thread you are in, it happens in every of your answers to posters. It's called inferiority complex. You might want to check it out. Or not.

Those are the hallmarks of any good democrat candidate. The whole ass to mouth thing was icing on the cake. Eww.
I got $5000 for that scene for Jules. Who do YOU know that ever got that much for a scene Sabrina?

Thousands of dicks for money? Fail. I did about 500 scenes in 13 years and most of the scenes were with the same few actors. I never escorted, Never did a gang bang and never did anything on camera I wouldn't do off camera. Yes what some dutch person writes for the title of a gallery really indicated what the scene is about. Swing and a miss babe.

And I have had a disagreement today with xfire but have I called him any names? Nope. You are the one who continued to condescend people who have had abortions and call them murderers and speak as if they don't pay any price for having them. You act as if YOU are paying for them or that what I or anyone else CHOOSES to do with their body affects you somehow. You insulted ME and I responded.

You may say I'm on a high horse Sabrina, so pot I introduce you to kettle.


Staff member
Just curious Sabrina what did Obama do that made him unfit to lead. i think he did a great job.

You must be way out of touch with reality if you think that a president who has holder, lynch, the clinton bitch and biden in his administration is doing a good job. He divided America racially and cares honestly more about illegals and people living on welfare than about veterans and honest working people. A navy soldier who killed an islamic terrorist is now facing charges because of obama http://libertynews.com/2015/08/brea...cer-that-fired-back-at-chattanooga-terrorist/
The ban of the confederate flag when other islamic state and nazi flags are for sale. There is nothing to be happy about Obama. I am not even mentionning, all the attempts to destroy and screw up the 2nd amendment. About unemployment, Obama only created part time jobs, so that doesn't count. And let's not forget how much Obama care was more expensive than initially planned. You shouldn't rejoice yourself, much worse is about to come soon, unless you are completely living on another planet.
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