Batman, Spiderman, X-Men or Ironman movies

I'd love him to shove his rainbow penis up my rainbow ass.

If it's anal sex you crave, look no further than Captain Codpiece!


And just WAIT till he SHOOTS his LOAD! You're going to be an absolute fucking mess! :wiggle:

As far as Batman, Spiderman, X-Men or Ironman movies go ...

I choose the Goddamn Batman movies. :batman: :D
I don't think superhero comics transfer well to the big screen, they are just not believable enough. X-MEN or maybe Iron Man come closest I guess.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
:batman: for sure. Only because the last two have managed to erase some of the regression that took place with Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. George Clooney as Batman and Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl? FML...
EDIT:The post was deleted with a request from the posting member.
Oooooo! Someone needs to calm down dear!


Anyway, another problem with Superhero movies is that they are indicative of all this franchise, reboot, reimagining nonsense. Where movies are seen solely as a money making machine, everything set up to kick start a new franchise, a movie only existing so it can be followed by other movies, or even preceded by prequels such as dross like Wolverine origins x men, or take something that has already been a success & tweak it a little for a reboot so you can make more cash from the same bloody story! Whither originality? It would be nice to see more of these movies having a proper ending that isn't just a set up for sequels & more money making opportunities, turning everything into a marketable brand.
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I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
You guys are forgetting one of the best comic book movies ever....Swamp Thing and The Return of Swamp Thing!
The Dark knight is the best,without a doubt.

The second Spider-Man movie is the only good one.Like someone else said,the first one is passable,but gets cheesier after multiple watches,and the third one is just fucking garbage.

The X-Men series was fucked from the word "go".To not follow the origin of the comic just fucked the whole thing up,and subsequently the writers have painted themselves into a corner.The proof of that is the fact that they are now considering doing a reboot to fix it.Too little too late for me.

I don't really understand the love for Wolverine.That movie was a fucking abortion with absolute "zero" continuity to the X-Men story.I guess they are staying consistent.

Ironman=fucking awesome.Can't wait for Ironman 2.

The first Hulk movie wasn't very good,but there are worse movies I could watch,but they fixed it with the second one.Not great,but pretty good.Too bad it's pretty much fucked because now they are going to try to put him in the Avengers.Just don't see it working.

Some of these other movies that are coming out soon,like Green Lantern and Jonah Hex,I have no interest in.

I have to say that I'm probably the only person that likes Punisher:Warzone.They just said "fuck it",and made a ridiculously,violently silly,and entertaining movie.I laughed my ass off through that whole thing.
1. Spider-Man 2
2. The Dark Knight
3. Blade
4. Iron Man


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
The newer Batman movies were nice. Tim Burton ruined things. The X-Men were cool too. Spiderman had moments and has potentially good legs for the franchise... But I'd have to go with Ironman. It's pretty kickass. I hope the upcoming one has a lot of action.