Hey guys!
The other day at work, I was sitting with several female co-workers on break, when one of them announces to the table she had went to the doctor and found she had gained a few pounds, but that was okay because her breasts where swollen. Another female chimed in and pretty soon, they were chatting about their breast sizes and their nipples and so on.
Sitting there quietly, I wondered outloud. “How come it’s okay for women to talk about their breast, what their cup size, what their nipples are like, but it’s not okay for guys to say one thing about their how big their penis is, without either offeneding someone, or it all turning into a joke?”
None of my co-workers could answer the question, so I present this to the Board here. Why is it all right for a woman to go into detail, talking about her breasts/nipples, but the moment a guy even says one word about his penis, it’s either sexual harrasment, or it becomes the “joke of the day?” Men have a penis, and yes, sometimes we get boners and we cannot control if others can see it or not.
What do you guys think?
The other day at work, I was sitting with several female co-workers on break, when one of them announces to the table she had went to the doctor and found she had gained a few pounds, but that was okay because her breasts where swollen. Another female chimed in and pretty soon, they were chatting about their breast sizes and their nipples and so on.
Sitting there quietly, I wondered outloud. “How come it’s okay for women to talk about their breast, what their cup size, what their nipples are like, but it’s not okay for guys to say one thing about their how big their penis is, without either offeneding someone, or it all turning into a joke?”
None of my co-workers could answer the question, so I present this to the Board here. Why is it all right for a woman to go into detail, talking about her breasts/nipples, but the moment a guy even says one word about his penis, it’s either sexual harrasment, or it becomes the “joke of the day?” Men have a penis, and yes, sometimes we get boners and we cannot control if others can see it or not.
What do you guys think?