'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' the film did not go well. The TV episodes were great. the TV show 'Firefly' was so boring that even I, SciFi lover that I am, could not watch them all. However, 'Serenity' with the stunning Summer Glau is a movie I can watch a few times over. I had never seen a woman kick butt like her before, not even Buffy.
Talking of which, in the episode where she tears the whole Commando place down, right near the end, one sees her perform a kick that must be very difficult to master. Her brown belt in Aikido really, well, kicks in there. She double kicks two guys at their chin level. She jumps right up to kick them, on on each side. That was really her doing that.
Hats off for Giles, Anthony Head, for keeping a straight face right through seven seasons. A lesser man might have sniffed at the role.
I bought all seven of the seasons. In South Africa, one season cost me R1 300. Still, it was worth it.
I see Joss Whedon's influence here and there. A bit of the humour in 'FlashForward' is so Whedon, to my mind. Also, the music in 'Stargate Universe' so reminds me of the violin used in 'Firefly'. Oh that violin used to grate my cheese. In this show it is alright. Even the 'Destiny' reminds me of 'Serenity'. Tell me you haven't heard dialogue that is just the kind of way Joss Whedon talks. I cannot think of a specific word right now, but ending an adjective or a verb in 'ingy' is Whedon. They did that in 'Heroes', I think, definitely in 'FlashForward', and also in 'Stargate Universe'.
When people ask me how I am sometimes, I quote Buffy: "Peachy, with a side of keen".
Now can someone explain to me why we can't find 'Star Trek Voyager', and more 'Buffy' and 'Angel' on Hulu?
Life is so hard, sigh.