Best Gaming System of All Time

Which is the greatest

  • SEGA Genesis/Megadrive

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Nintendo SNES

    Votes: 12 22.2%
  • Nintendo N64

    Votes: 8 14.8%
  • Sony PS1

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Sony PS2

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • Sony PS3

    Votes: 8 14.8%
  • Microsoft Xbox

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Microsoft Xbox360

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Nintendo Wii

    Votes: 2 3.7%
  • Other - Old School Atari etc.

    Votes: 8 14.8%

  • Total voters
Yeh the SNES and the N64 were great.... They started to get a pretty good display, by just putting in the cartrage..You did not have to wait for it to load up with 10 logos of companies that worked on the game..


I picked other, because if it was not for the ORGINAL NES, which is not a choice, there would be no gaming culture there is now.

Hell i had ColecoVision back in the 80's before NES came out.
Voted for the PS1, although any of the Sony systems could have gotten my vote. I have all 3 (4, counting my PSP), and they're all systems that I (or my parents, in the case of the PS1) bought within a month of their release. Never had a problem with any of them...Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 is my absolute favorite game of all time...I just finished playing through it for the zillionth time a few weeks ago, on the same system I beat it on 12 years ago. :p
I voted for the Sega Genesis. The NES was four years old with no real competition, when the Genesis came out and it would be another two years before SNES would be released. If not for Genesis, Nintendo would have most likely kept pumping out NES systems and their would have been an even longer wait for a SNES or a PS1 which started as a Nintendo project.

All that being said, I can still remember getting an Atari 2600 for Christmas in 1979. Good times.


Lost at Birth
You lucky bastard!I always wanted that handheld.You were living my dream of having the ability to watch tv in school.That would've been the fucking bomb.

I was completely sold on the fact that it had an attachable tuner so that you could watch tv on it.Too bad I was a poor high school kid back then with no job,so all I could do is wish for one.$300 was ridiculously high for it,but I thought that the most ingenious thing about it was that you didn't even have to by a whole new set of games for it,it already played all of the original TurboGrafx 16 games.Kind of a shame that most of their games sucked though.

yeah the games did suck, lol. it was the only drawback.

BUT!!! you're gonna die when you hear how much my mom paid for it brand new: $40 bucks. There was a store called Federated kind of like a best buy and it was going out of business. I practically got on my hands and knees and begged her in the store to get one for me and my bros so she got one for each of us and one game for each of us. 3 consoles, 3 games all under the original sticker price lol. those were the only three games we had for it, played the shit out of em! i was the only who got a tuner cos it was the only left. i think we had 3 maybe 4 fights a week over that tuner.

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
I gotta go with my PS3. I got a 60 gig one so I can play all my fav PS1 and PS2 games lol

Lucky you. Wish I got one of those at the time. I can play old ps1 games on my ps3 but can't go back to ps2 games. I started playing Resident Evil 4 recently and have the slimline ps2 next to the ps3.
Lucky you. Wish I got one of those at the time. I can play old ps1 games on my ps3 but can't go back to ps2 games. I started playing Resident Evil 4 recently and have the slimline ps2 next to the ps3.

I got Monster Rancher 4 today in the mail but it was a messed up copy. I hooked up my ps2 to make sure it wasnt just my ps3 being weird lol. Ended up knocking over a stack of dvds while looking for the power cord and hitting myself in the head lol.
Atari 2600, still my favorite, being a kid back in 1980, but the newer systems are incrediblle
Xbox 360. Retro systems are obviously awesome, but the 360 controller is the most comfortable controller I've ever used.