Ben Stein: Obama 'Is the Most Racist President' Ever

Or maybe it's Bob Beckel, Juan Williams, Alan Colmes, and a host of others. Oh and fuckin' Geraldo.

So what is to blame for the problems in the black community? Is it all racism to blame for the disproportionate unemployment rate, poverty rate, crime rate (by far), murder rate, fatherless households, etc. ? Asians rank below whites in all those categories. So is racism to blame? Or is it a cultural issue with the help of some outside forces (white liberals) who need a permanent victim class?
Blaming it all on racism and racism only ois as stupid as pretending that there is no such things as white privilege. YES, racism is a part of the problem, a big part but no the only one.
Claiming racism is becoming more like crying wolf over time as laws and opinions have strived toward tolerance. Abandonment of families and turning on your own race in a violent manner is a concern. Outsiders being patronizing and condescending transferring optimism into victimization is not helpful either. I see too many other immigrants who come to this country that assimilate decently, keep their families in order, and live quiet and respectful lives. Many of the so-called Civil Rights leaders bet on the failure of their own people so they may succeed. They are more your boogeyman than I will ever be.
Claiming racism is becoming more like crying wolf over time as laws and opinions have strived toward tolerance. Abandonment of families and turning on your own race in a violent manner is a concern. Outsiders being patronizing and condescending transferring optimism into victimization is not helpful either. I see too many other immigrants who come to this country that assimilate decently, keep their families in order, and live quiet and respectful lives. Many of the so-called Civil Rights leaders bet on the failure of their own people so they may succeed. They are more your boogeyman than I will ever be.

For all the protests in Ferguson, there's none in Chicago. Move along, nothing to see there.
For all the protests in Ferguson, there's none in Chicago. Move along, nothing to see there.

I treat everyone like they're invisible regardless or race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, etc.

If they protested in Chicago who would they actually be protesting against? Each other? Maybe the Koch brothers are arming both sides putting crack in the Captain Crunch also.
I treat everyone like they're invisible regardless or race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, etc.

If they protested in Chicago who would they actually be protesting against? Each other? Maybe the Koch brothers are arming both sides putting crack in the Captain Crunch also.

Yeah protesting black-on-black violence which would be the leading cause of death among black youths wouldn't fit the narrative.

It's racist police officers who are the problem.
Yeah protesting black-on-black violence which would be the leading cause of death among black youths wouldn't fit the narrative.

If you have a victim you need someone else to blame. If it's Vegas, sounds like a Push in this case.

If you went to go to Ferguson to protest and put your protest sign down you are the one who might be attacked for your race.
As with many charges against Obama by the Taliban right, you have to be able to read between (and within) the lines. While I don't agree with Obama's approach on many issues now (including race, religion and gender issues), to say that he's "the most racist President ever" suggests an air of hyperbole and a tendency to ignore the actions and beliefs of past Presidents.

Pot, meet kettle.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Pot, meet kettle.

Sadly, I cannot take credit for coining that term for the far right's "insurgency" tactics. All credit must be given to Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX). If you find it offensive, Mr. Pete can be reached at (214) 373-8585.

When the shoe fits... we must do as the Romans do (or something like that).


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Rough numbers say that 4% of blacks own their own business. 8% for Latino and 12% for whites. Black owned businesses account for 5.2% of all non-farm businesses. 6.8% for Hispanic. Asian 4.8%. Consider the nature of these businesses. A better look into the numbers tell us something. Asian-owned businesses with paid employees account for almost a third (29 percent), a higher level than for either black-owned or Hispanic-owned businesses, and higher than the average for all businesses in the U.S. in 2002 (24.1). 29% of Hispanic businesses operated in construction and other services, such as personal services, and repair and maintenance. In fact, Hispanic-owned businesses owned 8.5 percent of all such businesses in the U.S. Retail and wholesale trade accounted for 35.9 percent of Hispanic-owned business revenue. While the number of black-owned firms has grown by 45% '97-'02, the number of black-owned firms with paid employees had grown by only 1.5%.

