Buffy Slayer of the Vampyres

Beer Bad is one of my favorites. I thought the idea of arrogant, self-important frat boys being reduced to slobbering cavemen was hilarious and quiet satisfying. But to each his or her own. BUFFY STRONG!! :D
Hush was awesome. It was so simple, yet it worked awesome! Basically Joss Whedon pulled off the old meaning of less is more!

Everything in that episode came off wonderfully well. Silent being horrific, not being able to scream, as I am sure many have had that nightmare once or more in their lifetime. It not only provided a sense of helplessness, but tapped into many fears for majority of people. It just worked!

Oh, and I really did not like the whole Willow and Tara lesbianism thing. I thought that was crap!
Why did they cancel those shows anyway? They were canceled when they still had a large fan base. Why did they cancel Xena and Hercules as well. They just don’t make them like they use to.
Sometimes you just have to accept a show's cancellation when they are on top rather than when they jump the shark! Frankly, I believe Buffy jumped the shark. Angel carried the torch when Buffy jumped the shark.

Thus, in the end, it all carried on respectively.


persona non grata
Buffy The Vampier Slayer is my alltime favourite tv-show (well, maybe second favourite after Twin Peaks) and i like Angel A lot too. I guess that´s not a big surprise to anyone who´s seen any of my posts lately as i have been using Buffy and Angel signatures the last couple of months.
I have a love/hate feeling about season 4. I just couldn't warm up to the "Commandos". I always felt they were out of their league and they were messing with Buffy's turf (which they actually were). My favorite episode from that season was "Hush" but I think the worst episode of the entire series was also from that season "Beer Bad".

My favorite episode in season 4 was "Restless" the finale. It was so unique, poetic, and hilarious with some of Joss's best work as a writer and director.
Always remember that the key to world domination is coffee makers that think. :D


Prince of the Rotten Milk
I used to love watching Buffy the vampire slayer

yep. i was a loyal fan. but times went by, the Internet got popular, we meet a lot of pornstars and suddenly buffy wasn't THAT hot anymore...


but it was damn good while it last.

i remember specially the episode where buffy-bot replace buffy... nice :thefinger
Haha! Spike banging the Buffy bot in the cemetery lol

Sheesh! Crazy!
I loved the movie starring Kristy Swanson. She was damn hot! And I didn't watch much of the series. I don't know why, as I am a big fan of Sarah Michelle Gellar. Also, wasn't Eliza Dushku in the TV series? :dunno:
Hush was awesome. It was so simple, yet it worked awesome! Basically Joss Whedon pulled off the old meaning of less is more!

Everything in that episode came off wonderfully well. Silent being horrific, not being able to scream, as I am sure many have had that nightmare once or more in their lifetime. It not only provided a sense of helplessness, but tapped into many fears for majority of people. It just worked!

Oh, and I really did not like the whole Willow and Tara lesbianism thing. I thought that was crap!

Without a doubt.."Hush" was the single scariest episode of television I've seen maybe ever in my lifetime...I literally shitted in my pants it was so intense. One of the high points of Buffy, imo.

I thought the lesbian storyline didn't work. Oz and Willow worked as a couple.

The lesbian thing was a cheap attempt to get more viewers and all that!

It was girls gone wild meets Buffy, basically! Cheap shit that anyone with a brain could see through!

It was gratuitous. Notice how long it lasted?

I still remember that episode where Oz said, lock me up in this cage. So they did and he transformed into the werewolf and all that.

And that always leads me into the episode of Angel with the werewolf chick and she had a thing for Angel but he was a puppet! I love the puppet show! I thought it was a great twist, a great direction and really just went against the grain in a good way, of course! I felt it worked absolutely wonderfully!

Plus, if I remember right, that was the first episode David Boreanaz directed and produced.

I watched Buffy but didn't watch Angel.

The character of "Spike" was one of the most interesting and hilarious TV characters in recent memory. He was a great villain and then transformed into an interesting ally of Buffy near the end.

Crap, then you need to go watch the last few seasons of Angel when Spike shows up. Angel and Spike are constantly bickering and its quite humorous.

And that always leads me into the episode of Angel with the werewolf chick and she had a thing for Angel but he was a puppet! I love the puppet show! I thought it was a great twist, a great direction and really just went against the grain in a good way, of course! I felt it worked absolutely wonderfully!


The puppet episode was classic. I love it when he turns vampire and has his puppet scowl lol.
Yes! I love the episode with Angel with that guy by the name of Hero or something? Where he was going to seduce Buffy and both Spike and Angel did not want that happening!

Awesome and funny!

And I appreciate the episode where Angel is on the Submarine in WW2. That was a great episode, too!
Yes! I love the episode with Angel with that guy by the name of Hero or something? Where he was going to seduce Buffy and both Spike and Angel did not want that happening!

Awesome and funny!

And I appreciate the episode where Angel is on the Submarine in WW2. That was a great episode, too!

The episode where Angel and Spike went to Rome? That guy's name was The Immortal.


persona non grata
And that always leads me into the episode of Angel with the werewolf chick and she had a thing for Angel but he was a puppet! I love the puppet show! I thought it was a great twist, a great direction and really just went against the grain in a good way, of course! I felt it worked absolutely wonderfully!

Plus, if I remember right, that was the first episode David Boreanaz directed and produced.
David Boreanaz didn´t direct that episode, the episode he directed was "Soul Purpose".


Closed Account
'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' the film did not go well. The TV episodes were great. the TV show 'Firefly' was so boring that even I, SciFi lover that I am, could not watch them all. However, 'Serenity' with the stunning Summer Glau is a movie I can watch a few times over. I had never seen a woman kick butt like her before, not even Buffy.

Talking of which, in the episode where she tears the whole Commando place down, right near the end, one sees her perform a kick that must be very difficult to master. Her brown belt in Aikido really, well, kicks in there. She double kicks two guys at their chin level. She jumps right up to kick them, on on each side. That was really her doing that.

Hats off for Giles, Anthony Head, for keeping a straight face right through seven seasons. A lesser man might have sniffed at the role.

I bought all seven of the seasons. In South Africa, one season cost me R1 300. Still, it was worth it.

I see Joss Whedon's influence here and there. A bit of the humour in 'FlashForward' is so Whedon, to my mind. Also, the music in 'Stargate Universe' so reminds me of the violin used in 'Firefly'. Oh that violin used to grate my cheese. In this show it is alright. Even the 'Destiny' reminds me of 'Serenity'. Tell me you haven't heard dialogue that is just the kind of way Joss Whedon talks. I cannot think of a specific word right now, but ending an adjective or a verb in 'ingy' is Whedon. They did that in 'Heroes', I think, definitely in 'FlashForward', and also in 'Stargate Universe'.

When people ask me how I am sometimes, I quote Buffy: "Peachy, with a side of keen".

Now can someone explain to me why we can't find 'Star Trek Voyager', and more 'Buffy' and 'Angel' on Hulu?

Life is so hard, sigh.
I thought he directed the puppet show, too. Hmm, well, I shall owe up to my mistake :hatsoff:

Someone get the vile of acid and drip it on my palms for my mistake...