Belgian lawmakers pass burka ban

So that's the belgian way of saying: "Screw the muslims"?

It's so not funny that I can't even laugh.
Whatever, DreamSparrow. I have cocktails with a couple of fine fellows I had a group project with from Togo and Nigeria, so be sure to relay to them I'm a "sick freak" (I'm actually a pretty decent, sophisticated human being). ;)

BTW, what is you ethnic background anyway? Establishing that alone will say ubundant words about your agenda.

damned spelling errors I made in this post. :o
Are you with them or are you with the West? I think DreamSparrow is an internal agent. (Let's rid ourselves of provocateurs :1orglaugh:banger::D)

You want me to be clear then here you go.

4 words: "Let muslims be muslims."

Creating a law that prevents those women of following their religion, is the Belgian government bored or something? They have not committed any crime, they pay their bills etc, etc and that's how the Belgian government repay them? What are they, children?
And along with many great ideas for a better life (free the women, free expression, freedom of choice to work, etc) the Islamic philosophy is dedicated to eradicate, just common sense safety issues need to be respected; the illegals and ignorant can either come around or pay the fine...criminals all!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
If these women are being oppressed, being forced to wear burka's. How is the passing of this law going to make them 'come around' as you put it?

You want me to be clear then here you go.

4 words: "Let muslims be muslims."

Creating a law that prevents those women of following their religion, is the Belgian government bored or something? They have not committed any crime, they pay their bills etc, etc and that's how the Belgian government repay them? What are they, children?
Exactly, the fucking Belgians have a problem with women being told what they can & cannot wear, so what do they do? Pass a law that tells women what they can & cannot wear!!
You want me to be clear then here you go.

4 words: "Let muslims be muslims."

Creating a law that prevents those women of following their religion, is the Belgian government bored or something? They have not committed any crime, they pay their bills etc, etc and that's how the Belgian government repay them? What are they, children?

No veil allowed. No exceptions.
Criminalize women? Jeez no wonder West Europe is such fodder for islamists.
The liberals do not care how you feel. They want the world to love them. In their mind the best way is to be a pussy, apologize repeatedly, and change native laws that might offend an islamist.:rolleyes:

Europe is pretty liberal and they have bans over there.

When comes to id's and licenses they must remove them for the photo, otherwise I could care less what they do in their private life.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I read this thread title wrong again I thought it stated that "Belgian Lawmakers pass Bukkake Ban" which would be bad because me and a bunch of friends of mine were looking forward to jerking off on some Belgian chicks face, then going out for some delcious waffles afterward. Guess we'll have to go to the apple orchard instead.


It's good to be the king...
Hey...I can't walk around hiding my face so why should we submit to these eleventh century types...

Besides, there's that and the point that again Europe has bent over backwards for these Medievalists.

When Europe was in the dark ages, these "Medievalists" helped keep mathematics, medicine and science alive.


Hiliary 2020
Actually there is no seperate Belgium indigenous group as it where, the population is made up of Flemish (Dutch extraction) , French and German communities. A bit like all the white people of Canada/USA being from various European countries rather than natives of the land.

Oh Ok, well thats cool then, let the muslims take it.
i mean after all there are no true belgians anyway.

Hmmm, I wonder if a person who has lived in Belgium all their lives, as well as their ancestors would feel about what i said.

i think they'd punch me in the face.

What you said is the same as saying there arent and never were native north and south americans, they are actually chinese.

Anything to defend certain people.
Oh Ok, well thats cool then, let the muslims take it.
i mean after all there are no true belgians anyway.

Hmmm, I wonder if a person who has lived in Belgium all thee lives, as well as their ancestors would feel about what i said.

i think they'd punch me in the face.

Muslims take it all away? Paranoid much. Most people in Europe live peacefully side by side (1000s of years of history have dilluted the ethnic populations already) and you get very minor incidents of racial tension, which make headlines in the right wing media. This whole view that Islam is trying to overthrow the west because they hate the fact we have tvs and 'moderninity' is absurd, sounds like something straight out of the mouth of George Bush trying scare the world to side with the states, something the UK, Spain and Australia did to great costs (London/Madrid/Bali bombings). People should be allowed to practice their religion as long as it doesn't infringe on security (ie faces covered in public or inciting violence) or health and safety (ie dress or hygiene etc). Everyone respected, no one disrespected everyone happy, simples.
When Europe was in the dark ages, these "Medievalists" helped keep mathematics, medicine and science alive.

True, but they not only stopped progressing, they reverted backwards thanks to a fundamentalist movement spread by the sword.
& how are they doing this?

By changing laws to suit them. Liberals screwed up Western Europe as badly as the ultra nationalists during the 30s and 40s.

The islamists have more balls and stomach for usurping Western Europe's traditional post WWII progressive ways than the liberals do in stopping them.
Everything you stand for, they are against and in the end they'll win because they believe Allah wills it. Their religious fervor easily outmaneuvers West Europe's progressive secularists. For that I actually have to give them credit. The islamists have the brass.:hatsoff:
The Belgian government's fucked up, let's leave it at that. The law was passed, nothing we discussed here will change a thing. Some people are happy and some are not, and that's how human beings get by.