Dude what is wrong with you? I have written a lot but it always comes down to the same thing: believe whatever you want, no matter how ridiculous just keep it to yourself. I have never deviated from that. NEVER. Show me where I have please.
Churches are by definition corrupt. They dont have to pay taxes even on commercial property they own.
They do a lot of good charity work, which I have stated but you're only as strong as your weakest link. If the catholic church protects ONE man who raped a child I dont give a flying fuck what else they do. But they have protected a LOT more than one child rapist though haven't they? How about the evangelicals who stand in front of thousands of people, many of them very poor and tell them that their #1 expense every month should be the collection plate to get out of poverty like Jerry Falwell has done for decades while he wears designer suits owns an airplane and has many houses?
If people claim to live by the teachings of jesus I find it troubling that they aren't disowned by the rest of the religious people publicly. People like Pat Robertson who spew his bigoted crap on tv about people he calls "freaks of nature" and "nothing more than animals"
Again bob, i chastise participants who push it on others, or want their beliefs imposed on people who don't agree with it in the ways of laws. I think its ridiculous that grown intelligent people believe in something so ridiculous but that's their right to do so. LGBT people don't discuss religion at any event I have ever been to (which is about a dozen that I can think of. How many have YOU been to?) other than to point out how they are being discriminated against by religion and religious people. I am happy they have a church to go to where they are welcome, but sadly the straight christians don't think they should have that right either and threaten them with violence, call them names and protest in front of their churches.
I think you need some estrogen therapy or something dude. it's like you're a menopausal woman lately. Go get some pussy or something dude for real.