You're the party that's supposed to liberate women instead you're forcing them to wear the burqa: a male designed garment to subjugate women.
How is it that I, being a centrist am more supportive of muslim women being liberated than you liberals. :thefinger:thefinger
You seem to be confused again.
For starters I’m not a party, I am merely expressing my own views not tied into any political party. But more importantly you have not really understood my point. Not once have I said that I support the idea of women being forced to wear burqas. In what way am forcing them to where the burqa? My point is that I am against this law because I cannot see how it will liberate women who are oppressed. Criminalising them seems like a regressive step, also by banning it how will it liberate them? Will the men controlling them suddenly decide that now their wives or daughters are not allowed to wear the burqa in public they will allow them out without it? Of course not, these women will be on the receiving end of greater oppression as they will be prisoners within their own homes.
By supporting this law how are you more supportive of liberating muslim women?
By all means argue against my point of view, but please understand what my point of view is (I have made it perfectly clear on this thread) before arguing against it otherwise you look a bit silly, as in this case you really have not understood what I am saying. :hatsoff: