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Breaking: Holy Shit Batman!!! 14 Dead at Batman Masacre

Will E Worm

The reality is you are far safer in some hick area of the country where everyone owns a legal firearm than you are a place like Chicago. I'm not advocating that every Tom, Dick and Harry should and/or needs to own a firearm, but I'm dealing with reality here.

"Hick" area? Really? :nono:

IF you're a white person.


To me this whole idea of gun control needs to take a back seat for a couple of days and worry about those who were killed and wounded.

Yes, it does. :clap:

The shooter was supposedly a model citizen with only a speeding ticket.

Unless the federal government knows something else like mind control, they need to drop the gun control talk right now.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I don't know but I am starting to think, along with checking to see if said gun purchaser is a criminal with any kind of criminal background, lets say while they are waiting for the 10 day cooling off period / criminal background check, maybe they should be required to see a psychologist and take a lie detector test before they are finally allowed to purchase anykind of weapons, albeit this wouldn't be a fool proof solution cuz some of these NUTS would still go the back door route and obtain there weapons illegally via the black market, or get and use stolen weapons, hand me down weapons etc..

But I think of these potential :douchebag:(s) were required to take a LIE DETECTER test then this might prevent / halt allot of these so called unsuspecting people, that go out and commit these mass shooting spree's that end up killing so many people, just an idea I don't think has been mentioned, (Albeit, I haven't been reading all the posts, as there are too many to read). :2 cents::dunno:

What do you guys think about a Mandatory 10 day cooling down period, and lets say a 5-10 hours over those 10 days with a psychologist (the hours would have to be negotiated), and a mandatory lie detector test.. before any 1st time buyer could purchase any kind of firearm, whether it be a handgun, assault rifle, or shotgun etc.. :2 cents: just an idea.. for a way too determine if these people are of sane mind and are on the up and up.. :rules:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
People snap that is all I can say, sadly that insane anger is taken out on the innocent. It has nothing do with gun control. However my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this tragedy and their families.
Don't act aghast and innocent with me. You're using examples of a few certain people to paint a broad picture of some liberal agenda. It's a shame that when things like this happen the first thing on your mind is "damn it, those libs are gonna try ta take our guuuns!".

When the miscreants are talking about "gun laws and restrictions" less than a day after the tragedy and they all happen to be liberal yes they are pushing an agenda.
The FBI already has a program to watch for anyone who buys ammo in bulk or in unusual amounts like that which Holmes had (6,000 rounds). Where the fuck were they?


My Penis Is Dancing!
When the miscreants are talking about "gun laws and restrictions" less than a day after the tragedy and they all happen to be liberal yes they are pushing an agenda.

Try taking the blinders off and looking at the entire picture.
On the very day, there were also people who said that, had people in the theater been armed, this never would have happened.
I saw one blogger attempt to blame the Occupy movement, hours after it happened.
On the other hand, I have seen idiots blame the Tea Party.

There are fucking idiots on both sides who are attempting to use this to push a political agenda. Pointing out that "the other side does it" makes those saying it not only political fucktards, makes that argument quite lame.


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What in the blue hell are you on about with this post?

So Pirate, if you don't think there is a concerted effort by the MSM with an agenda, what would you say about the lack of coverage of the 21 people shot in Chicago the last 24 hours, most likely ALL illegal firearms? Why focus on the incident where the owner is "legal," and conveniently avoid something like Chicago? Link: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-woman-wounded-in-englewood-shooting-20120720,0,705754.story That's just Chicago.

It's fairly apparent they do have an agenda.

The reality is you are far safer in some hick area of the country where everyone owns a legal firearm than you are a place like Chicago. I'm not advocating that every Tom, Dick and Harry should and/or needs to own a firearm, but I'm dealing with reality here.

Just playing devil's advocate.
Several isolated incidents of gang related deaths don't get as much attention as acts of domestic terrorism where many people die at once in a place like a movie theater. Whether it's fair or not, some incidents are deemed more jarring than others but the coverage isn't driven by whether or not the weapons were purchased legally. It doesn't matter how the ammunition was obtained because either incidence can be used against the manufacturing of guns in general.
Try taking the blinders off and looking at the entire picture.
On the very day, there were also people who said that, had people in the theater been armed, this never would have happened.
I saw one blogger attempt to blame the Occupy movement, hours after it happened.
On the other hand, I have seen idiots blame the Tea Party.

There are fucking idiots on both sides who are attempting to use this to push a political agenda. Pointing out that "the other side does it" makes those saying it not only political fucktards, makes that argument quite lame.

Having some poster on a forum make a pro-gun statement can't be compared to a reporter pushing an anti-gun agenda on a national news program or newspaper.

