Fresh Bryci Content! (secretary)
Forget re-posting as a problem. What about new talent posting? A fresh beauty with mysteries unrevealed. I don't mean to offend. I'm just saying that there's an onanistic speed limit that arises over time even for girls as hot as Bryci. A spell in the paddock might freshen her up in our hands while a new filly gallops our cream about. Nothing wrong with asking. Logistics would queer the idea I guess. Happy New Year to all.
Fresh Bryci Content!
No reposts of same content please.
this chick is hot. but the dude reminds me of Dorothy Stratten's husband. just sayin'...
awwww muffin :lovecoupl
I stand up to trolls and that makes me a bad guy? lolol :dunno:
Odd that so many on here think you're a prick though.
this chick is hot. but the dude reminds me of Dorothy Stratten's husband. just sayin'...
That's pretty harsh, don't think I would make that connection from what JamesDot has posted. Protective and questioning, jumps the gun occassionally perhaps....The next Paul Snider, I think not.
(...) Guess what though? I'll sleep juuust fine tonight (...)
Odd that so many on here think you're a prick though.
Thanks Maleonetwo, thanks PP21, honestly the haters don't get to me in the least. I imagine them as very bitter for whatever reason, and that's cool. Like I said, we all have shit days.I do find humor in some of their comments to be honest. We all need a good laugh once and awhile. :1orglaugh
maleonetwo, I'll do a foot shoot for you next time we're shooting. I know Bryciu wanted to do one as well. Various shoes/boots work or you wanting barefoot all the time or both or.. (fill me in and I'll try and get it done)
Here's a sneak peak of a set that is coming on the 11th. Click for full size resolution that members get (4000 pixel wide).