AvP - Requiem

A gory action flick opening on Xmas Day...smells like nothing more then a money grab to me.

The first one was so bad. Why see this?:dunno:
The first AVP was great, much better than Alien 3 and 4. Even James Cameron liked AVP and admitted it's the third best Alien movie. :thefinger
Wow, maybe a hope for a incredible franchise! I am a sceptic after the last AVP.... The 1st is still the finest even today, the 2nd was quite good, but a little corny at times, the 3rd had issues and fell short, the 4th was a disaster..
From what I saw of that short clip, Requiem seems to pick up just where the first film ended.
IMHO the last decent Aliens instalment was the third one. I actually liked it a lot, it was stylish. Fourth was crap.

AVP 1 was nerdish of course, but the second one has aliens, guns (hopefully) and some decent visuals by the looks of it. What else do you need from a blockbuster?
I just hope they have a bunch of predators in this one and that they don't die right away in this one. The only thing that really sucked about the first one was that it was more like HUMANS vs. Aliens with some predators. I don't want to see a bunch of humans except for one all get killed by aliens. I want to see predators and aliens kicking the crap out of each other.
the first one sucked. i liked the first two alien movies and the first predator one. I am really looking forward to this one. lots of gore and action! i am not expecting some oscar worthy prodction, but it looks good so far.
I just hope they have a bunch of predators in this one and that they don't die right away in this one. The only thing that really sucked about the first one was that it was more like HUMANS vs. Aliens with some predators. I don't want to see a bunch of humans except for one all get killed by aliens. I want to see predators and aliens kicking the crap out of each other.

i think its just one predator again. the ship from the first movie crashes and only one survives. that predator is hunting the aliens, but from the preview i saw, its blowing heads of of humans more than anything else!
I wonder if the predators will last for more than five minutes in this one.
Yeh what gives? I saw that preview, and as I recall there were a metric shitload of predators on that ship from AVP, not just a couple. I really think that alien that came out of the predator shoulda been in big trouble.
I'm fine with there being only one predator. He just has to be the star of the show. Its not like it would change anything by having a predator the star. Its who half of everyone ther came to see, the other one being the aliens.
I think the producers don;'t want to do they cause then people would be alienated from the movie. WTF, its not like last week on my way to japanese class i had to fight off a gang of face huggers, and a semi invisible gaint. Or even had to evacuate a town due to evil aliens.
Just saw the trailer..looks waaaay more gruesome than the first movie.

Anything has to be an improvement on the first one.

Yes- gruesome and rated R. R!!!! :nanner: I hated that first movie, but this thing looks like it will at least be violent as hell.

How they could take two of the best sci fi creatures ever, each from R-rated movie series, and combine them into that 80 minute steaming loaf of movie crap that was rated PG-13 I'll never get.
