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Bridget Jenner: " I am a Republican and a Christian"

I think you summed it up BC on how your delusional party thinks. Minorities don't count. Blacks are only 12% of the population so certainly they shouldn't have a say in anything right? There shouldn't be legislation offering them equal rights, right? Come the fuck on dude. You aren't this horrible of a person are you?

And once again Bob's brain is muddled with horse shit fumes. I said the ANSWER to the world's problems is to get rid of religion. Make it illegal or whatever, and many issues will be solved. You are being typical here. Are YOU rich Bob? If not then why would you support a party that essentially represents about 5% of of our population???? They don't give a fuck about the middle class. They don't give a fuck about the average working American because if they did they'd be for unions instead of against them. They don't care about the poor because if they did they'd be on the side of raising the minimum wage instead of getting rid of it altogether. They care about one thing, rich people getting richer. Period.

So you can continue to take what I'm saying out of context that's your right.

And please someone tell me, what do YOU fucking care if gays can get married? How does it affect YOU?
oh and Bob, fat fuck christie has vowed to keep marijuana illegal as long as he's governor even thought a majority of NJ doesn't agree. Didn't he get elected by those same people and isn't it that lard ass's job to do what the people of his state want done??????? He needs to take the fucking donut out of his feeding hole and do the right thing. He is seen as too liberal and he's a heart attack waiting to happen so he'll never get the nomination. He was nice to Obama during the hurricane (for which he had no problem accepting government money)


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Do you think same sex relationships are completely natural?

To answer your question, yes, for some people I do believe that such relationships are natural. I assume that you believe this is a conscious choice that individuals make?

The chippy and sarcastic tenor of the rest of your post is irrelevant to the issue currently before the court and unworthy of further comment (didn't you get laid when you were in CR?). It would seem that the 12-year-old hacker has taken over your account here for good because the BC I used to know isn't here anymore.

BC, we've come a long way since bibles have been written. Marrying someone out of your sect or religion or color or nationality hasn't proven to reduce our society to ruin thus far. Homosexuality isn't a disease to be eradicated. Sure there is no reproduction between homosexual couples. Is that a reason for them to not share in the privileges given to man-woman marriages? Let's face it, the marriage is a contract for laws and shit like that. The sacred sacraments have already been reduced to clauses in per-nups. Mind you, I'm of the upbringing of traditional marriage. I think that's best of all. But I have also been in the bad marriage situation and strongly advise not getting engaged into one unless willing to commit till death. Having mom and dad for junior doesn't guarantee anything. Sure it helps but sometimes it only takes one good parent to do the job. Single parents CAN step up to the plate when the other mate is not there. And I'm not just talking about estranged parents, some of them are jailed or dead.

Okay, back to the traditional family. Mom or dad or both can be fucked up. Junior has to grow up with turmoil in the house. Very, very common. Gay couples don't have kids because it's the right thing to do when one gets pregnant by accident. How will Junior deal with having 2 moms or dads? That's not up to you or me. It's their family and let them deal with those issues on their own.

I would agree with this as well. At the end of the day, marriage and family is a private issue and should remain as such. :clap:


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
DO YOU LIVE IN NJ? You haven't a fucken clue to even start commenting on Christie. The fat man will never legalize weed. However, he is dedicated to decimalizing it and provide resources towards curing substance abuse. Isn't that a higher priority of the citizens? Spend money to help people that need it. How about balancing a budget without raising taxes? The Governors before him created entitlements for government workers and never funded them. Retirement pensions and benefits are now outweighing current working employee benefits. How do you pay for this? It's a problem that many states and cities around the country are involved in. He got with a Democratic congress and worked out reform, used his pen to veto tax increases, and budgeted enough money to finally start paying for those entitlements.

So you see hurricane Sandy as a way to suck up for a government handout. Lots of fucking human compassion on your part. And an even smaller knowledge of the event. And ZERO knowledge of how effective government works. Thank God I never decided to buy a home here. Property taxes are among the highest in the nation. Christie put the squash on towns running them up making them balance their own budgets. And you're worried about buying weed. You've got your priorities fucked up sister.

Will he get a nomination? No, the left can't handle being told no to goodie bags.
To answer your question, yes, for some people I do believe that such relationships are natural. I assume that you believe this is a conscious choice that individuals make?

The chippy and sarcastic tenor of the rest of your post is irrelevant to the issue currently before the court and unworthy of further comment (didn't you get laid when you were in CR?). It would seem that the 12-year-old hacker has taken over your account here for good because the BC I used to know isn't here anymore.

