You lucky bastard!I always wanted that handheld.You were living my dream of having the ability to watch tv in school.That would've been the fucking bomb.
I was completely sold on the fact that it had an attachable tuner so that you could watch tv on it.Too bad I was a poor high school kid back then with no job,so all I could do is wish for one.$300 was ridiculously high for it,but I thought that the most ingenious thing about it was that you didn't even have to by a whole new set of games for it,it already played all of the original TurboGrafx 16 games.Kind of a shame that most of their games sucked though.
I gotta go with my PS3. I got a 60 gig one so I can play all my fav PS1 and PS2 games lol
Lucky you. Wish I got one of those at the time. I can play old ps1 games on my ps3 but can't go back to ps2 games. I started playing Resident Evil 4 recently and have the slimline ps2 next to the ps3.