What is to be said of such numbers? Aren't the same business opportunities open to any race? Why are there such disparities?


Closed Account
Bob, it depends on what is considered a business. There are retired ladies who supplement there income by doing "day care". There are normally no more than 3-5 kids so there is no need to be registered. So it is not counted as a business. It is the same as men doing auto repair or people who bake in their homes. So long as it is not more than a certain amount, it is not considered a business. Therefore there are no costs such as a separate kitchen, health codes that would apply to that business, etc. Also since it is not a business, they can pick and choose who they do business with. Some will only do this for fellow church members, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Therefore startup costs really aren't realistic if it is for a small group. Also, as you mentioned, most businesses are family owned so their is a share of the profits, not an actual salary.
Also a lot of businesses fail because that person may know how to cook or repair, but managing, setting up budgets are not something they had no forethought on until it is too late.
Getting a fuckin life Ace Boobtoucher and take your act to a all racist forum. There has to be one, because all you do is bring up the race card here on a site that is multi-cultural.

President Wilson on "Birth of a Nation":


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Where on Earf did you get that MONIKER, you fucking idiot?

Haha. Was about to post a PS and BAM your bitch racist ass responded real quick. LOSER!

mother fuck what you typed anyways.

PS:Obama is 1/2 and 1/2 so that makes him in your world a racist to have of his heritage.

Last retort because you are a lonely REDNECK in America is all you are. This is how you get off on life as the internet is a beautiful thing in your world to type bullshit that you will never say to people faces.

Sad! Straight up! My daughter has more sense from your punk ass on dealing with people. She waves and says hi to everyone regardless of race when I'm with her in public! Because I don't teach her to hate and have only pride in your own race as this is America I thought.
Also something I notice here on FOs on pornstars page comments.

As soon a white porn star does a black man, some lash out.. So! She ain't fucking you.

See America is a fucked up place with racist on the internet hiding and thinking they are being clever bringing up things like Travon Martin cheerleading because in some minds he was nothing but a worthless thug. With the only good African Americans are the ones that are entertaining you in movies or helping your fav sports team win.

The truth and real talk. Not all whites, just the punk motherfuckers like Ace Boobtoucher.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

Whatever with your racist comments that is nothing but lipstick on a pig.

No one is telling you to listen to it.

I refuse to take criticism from someone this stupid. You're one of those racist motherfuckers who reads into things without knowing what the fuck they're mad about. I defy you to find one truly racist thing I've written or ask anyone who's ever met me if I've ever uttered a racial slur or performed a racist act. You're one of those dumbasses who can't distinguish a legitimate disagreement from racism. I hammer people of any race for their stupidity and incompetence. If I feel something is worth posting or interesting to me and you are offended...I don't fucking care. So what? That's half the point of being on the internet. The other half is porn. And maybe games...but primarily it's the schadenfreude I get from seeing or reading about some self indulgent ass clown getting their comeuppance (By the way, neither schadenfreude nor comeuppance are racist terms either).


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Also something I notice here on FOs on pornstars page comments.

As soon a white porn star does a black man, some lash out.. So! She ain't fucking you.

See America is a fucked up place with racist on the internet hiding and thinking they are being clever bringing up things like Travon Martin cheerleading because in some minds he was nothing but a worthless thug. With the only good African Americans are the ones that are entertaining you in movies or helping your fav sports team win.

The truth and real talk. Not all whites, just the punk motherfuckers like Ace Boobtoucher.

Sadly true. The issue of female adult performers doing work with black men is something that can crash careers. Or the fan base can push so hard that it goes to extremes where it crosses borders from asking, bypassing demanding to seriously harassing performers. We had this happen at FreeOnes, too.

You can read about what went down with Taylor Rain here.

It is unbelievable what people are writing and doing in the imaginary anonymity of the internet. But looking at the news, it is less unbelievable.

People are so worried about Ebola, I am more afraid of stupidity.
^ Shit, I wish I'd been here for that. Of course my contributions would be about how I nutted to her that day. Then when she replied, I would've dry-humped my keyboard.

Taylor Rain, I will always lust you. :hatsoff: