AvP - Requiem


knows petras secret: she farted.
ill be the first to say i hated that movie.

it was stupid and it just about ruined the incredible legacy the alien saga had going. sigourney also hated it which i recently found out while watching some documentaries on my alien quadrilogy boxset which made me very happy.

to us, it doesn't even get categorized as an alien movie. predator was its own movie too, not bad for the times, its what a lot of action movies were modeled after and still are to this day but whoever thought of combining these 2 great movies into one was a mega douche bag.

i cant believe theres a second one. it makes me so sad to see all these crappy movies coming out. i, for one, am not going to waste my time on this one. this is a movie for teenagers and nothing more.

thanks for the warning though. (and yes, im a very serious alien fan)
The first one really sucked ass, but this one looks waaaay better.

Hell, the trailer alone is better than the whole of AVP lol

Blood, swearing, a kid getting face-huggered, pred with 2 shoulder guns, predalien, acid eating peoples faces.

Should be a hoot!
I saw the first movie in theaters and I didn't like it. I only went because I had a movie pass for it. However I saw it again about two months ago on t.v. and I liked it. I think it's one of those movies that is better on t.v. and not on the big screen. I ended buying it on dvd to add to my Alien and Predator movies. This new movie looks pretty good so far and I definately like the R rating.
I have to agree with all the anti AvP posts, the first movie was beyond dire and destroyed a story that had a lot of serious potential. The plot itself was far to close to one of the books for my own liking and the potrayal of the predators, young as they were meant to be, made them seem weak and incredibly easy to kill. Im not sure how much of a cliffhanger ending it was meant to be give, one pred-alien on a ship of full blood predators? Im sorry but given how I see the predators as skilled warriors, I dont see that as much more of an annoyance.

I dont know as much about the plot to this as I would like, I might even keep what I know to a minimal, ignorance might well be bliss.
Like a lot of the others, I think what I liked most about this trailer was the totally over-the-top violence in it. It never made sense in the first AvP movie- Alien- rated R, Predator- rated R, a movie starring both these iconic, violent monsters? Rated PG-13. :wtf:

That looks pretty sweet, and just for the info, aliens and predators were together way before the first AVP movie, there are many books that describe predators using aliens for hunting, in fact, in "predator language," humans are referred to as "soft meat" and aliens "hard meat." And don't worry, I'm as big an aliens or predator fan as anyone.
AVP was a bad flick to be honest,Alien And Predator on their own were groundbreaking films at the time,and I suppose to a degree still are.In my opinion there have been very very few original movies that have come out in the last 7- 8 years,everything has been either a remake,sequel or something based on a comic book or game,most of them dont follow the story of the game/comic anyway.
That looks pretty sweet, and just for the info, aliens and predators were together way before the first AVP movie, there are many books that describe predators using aliens for hunting, in fact, in "predator language," humans are referred to as "soft meat" and aliens "hard meat." And don't worry, I'm as big an aliens or predator fan as anyone.

In Predator 2,when Danny Glover gets onto the ship near the end,and you see the variety of skulls on the wall,isnt there an Alien skull aswell??
Wow, this looks 1000X better than the first. Tons of blood and more enemies judging from the trailer. I am really impressed!
Indeed I believe there is Tonepiece. Not much googling will reveal a long history between aliens and predators for anyone who is interested.


knows petras secret: she farted.
blah, i still hate it. all it means to me is that if there will be a REAL alien movie coming out (a 5th one), it wont be for another few more years because of this thing they flopped out there.
In Predator 2,when Danny Glover gets onto the ship near the end,and you see the variety of skulls on the wall,isnt there an Alien skull aswell??

I think there was alien skull in the ship though I didn't know alien has bones.

AvP 2 look good, I might get it on dvd when it come out.