Actually I believe some are genetically predisposed to being gay, others it is a choice. The question was do you think it is natural from a procreation standpoint. And while my response may have been a little cheeky, the points that I made were still worthy of being addressed. If gays as human beings deserve certain rights and the pursuit of happiness why shouldn't those that want to practice polygamy be afforded those same rights? These are people that have reached the decision that they are happiest either having multiple spouses or the spouses are completely happy being one of many. Who is to tell them that their happiness should be allowed or disallowed or be defined by others? You are the one that singled out conservatives as being out of the loop and not tolerant or inclusive when in fact it has not been that long ago when prominent Democrats were against same sex marriage also.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Actually I believe some are genetically predisposed to being gay, others it is a choice. The question was do you think it is natural from a procreation standpoint. And while my response may have been a little cheeky, the points that I made were still worthy of being addressed. If gays as human beings deserve certain rights and the pursuit of happiness why shouldn't those that want to practice polygamy be afforded those same rights? These are people that have reached the decision that they are happiest either having multiple spouses or the spouses are completely happy being one of many. Who is to tell them that their happiness should be allowed or disallowed or be defined by others? You are the one that singled out conservatives as being out of the loop and not tolerant or inclusive when in fact it has not been that long ago when prominent Democrats were against same sex marriage also.

The answer to your question is obvious....procreation is a biological impossibility. However, I fail to see the connection between procreation and the right to marry. There are plenty of childless couples who are married so there is no defining distinction that necessitates marriage must include procreation (hell, in this day and age there are probably more kids born out of wedlock than in so....:dunno:).

That said....it appears that we have finally cleared the crap out of the way, however, since you kinda sorta believe (with some at least) that being gay or lesbian is a conscious choice, not necessarily built into their DNA. That is the only sound thought process (even though it's absolutely wrong) by which to build a legitimate case against gay marriage. Even though this may shock you and (drumroll please) I admit that I am being exclusionary with this, I do not believe that all people should be allowed to do whatever they choose to do. If it involves personal choice, we have a shitload of laws on the books that prohibit all kinds of different activities, polygamy being one of them (fade out the "Kumbaya" OK??). I am in favor of allowing gays to marry because I believe they are born that way and, as American citizens, should enjoy the same rights and privileges that the heterosexual community does (which does not include polygamy by the way) and which are guaranteed by the constitution.

I also have to chuckle just a bit whenever you (and my illustrious friend Jersey Bob) call out democrats as hypocritical examples of my "progressive" (as the bogus label that Bob contends all of us liberals hide behind) leanings. I am not a registered member of any political party and disagree with a whole bunch of stuff that many democrats, including Obama, stand for. As I have stated many times on this board, I am a social liberal to an exponential degree but I am also a fiscal conservative....sort of a square peg for either of the 2 major political parties. Merge the Green Party with the Libertarian Party and that's me. And I am proud to call myself a social liberal, so fuck that "progressive" rebranding horseshit. I'm not running for office so I have no need to court social conservatives and, frankly, don't want to. I do, however, love to argue with them....as long as things remain civil. :D

Thanks for your civil and insightful reply to my post. Glad to see you regain control of your computer from that bratty 12-year-old. :computer: :fit:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
DO YOU LIVE IN NJ? You haven't a fucken clue to even start commenting on Christie. The fat man will never legalize weed. However, he is dedicated to decimalizing it and provide resources towards curing substance abuse. Isn't that a higher priority of the citizens? Spend money to help people that need it. How about balancing a budget without raising taxes? The Governors before him created entitlements for government workers and never funded them. Retirement pensions and benefits are now outweighing current working employee benefits. How do you pay for this? It's a problem that many states and cities around the country are involved in. He got with a Democratic congress and worked out reform, used his pen to veto tax increases, and budgeted enough money to finally start paying for those entitlements.

So you see hurricane Sandy as a way to suck up for a government handout. Lots of fucking human compassion on your part. And an even smaller knowledge of the event. And ZERO knowledge of how effective government works. Thank God I never decided to buy a home here. Property taxes are among the highest in the nation. Christie put the squash on towns running them up making them balance their own budgets. And you're worried about buying weed. You've got your priorities fucked up sister.

Will he get a nomination? No, the left can't handle being told no to goodie bags.

I'm a leftie (well, a progressive really ;)) and I'd vote for Christie in a minute if he'd change his views on certain social issues (most of which I believe he likely stands for to pander to the evangelical base). I like his management style and I think he is an excellent communicator. His willingness to compromise was plainly on display in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The fact that he's overweight is of no consequence other than as a possible health concern and otherwise should not be any more a part of the discussion than Hillary's wrinkles, Rand Paul's hair, Ted Cruz' nose or Bernie Sanders' nose hair. I think he could be an excellent president given the right set of circumstances and agenda once he was in office. But hey, I'm a libbie so what do I know? I'm just looking for those goodie bags. :D

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
IMO, if the Kardashians are allowed to get married then Bruce should be able to also. Maybe it should be illegal for Armenians to marry instead.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
IMO, if the Kardashians are allowed to get married then Bruce should be able to also. Maybe it should be illegal for Armenians to marry instead.

