it helps for a good night, thank you! :)
this link is mega awesome, thanks a lot gimp :hatsoff::thumbsup:


haven't you installed or downloaded a pop up killer as well as norton internet security 2004?

i haven't got pop ups and virus because i have nis 2004, a pop up blocker and live update.

when surfing porn nis 2004 and a pop up blocker are need otherwise you would be invaded from pop ups


i have norton internet sec 2003 and the same with norton av 2003.. it caught everything, but still had a lot of pop-ups
then i suggest you to download yahoo pop up blocker that is what i did and it works fine


wassup with thoses billions pop-ups?? I used pop-ups killer and I get tons of theses! :confused:

still thanks!
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anyone have a good pop-up killer against theses?? it's very irratting!!

when I almost cum, i get 6-7 pop-ups and one of theses was a 99 years old grand-ma sucking an ugly bone!! :eek:

no seriously, it will be very welcomed!!