Belgian lawmakers pass burka ban

Some may have to die.. some may have to make sacrifices...I highly doubt women CHOOSE to dress covered head to toe. They obviously want freedom...Muslims are moving to USA and England in record numbers. And The Netherlands are being overrun by them..


Or it could be a nefarious plot to take over the world... :dunno:
Eh? You support the liberation of women but don't support a woman's choice to wear a burqa? Surely choice is a vital part of being liberated?
You are a rather confused individual. . .

How would that liberate women, whose liberation you support?

You're the party that's supposed to liberate women instead you're forcing them to wear the burqa: a male designed garment to subjugate women.:rolleyes:

How is it that I, being a centrist am more supportive of muslim women being liberated than you liberals. :thefinger:thefinger
Where one migrates into another country, he has to adopt to the customs and habits in the country where he migrated in and he has to obey the rules of the country that has accepted him as one of his citizens. End of story.
Where one migrates into another country, he has to adopt to the customs and habits in the country where he migrated in and he has to obey the rules of the country that has accepted him as one of his citizens. End of story.

This is also one of the major principles of Islam but you always get a selfish few who want everything their way and can't appreciate what they've got, these peoples actions lead to an increase in racial tension.


Hiliary 2020
U, if it leads to racial tension, then so be it.
The only other alternative is complete appeasement no?
Like different laws for different people?
Thats no good.

personally, i say let the women dress like that.
but i do see the point of the law regarding hiding your identity in public.
Well I wouldn't. & I care because it is a state acting like an idiot again, choosing the completely wrong tactic & it will only lead to further marginalisation of muslims & then more excuses for terrorist extremism. The government have shot themselves in the foot & just because it doesn't directly affect me doesn't mean I shouldn't care or be concerned. . .

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

That makes good sense to me. :glugglug:
Where one migrates into another country, he has to adopt to the customs and habits in the country where he migrated in and he has to obey the rules of the country that has accepted him as one of his citizens. End of story.

Not muslims in West Europe where they have created a parallel society completely apart from the progressive secular European society that let them in.
They will never assimilate, instead West Europe will have to change, adapt and slowly be assimilated into a islamic society set up in Europe.
Not muslims in West Europe where they have created a parallel society completely apart from the progressive secular European society that let them in.
They will never assimilate, instead West Europe will have to change, adapt and slowly be assimilated into a islamic society set up in Europe.

This is short sightedness on the part of the western governments, if burkhas were banned from day 1 it wouldn't be an issue, once you allow them to do it and then after a few years say they must stop then it looks like ur taking their freedom away. They only banned inciting violence last year or so in the UK (ie all those placards that said behead all infdels etc), that should never have been allowed in the first place. Western media also gives 2 much attention 2 these extremist groups like Anjem Choudary and his loony Islam4UK group as they know it riles all the people up and sells their newspapers, they don't even give the bnp half that attention. They (extremist muslims) are encouraged to make these silly demands and dramatic statements as they know it'll get them on tv or in the papers, they should just b ignored as they are no more than a few hundred people of a pop of over 1 million.
I'm curious to know what the burka-wearer's opinion is on this. Are there any video's/article of Belgian Muslim women who wear such garb protesting?
I'm curious to know what the burka-wearer's opinion is on this. Are there any video's/article of Belgian Muslim women who wear such garb protesting?

me too but more specific, if being beaten, beheaded, or isolated wasn't an option what would the say?
You're the party that's supposed to liberate women instead you're forcing them to wear the burqa: a male designed garment to subjugate women.:rolleyes:

How is it that I, being a centrist am more supportive of muslim women being liberated than you liberals. :thefinger:thefinger

You seem to be confused again. :confused:

For starters I’m not a party, I am merely expressing my own views not tied into any political party. But more importantly you have not really understood my point. Not once have I said that I support the idea of women being forced to wear burqas. In what way am forcing them to where the burqa? My point is that I am against this law because I cannot see how it will liberate women who are oppressed. Criminalising them seems like a regressive step, also by banning it how will it liberate them? Will the men controlling them suddenly decide that now their wives or daughters are not allowed to wear the burqa in public they will allow them out without it? Of course not, these women will be on the receiving end of greater oppression as they will be prisoners within their own homes.

By supporting this law how are you more supportive of liberating muslim women?

By all means argue against my point of view, but please understand what my point of view is (I have made it perfectly clear on this thread) before arguing against it otherwise you look a bit silly, as in this case you really have not understood what I am saying. :hatsoff:
You assume that these women are forced to wear burkas, like if they had their choice they would go outside dressed like hookers. It is their religious and cultural custom to wear these garments for many different reasons. Some of these reasons are modesty, and protection from the elements and more. Back in time when their ancestors lived a nomadic life style these garments would keep women safe from the sun and sand storms etc. They also portected women against kidnapping and rape because rival tribes wouldnt be as tempted by seeing a woman uncovered. It also has to do with a womans beauty being sacred and only being shared by her family and loved ones. It isnt anyone elses business how another person for another ethnicity and religion dresses. If you hate this religion/ethnicity just say that you hate them. Take the burka/veil off of your xenophobia/racism.