You are a troll. What part of *enjoy what we're doing or leave* didn't you follow? EVERYONE Deserves respect until they prove otherwise. You on the other hand, have proven yourself to be a troll. I went back and checked your previous posts in freeones and the majority of the time, you're ripping on someone, or something. Lord knows why you're so bitter, but honestly, I don't much care.
Why wouldn't she get respect again? Because she models? This makes sense to you how again? Wait, don't answer, I don't really care. Just wanted to point out how ridiculous your respect reasoning sounded.
You've been moved to the ignore list, I won't be replying to you from here on. You're seriously not worth the time. I'm just going to report you every time you spew negativity. See if I can't speed the removal of at least one troll.
I encourage everyone from this point on, every time a troll posts negativity, no matter what thread you are in, click the report post button and point this out to a mod so they can keep freeones a clean, positive place for us to enjoy. :thumbsup:
James i'm sure that you want to ban me)))))))))))))))) but what I've said it's true
oh whoa i had no clue i figured it was like most sites it was more of a question and i just know u get 1 candid shot n boom right to the clothes off lol im just saying this is one perfect girl to me and well i aint shamed to say i like the thrill of whats coming next not just boom the end lol now i will have to check it out further best of luck
oh n just a suggestion hell i will even buy it id love to see her supportn some pittsburgh steelers gear lol
This thread is going to shit. All it is is trolls.
I came here for Bryci and only Bryci.
What happened?:dunno:
I can't believe you guys are bickering back and forth when you could be looking at beautiful Bryci.
Personally I like the pubic hair she has down there and some people don't.
This thread is becoming less about Bryci and more about whether she needs to shave or not.
Whether Bryci shaves or not is up to her. Its her body and she can do with it what she pleases. Sorry, thats how it is.
I'm not taking sides with JamesDot or anybody. This is just my :2 cents:
This thread is becoming less about Bryci and more about whether she needs to shave or not.