Bill Maher gets away with saying stuff? I guess nobody paid attention when he made the analogy that compared to shooting missles from hundreds of miles away, the hijackers on 9/11 had guts, and those who would launch missles at targets hundreds of miles away were actually, by definition, cowards. That statement caused him to lose his ABC show "Politically Incorrect With Bill Maher". Agree with their purpose or not, and I do not, it's hard to argue that Bill was wrong in what he said.....I mean to hijack planes, and to be willing to crash them & die yourselves for a cause.....although's hardly the definition of cowardly. And, at the same time, hitting targets from the safety of hundreds of miles away.....doesn't exactly take guts....and by definition is cowardly. Like I said though, that cost Bill his job.
Anyway, I think there are quite a few people who will take great pleasure when that piece of evil shit Dick Cheney dies......or at least, I seriously doubt anyone will shed a tear.....unless Faux News has a circle jerk with that fat pig fucker Karl Rove (who might get a hand job from Sean Hannity to commerate the occasion). Steve Douchey (sic. Doocy) on Faux and Friends might give his corpse a rim job.....but other than that......Seriously, does anyone like Dick Cheney? SERIOUSLY? A dude who has a lesbian daughter, but he panders to the lunatic fringe and would deprive his own daughter of her rights publicly? Yeah, he's a great man....and he will be "sorely missed." PLEASE!
Oh, and worm, comparing the "fact" that evidently Michael Moore owns stock in Halliburton (I haven't seen the evidence on that the jury is still out for me), to Dick Cheney's involvement.....which included running the company, then becoming Vice-President (with all intents and purposes, he was President during Bush's 1st term), and giving a shit load of no bid contracts to the very company that the sitting Vice-President used to a laughable comparison at best, and a deliberate attempt to cloud the issues, and being intellectually dishonest at worst. There is a HUGE difference between owning stock in a company, and blatant political corruption. :2 cents:
Bottom line, Cheney is an evil little shit eating pig fucker......and I seriously doubt many, if any, people will shed a tear when that evil fuck dies. He already doesn't have a pulse he's already halfway there! :2 cents:
Why are republicans/conservatists even on here? thats right they are hypocrites; they hate porn and prostitutes because its against "god" but come on freeones.
Yeah, I agree, those who thump the Bible, but then conduct themselves in life in a way that is contrary to actually being a believer are the biggest hypocrites of all. I mean, how can you honestly be a bible thumper, and yet come to a porn board? That makes it impossible to take anything that those people say very seriously....and it actually makes them look like a caricature.