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Boycott Shark Week

Discovery channel does some good things and in some ways shark week is pretty cool and informative. Then when you say, "Oh this isn't too bad" they have a segment called "Man eaters from the deep" or some shit. There are few things in my life that upset me more than mankind's treatment of animals. For a species that has so much affiliation with religion we are the most cruel murderous animals on the planet. Humans kill 100 MILLION sharks a year and the number is growing every year. Long line fishing is a big part of it and the media's constant lies about sharks being man eaters feeds the lack of information and cruelty. If we were killing 100 million dogs a year there would be outrage. Dogs kill more people every year than sharks do. So do soda machines falling on people. So does lightning. But yet we are destroying the ecology of the oceans.

I'm going diving today with Tiger sharks and I'm nervous and excited beyond words. My friends who are taking me have been seeing a huge tiger they estimate to be around 18 feet that is bold and comes right up to them. One of them has even tagged a ride on its dorsal. So if it's true they are man eaters then the big pain in the ass on the forum won't be back lol

Please, don't watch shark week. You're adding to the lies by supporting a network that is profiting off of scare tactics and is killing one of our greatest animals.

With that I'm out.
Fauxscovery Channel! Fin and Ballast! Jacques dived! Sharks died!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
This stupid thread has inspired me to fill my DVR with nothing but Shark Week TV and Shark After Dark episodes because Eli Roth. That guy's awesome. Nearly every episode of anything educational (Not the sensationalized bs like Voodoo Shark or Sharkpocolypse) this week has stated how fucked up Japanese and Latin American fishing practices are and that they're threatening shark populations. So yeah, BOYCOTT SHARK WEEK. Fucking ridiculous.
I thought I was on ignore?

Shark week does say some very important things but it also feeds the media fear-mongering. There was a segment a few nights ago called "Man Eaters"

I dont have discover where I am right now so I don't know what this week has had programming wise. But its always the same. If they didnt make it terrifying people wouldn't watch it. So many people are afraid of the ocean because of sharks, when in reality there is nearly no chance they would ever come across a shark. They watch that shit on shark week and think it's all real and sharks are prowling the coast lines waiting for them to come in for a swim. Its pathetic.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I've been watching Shark Week since it started years ago. I've always found it to be both informative and entertaining. I don't have time to watch it as much as I used to. But the one I saw part of today had swimmers studying bull sharks. I don't know how much unrealistic, scary stuff they have now compared to how it used to be. But the episodes I've seen haven't been overly sensational or making sharks seem any more dangerous than they actually are. My rule with any and all wild animals: don't fuck with them and they usually won't fuck with you. I have bears and big cats around me now (rumors of some sort of hybrid wolf-coyote too). And I'm not worried about them. I'm not a water person, but I'd just follow the same no fuckey-fuckey rule with sharks too.

And I used to work not far from this building. Now that was freakin' scary! Especially when you pass by it late at night, while you're three sheets to the wind. I never saw a white elephant. But imagine seeing a GIGANTIC white shark when you're soused! FOCK!!! :eek:

As I said in the original post and my last post, shark week does a lot of good. But for whatever good it does it wipes it away when they have a segment called "Man Eaters"

Or how about the hoax that Discovery did to promote shark week by putting out false stories that there was a bill shark in lake Ontario? It had people going crazy and fishermen were going to kill it. But it didn't exist. They lied to create a frenzy to promote their show.

For those of you that I won't name, claim that there is nothing in the way of media frenzy scare tactics to sensationalize sharks as man eating predators I will use simple logic that you will ignore. You have refused the proof of scientific fact in the past so why expect you to listen today? But some of you aren't so closed minded so I'll say that all shark researchers agree that shark week does MUCH more harm than it does good. I just spent 3 days with shark researchers in Bimini. I believe them more than you. Sorry ******.
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Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Again, it's not my place to say how watching Shark Week affects other people's views of sharks. I only know how it has affected me over the many years that I have watched Shark Week... which is not at all. If anything, I've learned more about shark behavior - things I wouldn't have otherwise known. I'm not any more or less afraid of sharks now than I was before. But again, I'm not a water person anyway. I've always been fascinated by sharks though, and will continue to be. Personally, I think they're one of the coolest animal types in nature - same opinion I've always had about them.

But if these shark researchers believe that the show is harmful to sharks, then they should discourage their colleagues from taking part in it, first and foremost. I mean, if what you're saying is true , that ALL shark researchers have the same negative opinion of the show, why are some of them taking part in shows that are featured in the presentation???

Shows I've seen that demonstrate the tremendous damage done to the shark population because of the Asian taste for things like shark fin soup (pretty brutal and wasteful methods are used to JUST take the fins and throw the live shark back in the water to die a miserable death) and also the false notion of aphrodisiacs made from shark fins (and rhino horns, etc.) I believe are what drives a greater demand for killing them, more than some fearful fishermen or even accidental catches in nets or lines.

I won't boycott Shark Week. But I have boycotted all of the Real Housewives shows (and even deleted Bravo from my channel line up). If I ever see another episode of any of those trashy shows, I just might load up my Weatherby magnum and go hunting in Orange County or Atlanta. Anything wearing Gucci shoes and sporting a (bad) facelift and duck lips might wind up on my wall at home. Yeah, I don't like any of them. But I'm cool with sharks.
Ever been this close to a Tiger shark before? This is a pic I shot yesterday. This 12 foot tiger shark wouldn't even come within more than 15 feet of us and we had blocks of frozen fish.

View attachment 437882

Nice pic. I have. I used to love playing with sharks when I did a lot of scuba diving. Lots of bronze whalers and grey nurses where I grew up diving, and wobbegongs of course. One time I was out spearing, putting my fish on a stringer and a big tiger came up and ate the fish off my stringer. I stand with you on ignorance based fear of sharks, but that was enough to get me out of the water for the day.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Debra Messing's ears are burning but at least she wasn't offended this time. The woman must be given some room to spread her wings and grow, to bloom, to succeed, to lead...

To be empowered...
this is from day 2 at Tiger beach proves that sharks have zero interest in eating humans. there were 18 of us and not one person other than the one hand-feeding them even had a shark come directly at them and he was able to easily push them back by the nose. They weren't going after him, ONLY what he has in his hands.

checkout the belly on the big bull shark at :20 HUGE belly and you see the big lemon from the previous day was back and took a liking to me.

pretty fucking awesome. I have more video coming soon but wanted to post this. sharks are not mean eaters by any imagination.



For the EMPEROR!!

Seriously though I love sharks. I've swam many a time, either swimming or snorkeling, when they've been around.
Actually sharks have been a hot topic down here lately with that appalling 'shark cull' programme they passed in West Aus earlier in the year.

Look, I'm a full on Greenie when it comes to the environment/Oceans etc, but boycotting Shark Week? Not gonna' happen.