Hey! I married an Armenian 37 years ago and we've had nothing but a wonderful.....uhhh.....errrr.....on second thought, maybe your idea has some merit, Dino! ;)


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Jag, we have each accused each other of crossing over to the dark side. I reserve the right to stand my ground against "the voice of reason" because I'm a stubborn fucken Polack. Christie still hasn't announced a run. This could be keeping his hand to himself rather than showing too early. He has made very few national policy opinions public. He is the real deal raising money for the party but Tea Party money will never be there for him. If for anything, he could be a strong VP candidate. I know this isn't saying much. VPs don't make policy and nobody goes to the booth for VPs. Then again, if you want a bulldog by your side then I can't find a better one.

Public image for a national campaign isn't there. No shortage of liberal bitches making an issue out of his fat. His frankness won't play nicie nice with the press. When the press asks him a question, he isn't looking around the room for cameras to answer. He looks them right in the eye and that makes them nervous. Not your standard wishy washy politician talk. He doesn't tell you what you want to hear, he tells you what you should know.
After damn near 8 years of Obama. if Christie (while not my first choice) could run, win and keep the Clintons from stinking up the joint again, he has my vote.
Hey Milano!

Your boy Gavin Newsom is quoted as saying this:
"Newsom was baptized and reared Roman Catholic. He describes himself as an "Irish Catholic rebel...in some respects, but one that still has tremendous admiration for the Church and very strong faith." When asked about the current state of the Catholic Church, he said the church was in crisis. Newsom said he stays with the Church because of his "strong connection to a greater purpose, and ... higher being ..." Newsom identifies himself as a practicing Catholic,[74] stating that he has a "strong sense of faith that is perennial: day in and day out.

He believes in the "invisible man" and he has sought treatment for alcohol abuse. I am not condemning him for it, but since he is religious does that make him a hypocrite? Limbaugh sought treatment as well and is not a politician. Your inconsistencies are quite humorous.


Closed Account
Newsome strongly supports gay rights and gay marriage. I think this is why she supports his politics.
Hey BC here's a little information for you on your belief that being gay isn't natural:

These 11 animals are all known to be gay:

Binobo (in the chimpanzee family)
Vampire Bats
Sea Lions
Killer Whales

Ok you can argue that people are gay by choice because they are perverts LOL but what about the rest on that list that have been confirmed to have same sex ONLY relationships and sex??????????? How do you explain that as "not completely natural"??????????
Re: Bridget Jenner: " I am a Republican and a Christian"

So you're comparing buying drugs illegally to being an alcoholic? Rush was on the radio for YEARS demanding that users of illicit drugs be punished with extreme prison sentences. He was buying a schedule 1 controlled substance illegally from his housekeeper by the bag full. He was doctor shopping as well at the same time. Last time I checked buying alcohol is legal.

And you certainly didn't think that I'd let you get away this easy right without reminding you that Rush didn't seek treatment until he was FUCKING BUSTED!!!!!!! Newsome sought treatment on his own. And unlike EVERY one of your candidates he NEVER brings his faith into his political decisions. Therein lies the difference that makes me not give a fat New Jersey governor fuck about what he believes. He believes that all people should get equal rights and equal pay. He believes that employees of restaurants should get the minimum wage and he believes that the top % should pay more. I'm good with all of it.

and its so nice that bob is calling me names now. someone who's comments in my food thread I enjoyed and looked forward to. We may have differences of opinion bob but not once have I resorted to name calling. Sad to see it from you.

- - - Updated - - -

oh yeah NO I DONT LIVE IN NJ bob. I grew up in Los Angeles so why in the fuck would I move to Jersey?
Rush is not a politician, he probably wants his wife to stay svelt while he eats everything he wants also. And it's Newsom not Newsome. Since you are a huge supporter of his and board grammar Nazi at least get his name right.
Rush is the only source of information many of the republicans get, so he's a critical part of the equation. Yes I know it's Newsom (spell-check wants to add the E) and spelling isn't grammar so get your facts straight counselor. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are all separate parts of language.

So Mr. "I'm a big shot attorney charging $10 million per hour" that's your rebuttal after being so proud of yourself for digging up the down n dirty skeletons??? He had a drinking problem and then comparing that to someone who was buying oxycontin illegally by the thousand?????????? Really?? If so then I wouldn't even hire you to represent me on the traffic camera ticket I got last week.
I never claimed that I charged exorbitant fees. I have seen you jump down the throats of people for misspellings as well as everything else. So you are a grammar Nazi that dabbles in spelling. If you would hire an attorney for a red light camera violation then you are wasting your money anyway. Just show up on your court date and they will more than likely agree to a dismissal as a camera shot usually does not prove it was you just the vehicle whom it is registered to and is considered hearsay in most states . No charge.