C.K. Lawrence

Closed Account
Sadly there were people in the media and government who were salivating in anticipation to the responses and potential coming from such a sad event. Even if it was not apparent directly to themselves it was in the back of their minds no doubt. Too sad.

The day after this happened I was scanning the news and reactions, man it was all the same, you could just sense the political bend just waiting to break, like vultures really.
I think that whole gun show purchase thingy has been blown way out of proportion, really, who is going to display an unrecorded firearm in their display case? The ATF officials could confiscate everything on a sellers table if they displayed such a gun for sale.
On the classified ad front, I would think that it would be crazy to sell an illegal/ unregistered/off the record handgun to a would be purchaser.... it could very well be a ATFer on the other end of the line.

But yeah, it's just like anything else, there's good ol' boy clubs in everything, if there isn't a loophole, why.... we'll make one , two, three or four of em.

I'm not gonna sit here and say I have all the solutions so maybe my suggestion might not work but still something has to be done about this, what exactly has to be done? I don't have a good answer but I just know something needs to happen. The only way I see something being done about gun control is if god forbid terrorists perpetrate a Mumbai style attack on American soil and we later find out that they bought semi-automatic rifles at gun shows and bought tear gas and body armor off the web. Only then would begin to see movement on the issue of gun control. However, let me make it clear that I am in no way and have never said that I want to ban all guns. I simply want to keep guns, especially semi-automatics, out of the hands of lunatics.


When did we come to the conclusion that atrocities are preventable here when they aren't anywhere else? Wh throw a fit over 12 dead in Colorado. Where was this indignation over the thousands slaughtered in Darfur? The mini-Holocaust in Bosnia, which we barely responded to and hardly prevented. Nigeria? Liberia?

How do we think that any of this is preventable here when it is so prevalent everywhere else?


^ Here's an interesting testimony fwiw. This woman was caught in the middle of a 22 body count massacre in Texas...

"... I made the worst mistake of my life... I left my gun in my car..."
(a victim's testimony to Congress really)

If the sensible people (the overwhelming majority) are forced to give up their liberties because of a minute handful of nuts, the minute handful of nuts as well as the anti 2A politicians (arguably also nuts themselves) have won.


^ I forgot to add... both of her parents were slain before her.

^ Here's an interesting testimony fwiw. This woman was caught in the middle of a 22 body count massacre in Texas...

"... I made the worst mistake of my life... I left my gun in my car..."
A victim's perspective (a victim's testimony to Congress really)

If the sensible people (the overwhelming majority) are forced to give up their liberties because of a minute handful of nuts, the minute handful of nuts as well as the anti 2A politicians (arguably also nuts themselves) have won.


Adult Image Hosting

Don't take away the guns, just simply legalize prostitution in all 50 states.
Seriously, hear me out on this one... What single thing do these mass murdering tirade goons have in common?
You got it, they just simply ain't gettin any...

So it is here I say we offer the not so gifted men of this great republic (ungifted as far as charming women goes anyway) the opportunity the get their hands on the very thing their hormonally crazed / chemically imbalanced brain(s) needs.... a 'lil lovin, i.e. (sugar)

How about it
''Hoes not bullets!"

Have I had too many beers tonight?
Several isolated incidents of gang related deaths don't get as much attention as acts of domestic terrorism where many people die at once in a place like a movie theater. Whether it's fair or not, some incidents are deemed more jarring than others but the coverage isn't driven by whether or not the weapons were purchased legally. It doesn't matter how the ammunition was obtained because either incidence can be used against the manufacturing of guns in general.

It was one day in one city. These aren't isolated. What is isolated is areas heavily armed with legal ownership having homicides and such.

When I go to a relative's house there have been occasions where you would hear gunfire just a couple acres away while at the same time a truck full of good ol' boys drive around with rifles up on the dirt road. It's a heavily armed area and there has been ONE murder there in the area's history, and that was domestic. Again, this area everyone owns one or knows someone who owns one.

Anyway, I'm made my point on the issue. As far as the tragedy I really feel for all those involved. The last time I went to a movie I remember the layout - stadium style seating, I was at the top row and if what I'm thinking about how this pussy pulled this stunt in the front in such a setup everyone in there would've been sitting ducks. I hope they give Holmes CP (capital punishment).


To me this whole idea of gun control needs to take a back seat for a couple of days and worry about those who were killed and wounded.

Ahh, phooey, I was just about to lay blame on Sarah Palin and her band of radical tea partiers as being coconspirators in this one just like my lefty friends wasted no time doing in the Loughner shooting incident in Az.

Ya big spoiler you! So much for striking when the iron is hot with you around here....
