Love this set. The new haircut looks very nice on her. I am really liking her more and more. She is quite a hot babe
It's not a new haircut

She's had her bangs since she started her site over 18 months ago, she just wears her hair differently depending on the set is all. Thank you for the kind words!
He's always been like this. You just get used to it. Notice how in his reply he said he isn't rude to customers but you said "potential" customers? He doesn't know the difference. Don't worry.
You know what? haha, I completely missed the word potential, you're right. My mistake, completely. Answer remains the same though. If someone is rude, they get rudeness back. If you go through and read this entire thread, you will not find one instance where I was rude to someone that wasn't rude in the first place. If someone can give it, they should be able to take it.
People posting positivity don't get removed, or treated poorly. How is this not common sense, or is this a situation where "do as i say and not as I do" is expected? heh I can see some people that are closet assholes, laughing at asshole comments from other assholes and then when I defend myself or B or the other Bellas... the closet assholes get their panties in a knot because I pointed out the assholes were, well, in fact, assholes. We all have our moments, but some people take the net a wee bit too serious.
This thread is about Bryci photos, I keep on posting what we're doing and the fans are happy. Why some douche needs to bring negativity in here for me to comment on is beyond me, but the douches will keep on coming because that's what douches do. I know I should ignore the trolls, I do.. don't feed the trolls is forum rule numero uno. I'll try and ignore the clowns in the future. :hatsoff:
I'd also like to point out, and this is strange, if you look at the people with the negative comments, their rep score is usually 0 or close to 0. Their post count is way low as well. These are people that have been negative before, they've gotten negative reputation points because of it. Where as if you look at people with positive rep or higher post counts, these people aren't being jerks. Coincidence? I think not. So many assholes in here create alts to add fuel to their personal fire when they start trolling, it's what they do.
I'd like to point my rep isn't negative, so obviously I'm not nearly as bad as some of the trolls would want you to believe.